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香港正面臨最嚴峻的疫情挑戰,本週一晚發現首宗人類感染 H7N9個案,一名印傭在深圳劏雞中招,把病毒帶回香港。政府堅守多時的防線,終告失守。
分析這兩種致命疫症的發生過程,都有一個共通點,就是發病初期患者曾反覆到私家診所求醫,即所謂 Doctor shopping,但醫生都未能及時察覺問題,最後病情不斷惡化,病人最後去到醫院時,已經非常嚴重,印傭要用人工肺吊命,兩名小童更因肺部含膿導致多重器官衰竭死亡。
今次 H7N9及肺炎疫情,暴露了本港基層醫療的不足,加上大陸監控 H7N9疫情求其,各種惡菌病毒趁嚴寒冬季湧入,聖誕未到,警鐘已響。

三十六歲印傭日前確診患上 H7N9禽流感,本週一晚上十一點,食物及衞生局局長高永文在流感大流行應變會議後,馬上召開記者會,指女傭上月十七日從深圳回港,在深圳曾宰雞食雞,現時情況危殆。 

本週一晚上十一時,政府總部外一片漆黑,風聲颼颼,但位於十八樓的食物及衞生局卻燈火通明,這時候,雙眼滿布紅筋,一臉疲倦的食衞局局長高永文,率領旗下一眾高層官員,包括衞生防護中心總監梁挺雄、醫管局行政總裁梁栢賢等,緩緩來到大堂,交代一件他最不想發生的事情,本港首宗人類感染 H7N9病例。記者猶記得本年初一個飯局上,高永文曾誓言旦旦要力保香港零感染,「我成日都 check住,我好緊張!」


根據曾醫治她的屯門醫院感染控制科主任郭德麟醫生所講,這名印傭入院時情況已經很差,但表示她患有某種內科病,入院兩日後已送入深切治療部,用俗稱「人工肺」的呼吸機維持呼吸,不過直至本週二情況有些微好轉,已經不須用人工肺,但仍在深切治療部留醫。而與印傭有接觸的一家十口,在瑪嘉烈醫院接受隔離,經測試後全部均呈陰性,即未有受到感染。消息人士說:「其實真正的問題在大陸,早前(八月)東莞已有一宗確診個案,而家深圳又有一個,中間呢幾個月有咩事發生咗,完全唔知!」當時東莞一名三歲五個月大的周姓男童感染 H7N9,他曾往東莞市一個活雞市場,但大陸消息則指他沒有直接接觸家禽,病情穩定。

「禽流感獵人」管軼教授指出,現時並不擔心香港會如上海一般大規模爆發 H7N9,據以往從外地輸入的 H5N1個案,都沒有擴散開去,反而他擔心大陸的監控做得不足。(羅國輝攝) 

曾預言 H7N9秋冬會再出現,有「禽流感獵人」之稱的港大公共衞生學院教授管軼,今年五月接受本刊訪問時,已指雖然疫情在夏季曾一度沉寂,但由於 H7N9的宿主候鳥將於秋冬南下,散播病毒,到時就會再次出現個案,果然給他「開口中」。本週二他再接受本刊訪問,矛頭則直指內地的防控措施。他批評大陸沒有做好監控,「東莞有個案時,我已經大聲疾呼,希望大陸做好 surveillance(監察),但佢哋到而家都冇做。」記者問他之後香港的疫情會如何發展,他就說:「香港一定唔會好似上海咁多個案咁嚴重,因為香港一早有監控機制,好似○三、○九年本港有零星禽流感個案,但好快就消滅。政府而家停止深圳雞場供應活雞,亦是正確做法。」
大陸防疫意識薄弱,公布的數字又不可盡信,即使香港做足戒備,亦始終會受其所累, H7N9人傳人的風險不高,但雀鳥南下卻成為公眾衞生的重大隱憂,一旦中招,死亡率高達三成,又未有疫苗可保護,威脅依然存在。管軼指如要自保,切勿觸摸禽鳥及雞隻。當然更不要上大陸劏雞。
反覆求醫 延誤病情
這宗本港頭號 H7N9個案響起警號,該名印傭病發期間的治病過程,給大眾一個端倪。原來,這名印傭在港發病時,曾在屯門區看過兩次私家醫生,看一個不退燒,就轉另一個,這種在醫生行內俗稱「反覆求醫」( Doctor shopping)的情況,其實對病人治病並無好處,甚至會出現延誤,病情惡化的反效果,香港公共醫療醫生協會會長傅錦峯醫生說:「反覆求醫的最大問題,是醫生唔會了解到病情的發展,因為第二個醫生可能開番同上一個相同嘅藥,結果睇咗等於無睇,延誤病情,對於變化可以好快的病情,例如禽流感、肺炎鏈球菌等,延誤一、兩日就可以有好大分別。」
上月十二日,在培正小學幼稚園就讀幼兒班 K1的三歲男童,發燒不適,又有咳嗽,其家人先帶他到九龍聖德肋撒醫院門診部求醫,食藥後燒沒有退,於是再帶他去位於同區的播道醫院求醫,但依然未完全退燒,於是又轉看醫生,去位於銅鑼灣的聖保祿醫院求診,惟病情已經惡化,十七日轉送到瑪麗醫院兒科深切治療病房。醫生檢查後發現男童肺內充滿發炎的膿液,即使嘗試插喉入肺抽取亦徒勞無功,最後男童不治。



H7N9及肺炎鏈球菌均可以令下呼吸道感染,會破壞肺部,出現肺炎,在 X光片下可以看見出現花白情況。

身為家庭醫生的香港醫學專科學院主席李國棟,對兩名逝世小童深表痛心,但同時亦對這種反覆求診的方法不表贊同,認為對病人冇好處,「今次肺炎事件正好帶出呢個問題,好多家長帶仔女睇病,淨係針對個病徵,例如發燒有冇退,而唔着重求診過程,同埋發現問題所在,就算去私家醫院睇門診,醫生都只有好少時間睇你,如果你睇完一個唔好就即刻轉下一個,醫生根本都唔了解你的病史。睇小朋友尤其重要,如果有一個固定嘅家庭醫生,熟悉你嘅狀況,知你平日發燒好快就退,今次點解咁耐都唔退,係咪有事?又或者知道邊個湊過小朋友,識得問小朋友在屋企的情況,有冇食慾、活唔活躍,呢啲雖然係好細微嘅事,但從中就可以找到有冇異樣,而唔係純粹你來我就幫你打針,滿足咗家長的要求咁簡單,但呢方面(指基層家庭醫療)香港一直都忽略, Doctor shopping已成為文化,要慢慢去改。」
事實上,基層醫療一旦鬆懈,對整個醫療體系就會變成無形的衝擊。目前寒冷天氣正是所有惡菌病毒的活躍高峰期, H7N9、肺炎已經殺到埋身,造成人命損失,如果政府還未在這方面加強教育及宣傳,即使醫院如何銅牆鐵壁,病毒一樣會在社區爆發四散。



趁冬季南下的候鳥,正是 H7N9的宿主,本港市區經常出現雀蹤,成為另一個散毒的源頭。(江永健攝)


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Daisy經營建材原料公司,在粉嶺廠房外擺放了大量提供予政府部門的花鐵,以實業起家,卻投資於大眾眼中「虛無」的 Bitcoin。 


鍵盤師奶上網掘金 炒 Bitcoin賺百萬

這是一個科網的年代。近日最為網友談論的,非虛擬貨幣 Bitcoin莫屬。○九年,每個 Bitcoin價值只少於一美仙,隨後開始升值,到過去一個月更由$200美元暴升至$1,100美元。 Bitcoin炒風席捲全球,認受性亦提高,美國德州及德國政府已承認 Bitcoin的法定地位。
這股熱潮,已殺入香港。四十多歲的粉嶺師奶 Daisy,兩個月前在電腦前按一個掣,掃入三百粒 Bitcoin,賺了$100萬(港元,下同);自稱走在「科技最前線」、在北角教古箏的導師鄒倫倫,創新讓學生以 Bitcoin交學費,加上自己存貨,已賺近$50萬;就連理工大學的金融博士袁激光,在天水圍的家成立香港首個 Bitcoin交易平台,圖謀搵大錢。由 IT專才到師奶阿叔,已齊齊踩入這股「科網」新思潮,瘋狂掘金。
什麼是 Bitcoin?


Bitcoin在○八年由一個日本人「中本聰」提出,旨在開發一種不經政府或銀行發行的電子貨幣,多少帶點反霸權。中本聰找來網絡上一批難以破解的密碼;只要你能以超級電腦運算並破解一條複雜的數學題,找到密碼,便能得一個 Bitcoin,亦即「開採」成功。難題有限,故 Bitcoin的數量亦只限於二千一百萬個;由於限量版,被指如黃金。愈遲開發,難度及所需時間會愈高;想入局挖「礦」,單是添置電腦裝備,已經要花費數萬元以上,還未計長期開採所需的電費的開支。
不少炒家便寧願在網上交易平台買賣 Bitcoin,全球有幾個較大型的交易平台,如日本的 Mt.Gox、歐洲的 Bitstamp、中國亦有 BTC China,都是不同用家自發成立,非由政府或金融機構監管。現時價格約$1,100-$1,200美元,主要參考現時全球成交量最大的 Bitcoin交易平台 Mt.Gox。追源溯始,當初 Bitcoin的出現,其實是用作電子貨幣,放在電子錢包內,方便進行網上交易。不過,近月來,世界各地都有人把其當成商品,甚至是真正貨幣,認受性大幅提高。
粉嶺師奶 兩月賺百萬

