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–>/*—————————————-* * 参数说明: * obj: 对象, 要进行高亮显示的html标签节点. * hlWords: 字符串, 要进行高亮的关键词词, 使用 竖杠(|)或空格 分隔多个词 . * cssClass: 字符串, 定义关键词突出显示风格的css伪类. * 参考资料: javascript HTML DOM 高亮显示页面特定字词 \*—————————————-*/ function MarkHighLight(obj, hlWords, cssClass) { hlWords = AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords); if (obj == null || hlWords.length == 0) return; if (cssClass == null) cssClass = “highlight”; MarkHighLightCore(obj, hlWords); //————执行高亮标记的核心方法—————————- function MarkHighLightCore(obj, keyWords) { var re = new RegExp(keyWords, “i”); for (var i = 0; i < obj.childNodes.length; i++) { var childObj = obj.childNodes[i]; if (childObj.nodeType == 3) { if (childObj.data.search(re) == -1) continue; var reResult = new RegExp("(" + keyWords + ")", "gi"); var objResult = document.createElement("span"); objResult.innerHTML = childObj.data.replace(reResult, "$1“); if (childObj.data == objResult.childNodes[0].innerHTML) continue; obj.replaceChild(objResult, childObj); } else if (childObj.nodeType == 1) { MarkHighLightCore(childObj, keyWords); } } } //———-分析关键词———————- function AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords) { if (hlWords == null) return “”; hlWords = hlWords.replace(/\s+/g, “|”).replace(/\|+/g, “|”); hlWords = hlWords.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, “”); if (hlWords.length == 0) return “”; var wordsArr = hlWords.split(“|”); if (wordsArr.length > 1) { var resultArr = BubbleSort(wordsArr); var result = “”; for (var i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { result = result + "|" + resultArr[i]; } return result.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, ""); } else { return hlWords; } } //—–利用冒泡排序法把长的关键词放前面—– function BubbleSort(arr) { var temp, exchange; for (var i = 0; i = i; j–) { if ((arr[j + 1].length) > (arr[j]).length) { temp = arr[j + 1]; arr[j + 1] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; exchange = true; } } if (!exchange) break; } return arr; } } //—————-end———————— var divObj = document.getElementById(“content”); MarkHighLight(divObj, ‘文章|关键|功能’);

Keyword:美容,生活,购物 var autoTags = new AUTOTAGS.createTagger({}); // Create an instance of the AutoTags tagger autoTags.COMPOUND_TAG_SEPARATOR = ‘_’; // var tagSet = autoTags.analyzeText( ‘text to suggest tags for…’, 10 ); // for ( var t in tagSet.tags ) { var tag = tagSet.tags[t]; … tag.getValue(); // The tag itself }aaaa,/script> .photoleft {float: left; padding:2px 0px 8px 10px; margin: 0; font-size:90%; color: #783f04; font-style:italic; width: 450px;}

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