Daisy曾投資土地買賣及股票,發現回報不算理想,在助手推介下得知 Bitcoin,起初不以為然,後發現其價值急升後,大量買入。 

Bitcoin,簡單來說,是一種只在網上通行的虛擬貨幣。現時網上有大量交易平台買賣 Bitcoin,住在粉嶺的四十多歲師奶周女士 Daisy,竟懂得把握機遇,簡簡單單賺了網上第一桶金。「呢個係一場貨幣革命﹗」 Daisy說。 Daisy家住粉嶺,曾從事貿易,○○年開始建築材料生意,專賣斜坡泥釘材料及配件,主要為政府提供建築原料,廠房亦設於粉嶺。在擺滿不同種類花鐵的廠房內, Daisy邊望着電腦上的 Bitcoin價邊說:「升得好快,買慢一日,已經升百幾美元。」以她手持的 Bitcoin計已升值近一倍,價值超過港幣二百五十萬,淨賺至少一百萬元。
Daisy原來在兩個月前才開始入貨,她說一年前 Bitcoin只值八十多元時,助手已向她推薦 Bitcoin的投資價值,「不過當時我無理佢,但開始留意吓。嘩,睇吓睇吓, Bitcoin嘅升值速度極快!我助手又再三向我推薦,我咪開戶口試吓囉,我好記得嗰日個價已經係二千六百幾蚊一粒!」其後 Bitcoin繼續升值, Daisy主要透過美國的交易平台 Bitstamp,不斷逐粒買入,共花了百多萬,現已升值至二百五十多萬元。
Daisy過去亦如一般師奶,投資以中小型物業如居屋、新界廠房,及股票為主,但有感回報太低,「而家好多地都俾人買得七七八八,而且地價好貴。」她聲稱亦曾斥資過百萬投資股票,「二百六十蚊入騰訊( 700),二百八十蚊賣出,結果發現升到而家!」她還買過中國建築( 3311)、理文造紙( 2314),「買股票有賺有蝕,最後都係打和,開始諗咩先係最佳回報嘅投資方法。」

Bitstamp是其中一個著名的 Bitcoin交易平台,以十二月一日為例,其交易總量為五萬四千多個 Bitcoin,僅次於 BTC China和 Mt.Gox。 

Daisy對 Bitcoin深信不疑,皆因她試過成功套現。她的女兒在外國讀書,故曾把 Bitcoin傳送到澳洲的交易平台,賣出再套現為澳元,讓在當地讀書的女兒繳付學費。「真係方便過銀行㗎﹗」她看好 Bitcoin前景,認為終能取代現有貨幣,「我對貨幣無信心。你睇美國出咗幾次 QE(量化寬鬆),一唔夠錢就印銀紙,變相紙幣持有人就少咗錢,好唔公平!」
相反,由於 Bitcoin發行量早已限制在二千一百萬粒, Daisy認為數目有限,無法濫製,且不屬於任何一個國家或團體,交易是絕對的公平公正,「我唔會炒,我打算長揸到下一代,送俾個女。呢排就係班中國大媽都開始買入,所以先推高咗。」 Daisy續說:「內地可能有第一間 Bitcoin銀行,今次中國就比香港行得快,香港呢方面視野太窄。」本週日採訪時,她正看財爺曾俊華在網誌中說 Bitcoin屬投機性質, Daisy大彈香港人投資概念:「太保守,唔夠進取。」 Bitcoin是否存在泡沫, Daisy已一於少理,全情投入。
北角導師 賺 Bitcoin當收入
眼前的鄒倫倫,一頭長髮,斯斯文文,想不到作風卻相當前衞;她位於北角渣華道的「鄒倫倫古箏學院」,三個月前開始接受學生以 Bitcoin付款。鄒倫倫師承有「古箏之王」稱號的趙玉齋老師,她亦曾教模特兒熊黛林彈古箏。曾在澳洲、紐西蘭、美國教學及演出的她,有不少外國學生,她說:「為了可以遙距教班學生,○四年我已經開始用 Skype視像教學,不單一對一,還可以一對四!」效果不俗,令她對網絡科技更有信心。○九年,首次有於矽谷工作的學生向她提及 Bitcoin,「那時候也不覺得是投資工具,只是稍微關注一下。」直到 Bitcoin由一個平平無奇的貨幣升到八百多元一粒時,她才花了一萬六千多元,在交易平台 Bitstamp買入二十個「試玩」。
買入第一批 Bitcoin不足一星期,便升了幾個價位,「那時有外國透過視像上課的學生,問可否用 Bitcoin付款,我才發現在外國已變得普及,於是又試試。」每四十五分鐘一堂的收費,約收 0.06至 0.07個 Bitcoin,折算港幣大約五百元。「但係 Bitcoin個價錢升得太急了。」其網站亦需每八小時,更新一次兌換率的價目表。她說收 Bitcoin當學費的手續簡單,於交易平台登記戶口後,便會獲得一組地址,再把地址以密碼或 QR Code的方式傳送給學生,對方即可透過自己的電子銀包,發送 Bitcoin到其戶口。發送的手續費只需 0.0003個 Bitcoin,接收則費用全免。

鄒倫倫曾於澳洲、歐美等地任教及演出,有不少國外學生提及 Bitcoin,發現大勢所趨,才引入作付款方式。 


是冒險 值得嘗試

鄒倫倫表示自己現時擁有約一百個 Bitcoin,她向記者展示自己於 Bitstamp的電子銀包,裡面存有八十多個 Bitcoin( BTC)。 

「而家已經有三十多個學生以 Bitcoin付款,一共收到的學費總共約十五個 Bitcoin。」鄒倫倫興奮地說。她亦注意到 Bitcoin已經滲入本港,「原本只是外地學生才知道,現在終於有香港學生問怎樣開戶口了。」除了收 Bitcoin當學費,另一邊廂,她亦密密入貨。她在電腦打開其 Bitcoin錢包予記者看,並表示這兩、三個月間,已前後買入六十多粒 Bitcoin,如今擁有接近一百粒,總值八十多萬,並會繼續買貨。
「溫哥華也首先推出了 Bitcoin兌換現金的提款系統( ATM),你就知道有多普及了。」而她亦注意到中國不少投資者亦開始把資金注入 Bitcoin,令價格進一步上升,「一千美元算好嗎?再過幾個月就一千五了,到明年這個時候,可能是兩千,也不必驚訝。」她更指 Bitcoin的投資熱正在「燃燒」。她深知火紅火熱之時會有風險,但認為這次冒險,值得嘗試。

自稱為「中本聰」的日本網民,提出網絡上有一批難以破解的密碼,只要用超級電腦運算並破解,獲得答案,便可得到 Bitcoin。 Bitcoin只有二千一百萬個,供應有限,被當作虛擬貨幣使用。 

獲取 Bitcoin的方法是「挖礦」,用家要以超級電腦進行「開採」,最初設定為每十分鐘會產生一個礦坑,每個坑含有一至五十個 Bitcoin不等。但隨着挖掘的人愈來愈多,數量愈來愈少,挖掘的難度不斷提升。 

因開採成本大,回報未明。用家轉移至網上交易平台,以傳統貨幣買入或賣出 Bitcoin。 

世界第一宗交易是,有程式員以一萬個 Bitcoin購入兩塊薄餅。其後愈來愈多商戶接受以 Bitcoin付款,認受性大增,尤以外國為甚,在加拿大可用來買樓,在塞浦路斯則可用來交大學學費。 

天水圍的家 搭 Bitcoin平台

袁激光於城大當研究員,一年前辭職,創立香港第一個 Bitcoin交易平台「位元通」,他對 Bitcoin前景看好,認為終能取代現有貨幣。 

住在天水圍嘉湖山莊的袁激光( Laser),是 Bitcoin狂熱分子;他把 Bitcoin比喻為「有翅膀的黃金」,「不同的是, Bitcoin的傳遞方式,比黃金更快更方便!」他是河北人,於當地大學修讀電腦學士及碩士學位後,再到香港理工大學攻讀金融工程博士學位,並定居香港。畢業後,他曾於投資銀行做對沖基金,後來到城大任職電腦工程研究員,薪高糧準有前途。但去年六月,他毅然辭職,開發 Bitcoin交易平台「位元通」( Bitcashout),瞓身 Bitcoin事業。
他的辦公室,就是天水圍嘉湖山莊家中的書房。「我租用了美國雲端系統儲存資料,只要透過電腦作遠端操控,保持運作穩定即可。」「位元通」的盈利,來自顧客買賣 Bitcoin時,收取百分之零點二的手續費。袁激光坦言,外國有很多交易平台,但香港暫時只有這一家,「現在約有一千多個會員,一開始只有身在香港的外國人作交易,甚少本地人。我曾向親戚或朋友推介 Bitcoin,但他們都不以為然,也不會投資。」直到近一個月 Bitcoin的價值屢創新高,終於有不少香港人向他查詢買賣事宜。

用家向「位元通」買賣 Bitcoin,須把現金匯入袁激光於恒生銀行設立的公司戶口,一切只靠一個「信」字。曾有一間在本地註冊,名為 GBL的債券公司,自搭 Bitcoin交易平台,在獲得客戶匯款後忽然倒閉,令大批內地顧客來港追討。袁激光為了提升用家對他的信心,會建議顧客盡量縮短資金以存款模式放於「位元通」戶口的時間,而且可以買入 0.01的 Bitcoin,即大概八十五元,一試可知龍與鳳。
袁激光對 Bitcoin的前景抱有極大期望,讚到只應天上有,「它( Bitcoin)實在太美了,比一切貨幣來得更完美!」對於大眾無法徹底了解 Bitcoin背後的運作原理,可能會影響信心,袁激光反擊指:「沒有多少人知道紙幣背後發行的原理,因流行了以後,也就自然的用起來了。」他手頭的 Bitcoin已升值二十一倍!相信亦是信心來源。
Bitcoin公司 殺入香港


今年十月,全球第一部 Bitcoin自動櫃員機,在加拿大溫哥華一家咖啡店面世,可兌換傳統真實貨幣及 Bitcoin,推出當日已有八十一名使用者,交易額超過一萬美元。(法新社圖片) 


全球首個用 Bitcoin交易時裝網站 Bisfash.com在今年四月成立,能夠買到大型連鎖店 Zara及 forever21的服飾。 

Bitcoin面世近五年,早年的價格一直徘徊在一美元以下。至今年四月,塞浦路斯陷入歐債危機,嚇得投資者轉移陣地至虛擬貨幣市場, Bitcoin的認受性開始多人關注。上月開始,這股炒風炒到中國,不少「中國大媽」紛紛搶貨,令 Bitcoin價值竟於一個月間由$200美元暴升至最高$1,200美元。「股壇長毛」 David Webb認為, Bitcoin這種「貨幣」要成功須有更多平台接受作買賣,令其成為一種有普及性的交易貨幣。但現時大部分持有 Bitcoin者都只是長揸等升值,「不用來消費,又怎普及?」不普及的話,最終大家又會一窩蜂沽出。他揚言 Bitcoin體系遲早崩潰,「買金跌價,我都可以用來做珠寶或器具,尚有一定價值。但 Bitcoin只是一堆數字,跌價就咩都無。而家嘅 Bitcoin只係一場投機遊戲,如果你鍾意去賭場玩兩手,隨便!」
中大全球政經碩士客席講師黃元山,亦認為 Bitcoin被當作貨幣或商品去炒,相當危險,「而家升得急,大家就搏入市,走一轉,但記住佢無內涵值,無利息,不論運作風險同信用風險都好高,大家都好難掌握佢嘅運作,就算銀紙亂咁印,幾衰都仲叫有個政府睇住。 Bitcoin作為投資,就只係一個接火棒遊戲。」但他認同 Bitcoin是一個偉大發明,「無可否認,從一個 exchange角度去睇,係一個幾有趣嘅概念,佢嘅交易成本咁低,亦無地域限制,非常方便。不過要進一步發展,需要嘅規模係更大,應用嘅地方更多,有機會成為另類嘅電子交易平台。」

IT從業員 James Howells把儲存 Bitcoin密碼的硬碟丟棄,見財化水, James卻在訪問指:「並沒有失去什麼。」(美聯社圖片) 

Bitcoin由筆名「 Satoshi Nakamoto」(中本聰)的作者於○八年在密碼學研究網站提出,有跡象顯示中本聰不是一個人,而是一個團體。有人試圖拆解這個名字是四家科技公司的縮寫: SAmsung(三星)、 Toshiba(東芝)、 NAKAmichi(中道)和 MOTOrola(摩托羅拉); Bitcoin官方基金會的簡介則指,中本聰其實已離開計劃,他的身份仍然是一個謎。

Bitcoin引發熱潮,市場湧現八十多種虛擬貨幣,有 Namecoin(名幣)、 Peercoin(點點幣)、 Bbqcoin(燒烤幣)等,統稱為 Altcoin( Alt為 alternative,即替代品)。當中最厲害是市值近三億美元的 Bitcoin改良版 Litecoin(萊特幣),總發行量為八千四百萬,比 Bitcoin多四倍,挖掘毋須超級電腦。但究竟有幾多網站接受這些虛擬貨幣呢,暫時未有人知。

趣用 Bitcoin
用 Bitcoin買車買樓毫不新奇,但有一對美國新婚夫婦,於今年六月環遊世界一百天,挑戰全程只用 Bitcoin,更拍攝成紀錄片。加州有生育專家,破格接受 Bitcoin付款,收費三十個 Bitcoin為一對夫婦進行胚胎移植,其後這對夫婦誕下的便是全球首個「 Bitcoin BB」。

一名英國 IT從業員聲稱因不小心將藏有 Bitcoin的電子銀包密碼硬碟,丟到堆填區,共七千五百個價值近六千萬港幣的 Bitcoin付諸流水。


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 免責聲明. 本網站所載資料只供一般參考之用。我們會竭力提供一個方便、實用而且資料豐富的網站,並確保一般的資料準確無誤。但並不對該等資料的準確性作出任何明示或隱含的保證。


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Buyippee負責人 Stanley話每年十一、二月是代運的高峰期,做到冇停手。
去外國網站 shopping,最麻煩是郵寄手續。雖然大部分購物網站都提供海外速遞服務,但收費貴,如果去不同網站購物,分開寄回香港,條數就更襟計。最好搵香港的 「代運」公司幫手,會為會員提供當地收貨地址,可以等收齊幾個網站的「戰利品」,先一次過寄返香港,慳盡運費。香港代運公司 Buyippee負責人 Stanley話,「因為外國購物網入貨量大,成本比香港平好多,所以減價幅度可以好驚人。」他說平常代運只需一個禮拜,就可運返香港,「不過,十二月是 網購旺季,運輸比較花時間,要預多幾日買先可以在聖誕前送到,舉例如果在美國、英國網購,最遲 12月 10日前就要落 order,日本就可以在 12月 13日前落單,都仲寄得切。」

1.去代運公司網站登記成為會員,然後就會收到確認 email,內裡會提供外國網購的收貨地址。

網址: http://www.buyippee.com
代運收費:$50/ 1kg,另加$20手續費(日本、美國、英國)
網址: http://www.gtm.com

平 38%
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1R
日本 A-price約$15,000

平 33%
Panasonic Lumia DMC-GX7連 20mm鏡頭
日本 Camera會館約$6,500

平 36%
Sonyα NEX-5T連 16-50mm鏡頭
日本 Amazon約$3,850

平 45%
Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX7
美國 Amazon約$2,200

講起網購,一定會諗起「 Amazon」(日本: http://www.amazon.co.jp 、美國: http://www.amazon.com ),由衫褲鞋襪、書籍、遊戲至電子產品都有,而且成日都會有大量折扣產品。不過如果想慳得更多,可以睇埋以下三個網站,隨時執到寶。

網址: http://www.kakaku.com
網址: http://www.dealnews.com
網址: http://www.retailmenot.com
美國的 coupon網站,不時提供各購物網(如 Amazon、 BestBuy等)的額外折扣電子 coupon。
大部分信用卡於海外購物結賬時,都需要另付約 1.5%手續費。雖然「銀聯」信用卡可豁免手續費,但不少外國網站都不支援銀聯,得物無所用。近月 CitiBank推出「 Clear」信用卡,毋須登記,於海外網購可享 2%現金回贈,抵銷完手續費後仲有賺。

1.須留意不同國家消費稅,例如於日本網站購物時,標價大都已包含稅款( 5%);而美國因不同州份稅率不同,所以輸入地址時先會知道實際稅款。如果選擇香港代運美國產品的話,可以考慮有提供「免稅州份」地址的代運公司,其中 Buyippee提供的俄勒岡州( Oregon)地址就毋須付消費稅,慳得更多。
3.衣衫鞋襪如果不合身,或者購買的電子產品出現問題,其實可搵代運公司退貨,不過當然要另收運費。另外,購買電子產品時,亦要留意有否國際保養以及是否對應香港的 220V電壓。


無痛對焦 Canon EOS 70D
採用全新 Dual Pixel CMOS AF Sensor,利用雙倍密度的感光點,大幅提升對焦的準確度及速度,無論影相抑或 Live View拍片,幾乎一按即到。
售價:$8,480(淨機身)、$11,380(連 EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM鏡頭)
網址: http://www.canon.com.hk

鄧達智 時裝設計師
籌備緊明年拍部微電影,所以想搵部單反試效果,聽朋友話 Canon 70D對焦幾快,所以心思思好想買。

自拍神器 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-QX100
Sony今年力推的無線鏡頭,可無線連接手機,用作遙控影相或過相,鏡頭可以隨處擺,取景構圖更靈活。硬件規格亦不失禮,配備 2020萬像素 1吋感光元件,最大光圈 F1.8,影相質素何止贏 DC機仔一個馬鼻。
網址: http://www.sony.com.hk

彭秀慧 舞台劇演員及導演
輕巧取勝 Panasonic Lumix GM1
換鏡細機一向標榜輕盈小巧,要數最細部,就肯定是 Panasonic新機 Lumix GM1,採用鎂合金機身,堅硬得來只重 173g,而且復古外形又有睇頭,男女通殺。
售價:$ 6,490(連 LUMIX G VARIO 12-32mm/ F3.5-5.6 ASPH./ MEGA O.I.S.鏡頭)
網址: http://www.panasonic.hk
破格曲芒  LG G Flex
採用彎曲屏幕已經夠破格,機背仲有自動修復刮花功能,可以在朋友面前表演刮花部機,製造話題,而且機能強勁, 6吋芒配 1300萬像素相機,大可重拾當年「蕉」 phone風采。
網址: http://www.lg.com

新加指模  iPhone 5s
用上全新 A7處理器兼配備指紋識別,加上提升影相質素同新增慢動作拍片,雖然部機炒不起,但收到無理由會嫌棄。
售價: 16GB•$5,588、 32GB•$6,388、 64GB•$7,188
網址: http://www.apple.com/hk

路芙 新城 DJ
用緊 iPhone 5,自己俾錢換機好似唔多值,有人送就最好。
主打影相  Sony Xperia Z1
具備 2070萬像素相機的 Z1,影相質素有保證。採用 5吋屏幕外仲支援 IP55/ IP58防水防塵,聖誕 party亂噴香檳都不怕淋濕。
網址: http://www.sonymobile.com/hk
大芒視窗  Nokia 1520
緊貼大市推出 6吋芒機種,其他規格更是現時頂級之選,最好玩是 Refocus app可以先影相後對焦,一個功能已經足以氹到收禮人開開心心。
網址: http://www.nokia.com/hk-zh

高清王者  iPad mini with Retina display
新機規格同 iPad Air幾乎一樣,只是屏幕細少少得 7.9吋,但就配備 Retina Display,解像度達 2048× 1536,成功擊敗同級對手,成為新一代高清王者。
售價:$3,088起( 16GB Wi-Fi版)
網址: http://www.apple.com

楊洛婷 藝人
成日要四圍走,有部 tablet跟身方便好多,新 iPad mini夠輕,畫面質素強勁,用來睇片的確一流。
iPad殺手  Nexus 7
講價錢,第二代 Nexus 7好抵買, 7吋全高清屏幕、 Snapdragon S4 Pro四核心處理器、 2GB RAM再加埋支援 4G LTE網絡,開價只是二千幾,平得來又不失禮。
售價:$2,398( 16GB Wi-Fi版)
網址: http://www.google.com/nexus/7
襯絕手機  LG G Pad 8.3
嫌 Nexus 7細, G Pad 8.3會是另一好選擇,最大賣點是可透過「 QPair」程式,自動連接所有 Android手機上網,仲可以同步顯示手機來電、短訊等通知。拎住平板睇片時有短訊,就毋須特地取出手機,直接用平板就可以回覆。
售價:$2,698( 16GB)
網址: http://www.lg.com

輕巧潮機  iPad Air
用慣 9.7吋芒,未必鍾意 iPad mini。其實 iPad Air比起舊機輕 28%,只重 469g,重新演繹「物輕情義重」。
售價:$3,888起( 16GB Wi-Fi版)
網址: http://www.apple.com

盛智文 蘭桂坊集團主席
仲用緊舊 iPad,不過因為幾重,好多時放在屋企塵封; iPad Air輕好多,所以最想換部新機過聖誕。

無線過料  Fitbit Flex
今年開始流行的運動手帶,可記低每日卡路里消耗量、行走距離及睡眠質素外,同時支援 RunKeeper同 Endomondo等運動 apps,可將數據無線同步到電腦或手機!
網址: http://www.fitbit.com

利世民 財經專家
後期好玩  Sony HDR-AS30V
新推出的 action cam支援 Wi-Fi、 NFC無線連接手機,亦可獨立用 GPS記錄路線、 170度廣角配合慢動作攝錄,以及後期將速度、地圖等資訊放入片,比 GoPro更多玩法。
售價: HDR-AS30V•$2,680、防水殼•$329
網址: http://www.sony.com.hk

社交打氣  Jawbone Up
功能同 Fitbit Flex運動手帶差不多,但加入社交功能,只要在專用 app上以 facebook登入,就識自動搵出其他 Up用家,互相打氣。
網址: http://www.jawbone.com

陳志全 立法會議員
即時上載  iHealth Wi-Fi磅
上磅不只睇到體重,仲睇埋脂肪、體脂率、肌肉比重、體內水分等多種資料,兼且可以即時將資料 Wi-Fi傳送到手機或 tablet,瘦身人士至 Like。
網址: http://www.ihealthlabs.com
聖誕最 Like禮物
除了這四類禮物,編輯部都有各自各的 wish list。
終於輪到「大 MM」

一直「想買,又唔想買」精工( Seiko)嘅大 MM( SBDX001, Marine Master 300m,廿五萬日圓,「通常」有七折),原因係香港貴過日本好多。隨住近半年日圓匯價回落,水貨頂多貴日本幾百蚊……最近,水貨大 MM香港賣唔使萬四,貼近日本售價!又到聖誕,呢個「平過去日本買」嘅理由,仲唔係「送份聖誕禮物俾自己」嘅好藉口!大 MM, go go go!



收過好多聖誕禮物,可惜,印象中次次都唔多啱心水。老實講,張 wish list已經唔算另類,只係 timming唔夠好,好似啱啱換咗手機,就收到嗰部手機嘅專用配件;一賣晒套鏡,就有人送部單反 body嚟,搞到有機冇鏡玩……
唔想再咁邪,今年索性講明喇,時下咁多款相機,最想要係 FujiFilm部 Instax mini 90,貪部機外形夠晒復古,拎去聖誕、除夕 party影相,仲可以即刻送張實相俾人,夠晒心意。



講起想收到的聖誕禮物,原本就諗 Sonyα 7R,但係諗諗吓自己又好少拎部相機出去影相,一定得個擺字。所以講求實用的話就首選 PS4,真心講句,跟機推出嘅遊戲只係得《 Killzone》同埋《真•三國無雙 7猛將傳》有興趣買,其餘都只係「炒冷飯」作品。始終聖誕新年特別多朋友上嚟玩、開 party,放部新機喺客廳,個個都一定會 Like。


12月 17日 PS4推出,如果沒有訂購,好大可能要捱炒價先買到機。

上星期五 Nike同孩之寶合作推出 Nike CJ81 Megatron Rises 3-Pack( 550美元,約$4,290),包括 Air Trainer SC II、 CJ81 Trainer Max、 CJ81 Elite TD Cleat三對鞋同一個 5吋麥加登變形模型,而且鞋身多個位置都有狂派標誌,仲要限量 81套,一睇到已經雙眼發光。套裝雖然已經賣清光,不過仲可以喺 eBay搵,炒價大約$17,000以上。今個聖誕節收到,一定開心到震!



聖誕節指定節目,當然是同另一半去感受聖誕氣氛,香港不少大型商場已做好燈飾布置,部分更用卡通主題包裝,女士見到一定鍾意。如果再花點心思構圖,影出來的相,放上 facebook都會特別多 Like過人。

巨鐘聖誕樹  1881 Heritage

通常聖誕裝飾離不開聖誕樹及聖誕鐘,今年尖沙咀 1881 Heritage就以 1881個聖誕鐘砌成一棵巨型聖誕樹,有 11米高,而且仲會自動旋轉播音樂,企定定已可影到聖誕樹不同造型。旁邊設有 35個不同造型的小天使公仔及聖誕鐘造型裝飾,好似進入童話世界一樣。


由聖誕鐘組成的巨型聖誕樹,配合埋 1881 Heritage的古典建築,影相效果不錯。

只坐入場景同天使合照,好悶,反而「借」翼扮美女天使,效果就活潑好多。( 1/100s、 F7、 ISO 2500)
特大蒲公英 皇后像廣場

每年中環皇后像廣場都會有巨型聖誕裝飾,今年雖然無聖誕樹同埋旋轉木馬,但就用了三萬六千粒 LED燈砌出三座約五層樓高的蒲公英燈飾,配合埋旁邊的高樓大廈夜景,別有一番風味。另外,今年亦設有祝願卡,影完相後再寫上願望就可以掛上去,情侶必去。

只同「蒲公英」合照,好多時都變成景大人細,效果未必好,不妨轉換角度將花頭變成「米奇」頭飾,成件事即時變得可愛。( 1/32s、 F10、 ISO 6400)

公仔引芳心 朗豪坊

女士大多鍾意卡通人物,朗豪坊今年以一批 Sanrio卡通角色配合俄羅斯建築做主題,包括 Hello Kitty、大口仔、 Monkichi、 XO企鵝等現身扮鬼扮馬,點都有一隻得女友歡心。
奇幻聖誕 時代廣場

近年商場都鍾意搵藝術家搞聖誕裝飾,其中時代廣場的露天廣場就同阿根廷 藝術家 Javier Gonzalez Burgos合作,以女孩誤闖聖誕森林為主題,放置超過 36隻得意動物供遊人影相,而大堂就用家居景配合不同機動裝置增加視覺效果,影相影到攰,可以上去玩陣先再影過。
單車亮燈  ifc

商場在聖誕節加入裝飾吸引人流,通常都極盡浮誇,好似 ifc以單車為主題就較為少見。在設計成森林的聖誕燈飾區入面有 11架單車,每架單車都連接發電裝置及不同聖誕燈飾,要踩部單車燈飾先會亮起。而且每踩夠一公里,商場就會送一份早餐俾基層兒童,既可以影靚相又可以做善 事,一舉兩得。

背景燈飾全部靜止,同踩單車動作就格格不入。可用 DSLR或換鏡細機,配合慢快門及後簾閃燈同步功能,按下快門時再以鏡頭為軸心向左或右轉動相機,就能營造出旋轉背景效果,主題又夠突出。( 1/30s、 F5.7、 ISO 320)

如果同時有 11個人踩單車,燈光效果會加強,而且更會播放音樂助興。
米奇現身 海港城

鍾意迪士尼卡通人物的話,今年聖誕節就要去尖沙咀海港城的露天廣場,因為放置了大量迪士尼明星,例如米奇、胡迪、毛毛、單眼仔、史迪仔、 MO仔等等,全部都可以近距離接觸。每晚更有燈飾表演,一家大細最適合。

星空聖誕 新城市廣場

以歐洲式建築加上 LED燈裝飾,夠浪漫。
想營造浪漫氣氛,月亮同星星點少得。香港要見到靚星空,未必一定要去郊區,例如沙田新城市廣場入面的 Starlight Romance,用了十萬粒紫色及粉紅色 LED燈打造人造星光,每隔半個鐘仲有投射匯演,既適合影相又適合談心。

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Gitzel Giuliette Care

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 免責聲明. 本網站所載資料只供一般參考之用。我們會竭力提供一個方便、實用而且資料豐富的網站,並確保一般的資料準確無誤。但並不對該等資料的準確性作出任何明示或隱含的保證。

開工暈眩 陳豪禁接 job 陳茵媺 43吋巨肚

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陳豪與陳茵媺一直向外間公布首個愛情結晶品是個「Christmas Baby」,預計「豪仔」在聖誕至新年期間出世,陳豪原本昨午三時到尖沙咀出席無綫官方刊物所舉辦的頒獎禮活動,向來甚少失場的陳豪竟臨時甩底,至中午才 通知大會聲稱因患病未能出席活動。由於事出突然,相信陳豪是趕往醫院陪伴太太分娩。陳豪今晚將到金鐘出席聖誕亮燈活動,記者聯絡過主辦單位,已確認陳豪會 如期出席,令人相信向來「識做」的陳豪會將「豪仔」出世這份大禮物留待今晚活動中才公布,為活動爭取見報率以回饋廣告客戶。
開工暈眩 陳豪禁接job 陳茵媺43吋巨肚月中生
「小Mo子」原本預計本月中出世,陳茵媺因為之前獨自駕車外出,試過發生交通意外,最終被陳豪「軟禁」,要她留家安胎。被禁出街呻悶,陳茵媺於是向 老公又扭計又詐嬌,上星期五(二十九日),陳豪見自己要去銅鑼灣做活動,於是帶埋老婆行孖咇,陳豪開工,豪嫂就在附近 shopping。
由於天氣已轉冷,大肚陳茵媺打定底,羊毛底衫、 leggings貼身保暖,外面再加一件闊身厚褸,包無閃失。已沒有公開露面接近三個月的她,肚皮極速脹大,據知大肚婆體重由原本一百零八磅,增至接近一 百六十磅,肚圍更去到四十三吋,比過去 fit到漏身形,足足多了二十吋。

Hermes Garden Party


一收到老公電話,陳茵媺就停手 shopping,去會合老公。


由筍盤到愛妻號,陳豪為求陳茵媺得到妥貼照顧,無論婚前婚後,到佗 B期間,一直花盡心思,頭號好老公。
今年九月尾,老婆由加拿大返港前,陳豪專誠到上環一間參茸店買冬蟲草和花膠,準備補品給陳茵媺養胎,仲要唔貴唔買,最終豪使 50萬埋單。
娶得美人歸,陳豪為咗令陳茵媺有個美好回憶,刻意到消費極貴的巴黎舉行婚禮,又豪請家人和賓客,五日四夜花近 300萬。
送 Hermes
兩人拍拖時,陳豪為搏女友歡心,豪買 15萬 Hermes birkin手袋,升呢做陳太後,陳茵媺更加要乜有乜,身上件件名牌,拎嘅唔係 Hermes就係 Chanel。


陳茵媺是長胎不長肉,除了個肚,下半身位置,和面完全無異樣,就算生得,亦沒有出現水腫,下巴依然 V煞。「無論 Aimee(陳茵媺)想食乜,阿 Mo(陳豪)都會準備好,奶奶又一個星期煲幾次花膠鮮奶,再加其他補品俾新抱同個孫食, Aimee想輕啲都難。早排佢哋去照 4D,見到 BB已經好大隻,醫生話 BB喺肚裡面發育得好好,好吸收,應該會係重磅 BB。」陳豪身邊人說。
陳豪做活動預一個鐘,陳茵媺 shopping時間有限,精挑禦寒衣物,見有記者影相,她反應極快,戴上黑超主動打招呼,問她有否買 BB嘢,她說:「行吓街咋!」收到老公電話後,陳茵媺即刻收手,行去隔籬街會合陳豪,沿途有市民問她陳豪呢?豪嫂即笑笑口指住對面馬路:「嗰個傻仔咪係 囉!」相當搞笑。兩公婆會合後,陳豪第一時間主動接過老婆手上的購物袋,之後變身保鑣,從後護住陳茵媺上車,相當體貼。

週二( 3/12),陳豪與陳茵媺去到柴灣一間影樓,問到他們是否影大肚寫真,他們笑笑口唔肯答。

開工暈眩 陳豪禁接job 陳茵媺43吋巨肚
陳豪已經做好準備,在比華利山愛巢布置好 BB房。


據陳豪身邊人透露,陳茵媺今次挺住巨肚自己行街,陳豪事前考慮了好一陣才答應。事實上,由加拿大返港安胎這段時間,豪嫂原本打算接一些輕鬆又不花時 間的商業活動,賺錢兼打發時間;十月中,她連續出席了兩個手錶及酒店活動後,因為體力透支有見暈情況出現,嚇到陳豪立即下令叫停,嚴禁老婆再接 job,還要盡量留家休息,賺奶粉錢重要,陳豪密密做,自己嚟!
「 Aimee佗 B出騷價升咗近兩倍,由原本八萬跳到二十萬,如果加埋陳豪一齊,最平嗰個都俾到五十萬,見到啲錢係咁送埋嚟, Aimee梗係想幫老公手,但每次出活動單係化妝整頭,最少要坐定定三個鐘,佢又貪靚要著高踭鞋,有時企成粒幾兩粒鐘,仲要不停做訪問,做完一次活動就成 個人冇晒精神,有次仲見暈,阿 Mo見到老婆咁好心痛,即係叫經理人幫 Aimee推晒之後嘅 job,保守計,起碼賺少三百萬。」陳豪身邊人說。


自從陳茵媺有咗,陳豪已力勸老婆退出幕前,兩公婆更為此出現分歧,愛妻號陳豪明知陳茵媺仍對演戲未心息,更打算產後盡快修身復出,兩人經仔細考慮, 最終講掂數,最快要等到 BB一歲生日,豪嫂才復出接劇。未來一年,陳豪要孭起一家三口重責,臨近停工陪產前作最後衝刺,過去一星期,陳豪出席了五個收錢活動,衝破紀錄!之後再陪 豪嫂坐月三個月,到明年三月,才正式復工,以及宣布日後去向。

星期日,陳茵媺又趁陳豪工作空檔,去中環 IFC行街 shopping,等陳豪收工後一齊返屋企。

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【 Cheers! Hot Picks】


Fashionably Clicquot$470( Oliver’s)
拿走包裝盒外蓋,下半部的摺疊條狀即散開似百褶裙一樣,唔只靚,仲有實際功效,當冰桶放香檳。附上 Brut Yellow Label,型到咁,最啱攞去開 party送禮。

揀一支酒,絕對反映你的個人品味,著得靚,但係便利店隨手執支幾十蚊紅酒?即刻跌 watt啦。 Budget冇上限,當然大把有得揀,就算要大手入貨看門口,一樣有好多限量版特別版平平貴貴任你揀。

Champagne Drappier Carte d’Or 2013$370( city super)
三角形聖誕禮盒由平面設計師 Benny Au設計,五種顏色代表品牌釀製香檳的重要元素如土壤、藤蔓等,紫色代表黑皮諾葡萄,全港限量 1,200套。
Golden Glimmer Chiller$420(右)
Happy New Year 2014$378( Oliver’s)
Moet& Chandon全新特別版,金屬盒四邊有凹凸菱形,可當保溫盒重複使用,夠環保。 2014新年限量版是香港獨家, fans必儲。
Champagne Oudinot Cuvee Brut$598(馬莎)
以 Marcel Wanders立體雪花圖案禮盒盛載,入口帶有清新的奶油及檸檬香。
The Pass Sauvignon Blanc$65( Winerack)
紐西蘭 Marlborough出品的有氣白酒,感覺輕盈和 dry,富熱帶果實香,可配沙律。
Prestige des Sacres$200( Winerack)
法國香檳 Brut Prestige帶白色花、桃、杏和蘋果清香,比一般香檳平一截,抵買。
Absolut Originality$199( Oliver’s)
Chateau D’esclans Les Clans Rose 1.5L$1,610( Jebsen)
Dom Perignon 2003粉紅年份香檳$2,980(前)
限量珍藏套裝由著名藝術家 Jeff Koons設計,以他的雕塑作品 Balloon Venus鮮艷反光顏色及線條融入酒瓶中,搶眼至極。
Maray Sweet Muscat 2010$45(右)
El Chaparral Garnacha 2011$95( Winerack)
網 購店 Winerack向酒莊直接入貨,其中有 Robert Parker評分 90分以上,但一百元有找。白酒推介智利 Maray遲收成的麝香葡萄,順滑易入口,果香清新, Parker俾 91分。紅酒推介西班牙 Chaparral,帶朱古力和胡椒醇香, Parker 90分。
Non Alcoholic Mulled Punch$68(左)
Red Mulled Wine$78(馬莎)
Xmas market必飲的暖紅酒,無酒精版以果汁加礦泉水調成。紅酒版本加了肉桂、丁香、豆蔻等香料,加熱再加片橙,又香又暖笠笠。
Croft Pink Port$161( Jebsen)
粉紅砵酒是 white port摻入了葡萄皮,入口帶櫻桃和蜜糖香,口味比一般砵酒輕柔,雪凍、加冰或加梳打水都可以,啱女仔。
Ayala Brut Rose$549( Jebsen)
粉紅香檳以 51% Chardonnay釀製,散發着紅色果實的香氣,入口清新平衡,配三文魚或士多啤梨、紅莓等甜品都一流。
Shop List

city super: 2736 3866
Jebsen Fine Wines︰ 2926 2269
Oliver’s The Delicatessen︰ 2869 5119
Winerack網址: http://www.winerack.com.hk/store/ch/
馬莎︰ 2921 8323連卡佛︰ 2118 2288



【提早預約最紅餐廳 名牌香檳金色浪漫】


歡度浪漫佳節,怎少得一支靚香檳?今年最當紅的品牌,必然非 Louis Roederer的 Cristal莫屬。 Louis Roederer是法國五大香檳酒莊之一,昔日為俄國沙皇家族御用品牌,以香氣芬芳及氣泡細緻見稱,個多月前在港開設全球首間主題餐廳,成為飲食界話題, 與另一半在此過聖誕,絕對加分。
餐廳由本地著名設計師 Steve Leung操刀,搭上餐廳專用電梯,經過陳列着矜貴罕有的香檳酒櫃,才到達用餐區。如天幕般圓拱形的天花,配合柔和的香檳金燈光,極富氣派。好明顯這種環境極適合情侶撐枱腳,沒有一家大細及一大班人在旁滋擾,氣氛特別浪漫優雅。
平 安夜晚上只提供六道菜套餐,菜式由行政總廚 Stanley設計,用了不少時令食材如白松露、鵝胸等。可惜套餐不包香檳,推介柯打剛推出的 2006年 Cristal,市面仍未有售,最適合配搭前菜的海鮮菜式。侍酒師 Gary稱:「這年份酸度較高,帶杏脯、檸檬皮等果香,配套餐內的法國生蠔、藍龍蝦及帶子,可突出海鮮鮮味。」主菜二選一,鵝胸是冬天才供應的食材,鵝肉 嫩滑帶羶香,是歐洲人傳統聖誕菜式,比起另一款鵝肝牛柳更有新鮮感。甜品亦是經典的木頭蛋糕,但加上金箔香檳磚,貴氣立即昇華。飲飽食醉後,中環的霓虹燈 都像變成閃閃聖誕燈光。

右至左為 Gillardeau、 White Pearl及 Belon 0000,全屬 No.1最大 size,生蠔裙邊仍然郁動,相當新鮮。

炭燒澳洲( M7)牛柳配鵝肝、黑松露及紅酒汁

Cristal 2006$2,950/支
市面還未有售的 2006年 Cristal,酸度比 2005年高,充滿乾果氣息,入口帶點杏仁及檸檬味道。

鵝胸入口羶香 juicy,比鴨胸更加軟滑,醬汁以鵝骨、干邑煮成,酒香濃郁,配上無花果、青蘋果等中和膩滯。


Le Dome de Cristal

價錢: 24/12六道菜套餐$1,880/位
地址:中環皇后大道中 9號嘉軒廣場 3樓
電話: 2116 4688
營業時間: 12nn-12mn


為聖誕而設的即開生蠔,選來當造的澳洲 Coffin Bay生蠔,充滿海水鮮。


酒店鬥豪鬥到悶,近年開始鬥型。 Hip Hotel逐漸成為主流,今年新開最有話題性的要數位於新蒲崗工廠區的貝爾特酒店。酒店以地道元素設計,大堂充滿工業味,一樓餐廳潮食街則大玩老香港風情。

潮食街這名字有點娘,但餐廳裝修叫人眼前一亮。正門外放了足球機、 Wii遊戲機和美式桌球枱,餐廳牆上繪上香港舊貌,如大牌檔的開放式廚房,掛上霓虹招牌,充滿懷舊氣氛。座位方面,放心,不是摺椅,而是帶點英倫格調的啡色靠椅。選址工廠區,空間感確是勝人一籌。
既 以香港本土特色為主題,潮食街自助餐主題也強調香港味道。平日除了有海鮮冷盤、沙律、刺身和串燒等國際美食,更提供潮州滷水乳鴨掌翼、燉湯、燒味和椒鹽蝦 等。到了聖誕,當然加碼,港式菜加上古法炆羊腩和臘味飯,燉湯有矜貴的北菇螺頭菜膽湯,海鮮吧有即開生蠔,西式菜加上香煎鴨肝、燒羊架和法式鴨髀,還有聖 誕派對必吃的燒火雞和蜜糖火腿。對於女仔來說,最最最大賣點,是星級甜品師傅 Tony Wong製作的精緻甜品。







潮食街自助餐一向提供 Tony Wong的甜品,大師於聖誕更為餐廳設計出沖繩黑糖栗子樹頭蛋糕。

價錢: 12月 24日首輪 5:45pm-8pm$548/成人、$338/小童
次輪 8:30pm-10:45pm$578/成人、$368/小童
12月 25日 6:30pm-9:30pm$548/成人、$338/小童
註:凡於 12月 10日或之前訂位及繳付全費,可享 7折優惠。
而於 12月 11日至 17日期間訂位及繳付全費,可享 75折優惠。
地址:新蒲崗六合街 19號香港九龍貝爾特酒店 1樓
電話: 3112 1998
註:於鑽石山港鐵站 C2出口及尖沙咀 K11地庫 3樓均有穿梭巴士來回



不少米芝蓮廚師來港開餐廳,但大廚通常只在開幕時現身,一年肯來港兩、三次巡視業務,已經好俾面。到了聖誕節,當然大部分留在海外總店坐鎮。剛將餐廳進駐到香港的 Mr. Benallal Akrame,由平安夜到聖誕節,卻決定來港為新店親自上場顯身手。

Akrame十四歲已跟師學習廚藝,曾於巴黎 L’Elysees du Vernet與 Alain Soliveres一起工作,後來再與 Ferran Adria和 Pierre Gagnaire共事。三年前, Akrame於巴黎開設 Restaurant Akrame,以不到一年時間取得米芝蓮一星榮譽。今個月初,於灣仔船街開設分店,更表示:「我不打算在世界各地都開設 Akrame餐廳,只想專注於香港的業務,積極投入創作菜式並帶來香港。」
餐廳設計帶有藝廊式的現代簡約感,充滿大都會的潮味。用餐時,會發覺每 道菜用上不同款式的碟,餐具配搭亦具心思。餐廳主要提供 tasting menu,七成食材每天由法國新鮮空運到港。聖誕期間,八道菜套餐有龍蝦有法國雞胸,每款配搭上紅洋葱、食用花或菜苗,有大自然的清新。最重要,由真正一 星大廚 Akrame親自炮製,無須坐飛機,都食到巴黎的貴氣。




白芝士清淡,像意式芝士蛋糕內的 Mascarpone。乳酸泡沫很輕很滑,加上馬令蛋白餅,再次玩口感。

Restaurant Akrame

價錢: 24/12八道菜$1,888/位、 25/12八道菜$1,788/位
地址:灣仔船街 9號地下 B鋪
電話: 2528 5068
營業時間:星期一至六 12nn-11pm,星期日休息






鐵板燒 應是最熱辣辣的聖誕晚餐,君悅酒店日本餐廳的 VIP房最近變身成 Teppanroom,主打新派鐵板燒,由曾到法國、上海及北京等地工作的 Chef Robert坐鎮。餐廳有數個木櫃,放着新鮮時令食材,客人更可隨時挑選食材讓師傅即場炮製。看着師傅熟練利落地將蝦起殼,甜品灒酒時鐵板冒起成呎火焰, 未吃先餵飽眼睛。

聖誕晚餐全部用最上乘材料來烹調,如用到 A4和牛、刺身烏賊、深海紅蝦等,連刺身、前菜、頭盤、主菜、甜品等共有九道菜,平安夜和聖誕正日 Menu略有不同。菜式精緻小巧,吃到最後甜品時,剛剛好有飽的感覺,但更覺回味。



法國雪梨先用糖水煮腍,入口先是梨的香甜味,再來是肉桂香味,最後散發酒香,配 homemade雪葩,味道、溫度都甚有層次。

價錢: 24、 25/12九道菜$1,980/位
地址:灣仔港灣道 1號君悅酒店
電話: 2584 7722
營業時間: 12nn-2:30pm, 6:30pm-10:30pm

鵝肝醬配 Gluhwein啫喱
大廚在鵝肝的油腴鹹香和 Gluhwein的甜味間取得平衡,又以車厘子減輕油膩口感,是完美的頭盤。


都說型 格是大趨勢,香港 JW萬豪酒店營業多年的美式餐廳 JW’s California已結業,改裝後變身成歐陸菜餐廳 Flint Grill& Bar。位於餐廳正中央的開放式廚房十分矚目,黑色掛架、深木色地板和桌椅,加上金屬製的古老天秤等擺設,充滿紐約工業風。

餐廳德國籍大廚 Sven Heinrich Wunram只有二十六歲,但已入廚十年,在多間米芝蓮二、三星餐廳工作過,如德國沃夫斯堡的三星米芝蓮餐廳 Aqua,亦於奧地利舉行的國際廚藝博覽會及多個國際錦標賽中獲獎。
配 合餐廳的高格調, Sven揀選頂級食材烹調,聖誕套餐內便有 5J西班牙黑毛豬火腿、美國 Linz農場 Heritage級西冷和挪威帝王三文魚等。但我最佩服還是 Sven的心思創意,有靚材,大廚們通常灑點鹽就算。 Sven卻為食材配上不同配料,更以 Gluhwein啫喱、紅菜頭沙巴翁和西芹汁等添上應節的紅綠色,賣相已有驚喜﹗

Linz Heritage頂級安格斯西冷


煙韌的帝王三文魚滲着甜味,焗過的紅菜頭甜得來沒有丁點泥味, 5J西班牙黑毛豬火腿香得無話可說。

Flint Grill& Bar

價錢: 24/12五道菜$1,280/位
地址:金鐘金鐘道 88號太古廣場香港 JW萬豪酒店 5樓
電話: 2810 8366
營業時間: 12nn-2:30pm, 6:30pm-10:30pm






香港地 寸金尺土,餐廳座位無須背對背,已經叫有空間感。沒想過尖沙咀金巴利道的地庫,竟出現有二十一間不同主題個室的餐廳。走入 F Room Fusion Cuisine,見到走廊兩旁有理髮店、便利店和大牌檔,再行入些,更有超性感漫畫海報和情色招牌,以為自己迷路走錯入架步。一個個門內有課室、經理室、 診症室、茶餐廳、理髮店和巴黎鐵塔草地等,我估不少人踏入餐廳的第一個想法是「偷情一流!」

一向對主題餐廳的食物出品有點偏見,但餐廳請來曾任職港島香格里拉酒店及深灣遊艇會的師傅掌廚,俾到信心。聖誕套餐主菜可以揀紐西蘭羊 T骨、波士頓龍蝦或法國春雞,用料高級更大大份。味道有水準,連配搭春雞的薯條也脆口富薯味,沒有被裝修搶去風頭。

炭燒羊 T骨配百里香羊燒汁
羊 T骨較少餐廳提供,肉質較有咬勁,羊味更濃,較適合豪邁的男生。



F Room Fusion Cuisine

價錢: 24、 25/12四道菜$438/位
地址:尖沙咀金巴利道 64至 66A號順輝大廈地庫
電話: 2811 8887
營業時間: 11:30am-3:30pm, 5:30pm-11:30pm

Seafood Bar就在餐廳門口,放着各種時令海鮮,一進去就令人垂涎欲滴。

【旺角歐陸 Fine Dining】

吊着半鋼罩燈、牆上掛着近百年歷史的海報,裝潢似足歐洲 20年代風格的 The Luxe,主廚兼老闆 Leo是在美國出生和長大的華人,曾於倫敦兩間米芝蓮餐廳 Maze和 Nobu工作,聽到這樣的來頭,有期望。

餐廳選址在較少有 Fine Dining的旺角,希望能做到價錢合理的精緻菜式。 Leo本身通曉中西廚藝,菜式走 Fusion路線,西餐中滲入不少中、日、韓、泰等元素,聖誕 Set Dinner亦設計出既傳統又有創新的菜式。 Set Dinner包餐前小食、前菜,沙律或餐湯、甜品,而主菜有三道可選,有智利鱸魚配西班牙香腸粟米、鴨腿鴨肉配鵝肝汁、菲力牛扒配鴨油膏薯條,菜式分量不 少,吃得好有滿足感。


用 12種香料將鴨腿醃過夜,再慢煮 12小時,髀肉嫩滑香濃。餘下的鴨汁加紅酒來炆煮鴨肉,肉味濃到不得了,配上少許鵝肝醬,一絕。


The Luxe Seafood Bar& Resto

價錢: 24、 25、 31/12五道菜$580/位
地址:旺角朗豪坊 12樓 12號鋪
電話: 3184 0088
營業時間: 12nn-11:30pm


想同成 班 friend慶祝,但屋企冇咁多地方?唔緊要,出租場地愈來愈多選擇,今年唔使再包起成間餐廳或 VIP房,觀塘工廈都有個正地方。 Hide n” Seek主打場地出租,工廈單位裝修得超靚,分成一個大廳連 open kitchen,以及三間唔同主題的房間︰懷舊 feel英倫房、少女風 Girlish房、連露台的 kidult房。

聖誕節之前,店主 Philip喺工廈同層再租多個連露台的四百呎細單位,放置梳化、餐枱、聖誕樹、小暖爐等等,布置成北歐聖誕小屋。小屋的深紅色調加上聖誕裝飾,一入去已 feel到節日感覺,完全唔使自己動手,事前預備、事後清潔,全部由 Philip包辦,爽!露台約五百呎,很寬敞,加上綠色植物牆圍繞,身處工廠區都幾舒服。露台配備 BBQ爐,可自備食物燒烤,包場價錢包汽水任飲,自攜酒水食物不會另外收費,相比起 clubbing的千元香檳、餐廳的開瓶費,計落好抵玩!

可容納二至六人,附有精緻的英式茶具,啱 high tea。
• 2人$480/ 3人或以上$720
( 3小時)(建議不超過 6人)
• 14/12- 5/1包場價錢︰$2,700 ( 3小時)(建議不超過 25人)
14/12- 5/1由 9am-3am分為六個時段,包場價錢︰$3,000( 3小時)(建議不超過 35人)
連同 BBQ食物$350/位
( 3小時)(最少 12人)
Hide n” Seek

地址:觀塘開源道 54號豐利中心 507室
電話: 9232 6536
網址: http://facebook.com/hidenseekhk


同小朋友開聖誕派對,有咩法寶輕易搞氣氛氹細路?香港首位世界冠軍級聖誕老人 Santa Jim,扮了廿幾年 Santa,大小商場甚至政府活動,都搵佢做主角。小朋友見到佢,圍住氹氹轉黐到實,玩到唔捨得走。

Santa Jim剛於今年中成立香港聖誕老人學院,聯同 2010年瑞典聖誕老人運動會第三名 Santa Johnny,籌備專業班及興趣班,為有心成為 Santa的同學提供培訓,教導同小朋友接觸技巧、聖誕老人舉止等等。 Santa Jim話唔一定本身肥先似聖誕老人,瘦人一樣得,就似佢用海綿裝假肚腩,加上親自設計人手縫製的皇室 feel聖誕老人服,廿磅裝備,變身不用十五分鐘,似模似樣。

warm up秘訣


Santa Jim

入行 25年,原為魔術師,於聖誕期間打扮成聖誕老人出席活動,大受小朋友歡迎,從此以聖誕老人形象表演。 2009年於瑞典舉辦的世界聖誕老人運動會贏取冠軍,今年 7月到丹麥哥本哈根參加聖誕老人大會,於射手賽奪冠, 9月獲邀到日本熊本縣首屆亞洲聖誕老人大會擔任評判。

Santa School Hong Kong

電話︰ 3496 0943
網址︰ http://santaschool.hk 


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聖誕 應該這模樣【 Let’s Party 15分鐘簡易小食】

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聖誕 應該這模樣【 Let’s Party  15分鐘簡易小食】

成班朋友一齊開 party,時間有限但又唔想叫外賣 pizza或者連鎖店壽司咁行貨?行一轉超市和餅店,已經搜購到不少特色食品,即開即 serve,最多 15分鐘內即上枱,三兩個人夾手夾腳,眨眼已預備好一枱搶眼食物。招呼朋友,唔一定要煮餐死嘅。

1.可自選 55粒馬卡龍,推介三款冬日限定口味︰薑餅、栗子和榛子,用上法國東南部阿爾代什省的栗子、意大利 Piemonte榛子,薑餅味比起硬繃繃的薑餅討好。$990( PL)
2.Bailey’s慕絲加入海鹽,配合輕盈的蛋糕、迷你泡芙以及榛子口味的雪人曲奇,質感味道都豐富。$46/件( 2D)
3.細細件配以聖誕葉,簡單討好,蛋糕質感厚實。$32/個( MS)
4.金色星星造型搶眼,約手掌大,面層的糖霜較硬,屬於較傳統歐洲乾果聖誕蛋糕。$138( MS)
5.Filo酥皮夠薄脆,毋須解凍可即入爐焗,芝士配上砵酒紅莓汁,微酸開胃。$128/12件( MS)
6.三角形薄餅,另配餅乾條,可砌成聖誕樹形。啖啖茄醬和芝士,焗熱都懶?可室溫放廿分鐘凍食。$128/12件( MS)
7.牛肉批吃到蘑菇和紅酒燒汁,雞肉批有火腿和大葱餡,毋須解凍可即焗。$128/12件( MS)
8.蒜香撲鼻,炸或焗皆可,炸粉不算厚,懶得開爐炸,焗都能夠保持炸漿香脆。$45.9( G)
9.輕輕煎香或焗 14分鐘,焗到芝士半溶,夾雜着火腿吃,夠香口,火雞肉亦不算乾。$46.5/4件( G)
10.白蘆筍有分時令,這款罐頭西班牙白蘆筍,打開罐即聞到陣陣清香,味道清甜。$89.9( G)
11.素腸以小麥蛋白為主,不用解凍,可直接入爐焗或燒烤,質感似三文魚。$61.9/6條( G)

12.橄欖番茄、芝士、三文魚、 quiche四款,焗十分鐘就得,酥皮鬆脆,餡料亦惹味。$47.9/24件( G)
13.材料豐富,意大利青瓜、紅椒、雞肉分量都不少,全麥球形意粉配上白醋汁,清新健康。$63.5( G)
14.一口一件的 Ribs連 BBQ醬汁包裝,叮叮即可食用,燒或焗都得,醬汁多,翻熱吃都不乾身,似在餐廳吃。$105.9( G)
15.朱古力做成樹葉模樣,濃郁滑溜,內裡有朱古力及雲呢拿忌廉、紅莓粒和朱古力海綿蛋糕。$45/件( H)
16.雜莓白朱古力蛋糕,有藍莓、紅莓及士多啤梨蜜餞及白朱古力慕絲。$45/件( H)
17.香濃的朱古力配合橙味忌廉芝士夾心、黑醋煮橙啫喱和薄脆餅底,面層的楓葉裝飾充滿秋冬感覺。$30/件( FF)
18.造型似聖誕裝飾,紅莓乾、開心果增加口感,入口有陣清香的檸檬皮和雲呢拿香。$98/4件( MS)
19.一盒內有多款限量版,包括聖誕樹、聖誕老人、聖誕小屋、雪人四個造型,配合三款不同口味︰黑朱古力配白朱古力醬、牛奶朱古力配榛果茸、白朱古力配橙味榛果茸。$130/4粒裝至$860/36粒裝( GO)
20.招牌的八層番石榴蛋糕,番石榴啫喱、慕絲、 ganache配上海綿蛋糕,鮮紅色特別有聖誕氣氛。$420( 2D)
•意大利聖誕要有傳統的 Panettone,以天然酵母三天發酵,這款特別在於是著名百年陳醋園 Leonardi出品,中間有陳醋果醬餡,輕輕加熱後,醋香四溢。$330( DD)
•法國品牌,原粒酸櫻桃沾上白蘭地酒再包黑朱古力,白蘭地酒香、車厘子酸味和可可的甘香三重滋味。$178( G)

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親子夾 Band 反功利

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八歲的諾言仔打起鼓來,投入得嘴巴緊閉, rock味十足。爸爸常為他拍短片之餘,亦會帶他去夾 band、聽演唱會。將來回憶起來,童年除了讀書,還有一段快樂的搖滾生活。
親子夾Band 反功利

親子夾 Band 反功利


Keven習慣拍下囝囝打鼓的片段,放上 YouTube跟朋友分享,諾言重溫比賽片段時亦笑笑口話:「好想記番起嗰個時刻。」
熱鬧的林宅是一個搖滾小天地,事關裡面有位八歲的小鼓手諾言。他一個小 身軀坐在一大座爵士鼓前,全神貫注地跟着五月天《三個傻瓜》的旋律敲打,首歌內容正正「反潮流」,講三個只識拼命讀書向上爬的細路,為學業放棄玩樂時間, 到十九歲只換來五張證書,一轉眼光陰老去,美好的回憶沒有剩下幾多。不曉得諾言仔對歌詞的理解有多深,但他打得相當投入,認真得嘴巴緊閉,像極一個「 rock友」。

爵士鼓由多種敲擊樂器組成,如小鼓、大鼓、銅鈸等,陣容龐大,諾言四歲時人仔細細,一坐在鼓前就似被重重包圍。(相片由 Keven提供)
任職警察的爸爸 Keven喜歡一路揸車一路聽 Beyond的歌,所以諾言仔自細聽 Beyond的歌長大,潛移默化之下愛上搖滾樂。他四歲開始學打鼓,當時人細鼓大,學起來有一定難度, Keven話:「諾言個子唔算高,亦唔算健碩,所以打鼓時經常俾老師話佢唔夠力。不過,爵士鼓比其他樂器有樣優勝之處,就係只要拍子啱,有時打錯咗都唔會 俾人發覺,令諾言仔打得更起勁。」
諾言亦話:「開頭爸爸叫我試吓適唔適合自己,學學吓都覺得適合,因為我自細已經鍾意喺屋企敲吓盒,整啲聲出嚟, 好似好得意咁。」頭三年,家中未買鼓,媽媽 Sammi好有心機,集齊了七八個大大小小的紙盒,根據爵士鼓不同組件的位置,砌成一個小模型,俾諾言敲打練習。後來爸爸見諾言打得有板有眼,不是三分鐘 熱度,便買了一套電子鼓給他,並將「紙盒鼓」丟掉,諾言回家見紙盒鼓不見了,非常傷心,至今一直耿耿於懷。
諾言學識打鼓令父子感情有增無減,除了 有共同偶像,更躋身爸爸的朋友圈子。「朋友有間 band房,我有時會帶諾言仔去夾 band,朋友彈結他,阿仔打鼓,我唔識玩樂器,唯有唱歌。夾 band時,阿仔忽然變咗我朋友咁,感覺好特別!我哋仲會一齊去唱 K、睇演唱會,今年先睇咗黃家強、五月天演唱會,好開心。」他亦會在教會中任「司鼓」(崇拜中的鼓樂伴奏),有很多機會實踐所學。

媽媽造的「紙盒鼓」由各式各樣的紙盒砌成,還配以金屬罐、膠扇,以紙皮作踏板、紙卷作鼓棍,非常別致。(相片由 Keven提供)
最初 Keven鼓勵諾言學爵士鼓,都為求易考學校,「老實講,因為知道小學要學生『一體一藝』,所以當年想佢揀樣樂器,等佢有一技之長,有助入讀心儀學校,但知道好多小朋友都學鋼琴、吹笛等,所以揀了較冷門嘅爵士鼓,希望更突出。
「後 來去學校面試時,我個人覺得有無學樂器根本一啲幫助都無,因為最睇重係小朋友臨場表現、英文程度、由邊間幼稚園嚟。記得有次面試,係要小朋友用英文介紹一 本書,我事前同諾言仔揀咗本薄薄哋的英文書,練習了將近一個月,結果去到,見其他細路係拎住本《 Harry Potter》原著咁厚的書入去,真係好誇張!後尾考唔成,都明白咩原因。」 Keven覺得,小朋友童年好寶貴,與其逼得太緊,不如好好享受,便放棄了揀名校。
香港基督教服務處兒童之家服務總主任梁李紫薇亦同意,「學樂器 對升小學的幫助不大,反而升上中學後,學校多數鼓勵學生『一體一藝』,旨在平衡發展,免得家長只專注學業。不過好多家長本末倒置,以為學多幾樣樂器『鬥 叻』,但練習樂器過程艱苦,如小朋友無興趣,即使考到級都會半途而廢。」

諾言雖然活潑開朗,但 Keven覺得他自信心不大,於是去年開始,幫囝囝報一些音樂類的兒童天才表演,讓他嘗試站在台上面對觀眾。諾言話:「第一次上台都幾緊張,爸爸教我一個 秘訣,就係望住台下評判同觀眾嘅額頭,唔望對眼就無咁驚。」結果順利邊打鼓邊唱完一首《我是憤怒》,更獲得冠軍。 Keven話,諾言自始信心大增,即使其他非音樂的活動,例如踢足球、攀石、畫畫等等,都比以前大膽參與。弟弟諾行見哥哥打得好開心,都自薦學爵士鼓。

「 We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, yellow submarine……」九歲的匡仔只要拎起夏威夷小結他,手指就忍不住彈個不停,還樂於自彈自唱,令整個訪問穿插着他快樂的歌聲和結他聲。


全職媽媽 Mandy話,俾匡仔學樂器,純粹想囝囝開心,「我唔鍾意要佢為咗考試、攞好成績、入好學校而學樂器,亦唔係為咗要實現爸爸媽媽的夢想,而係要佢自己鍾意。當初佢自己講話想玩結他,佢玩得好開心,平時在家會一路彈一路唱歌、郁身郁勢。
「一 放學回家就彈結他,彈一陣就做功課,有時做做吓個腦諗唔到嘢又走去彈一陣輕鬆吓,我就係鍾意佢咁,如果要佢去考試、比賽,佢壓力會好大,反而未必會想成日 彈,亦彈唔番平時的水準。」匡仔插嘴:「反而彈得多俾人話呀!」媽媽答:「因為佢有時飯都唔想食,要繼續彈,呢啲時候就要限佢只准彈十分鐘。」

問匡仔平時在家如何跟媽媽 jam歌,他已立即 The Beatles上身,一腳踏上石櫈自彈自唱《 Yellow Submarine》,媽媽即在旁又唱又跳,引來途人停低睇 show。


匡仔在家又彈又唱,令屋企充滿歡樂,話題亦多了, Mandy笑住話:「我會同佢一齊玩,兩個人傻吓傻吓喺屋企踢腳,爸爸放工返屋企都會同我哋一齊玩,佢性格比較內斂,但都會一路唱『 Hey!』搞氣氛,我就會跳埋舞。」遇到匡仔想彈的歌,就會叫媽咪上 YouTube搜尋,或者索性打俾結他老師馬仔,幫忙搵譜。
匡仔學夏威爾小 結他約一年,目前識彈的歌雖然不過十首,不過已經做埋「小老師」教人彈,學生就係 Mandy。「匡仔話如果我唔識彈,就唔明白佢學小結他嘅難度喺邊,所以就由兩個月前開始教我彈《 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》,暫時我只識彈單音,唔似佢咁識彈 chord。首歌係由匡仔揀,佢話呢首易啲。」匡仔「招積」插嘴:「唔係易啲,直情係好易!」逗得媽媽哈哈大笑。「我無音樂底,細個時曾自學過電子琴,以 前個年代學樂器好貴,細個家境唔好,無機會學,而家叫做負擔得起,想俾匡仔自由發揮。」




日期● 12月 14及 15日,下午 3時至晚上 10時
網址● http://www.westkowloon.hk/tc/freespacefest

日期● 12月 14日,晚上 7至 9時
地點●中環碼頭(近 10號碼頭)
網址● http://www.hkgna.com


想讓小朋友認識不同敲擊樂器的音色,可瀏覽教統局設的網頁「敲擊樂器 Percussion Instruments」,內有四十多種常見樂器的資料、演奏片段及試彈遊戲。
網址: http://resources.edb.gov.hk/percuss

網址: http://www.lcsd.gov.hk →「文化」→「表演藝術」→「音樂事務處」


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Keep safety in mind! Don’t watch her behind. Buckle up the next Million Miles

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Cycling is one of the recent hip activities at the time and we  see people riding cycles everywhere. I have been posting cycling safety  but I found it very important to know the safety guidelines  as accidents with cyclers are rising  .

Safety…Did it, done it, doing it tomorrow

Gitzel was riding on a car wrapping up my long long night, when I was by Banyan Garden on the West Kowloon Corridor at around 10.pm, I saw two bicycle riders riding on the main road towards Mei Foo, right where peope take off the corridors to Mei Foo. Those riders has no rear light nor reflector and they seems enjoying their time chatting and pay no attention to the traffic at all.  I personally think it is real dangerous .

A regular sedan , Japanese made usually weight about 2000Lb , european made weight about 3500 Lb , this is our M1, M2 is the weight of the bicycle,which I don’t know

 Speed Limit of the Corridor at  70Km/h  (V1=63.7941 feet per second),  even when slowing down to 50 km/h (V1=45.5672 feet per second)

Mathematically it is best described by impulse, momentum and it’s roughly an inelastic type of collision
 m1*v1 – m2*v2 = F*t

m1=mass car 1
m2=mass car 2
v1=velocity car 1
v2=velocity car 2
F=crash force
t=time in which the collision occurs

v is in ft/sec 0.911344415 × km/h = ft/sec

 time of collision (t) 0.1 second

I can not do the maths because m2 and  v2 is unknow  ,but

 Can you imagine what the force  and impact will be in a Collision? I’ll tell you that the force is in Tons and this could likely be Fatal.


  • Plan your route according to your ability
  • Know the rules and responsibilities you have as a bicyclist
    Bicycle Laws(see below)
  • Consider the benefits of wearing a helmet – you will be more visible to other drivers, better protected against injury, and motorists have more respect for the cyclist wearing a helmet
  • Carry waterproof clothing
  • Carry identification
  • Wear eye protection
  • Wear padded gloves 

KNOW Your Bicycle

  • Each day before riding check your brakes for wear and tires for appropriate inflation – each week give your bicycle a thorough inspection
  • Use a seat pack capable of holding a spare tube; tools, flat tire repair kit; coins for phone call – or cellular phone
  • Bring a tire pump (most can be attached to your bike frame)Fenders will keep you and your bicycle clean
  • Rear rack and panniers or a bicycle trailer to carry your belongings
  • Use a bell to signal to others that you are approaching
  • Use a mirror for scanning behind while you ride but also learn the technique of looking back while holding a straight line
Important Bicycle Safety Accessories

At Night or When Conditions Cause Poor Visability

  • Front white headlight visible from 500 feet – approximately one city block
  • Rear red reflector visible from 600 feet
  • Mounted side reflectors visible from 600 feet
  • A red rear flashing light is recommended to increase visibility
  • Wear light colored clothing or clothing that is retro-reflective

The single most effective safety device available to reduce head injury and death from bicycle crashes is a helmet. Helmet use reduces the risk of bicycle-related death and injury and the severity of head injury when a crash occurs. Unfortunately, national estimates report that bicycle helmet use among child bicyclists ranges only from 15 to 25 percent.
Let’s change that! Everyone in the family should have a helmet and wear it whenever you’re riding. Here are a few tips for finding the right helmets for your family and other bike safety tips. Follow this advice and hopefully you’ll never have to come to RediMed with a bike related injury.
1. Wear the right gear
The right helmet and gear for you
First of all, all helmets should meet the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission standards. Select a helmet that fits snugly, sits flat on the head and doesn’t rock back and forth or side to side. Always buckle the helmet. Use the extra padding that comes with the helmet to ensure a proper fit for children. This padding can be removed as the child’s head grows. In addition to a helmet, wear proper fitting knee and elbow pads and wrist guards.

Wear bright, reflective clothing
Always wear neon, florescent, or other bright colors on your clothes and accessories when riding a bike, especially at dusk and when the weather is bad. Biking at night is far more dangerous than biking during the day, so avoid it if possible. Young children should never ride at night.
If you must ride at night however, do the following:

  • Ride with reflectors that are permanently attached to your bike so they are good for daytime use, too. If a carrier is added, make sure the rear reflectors can still be seen.
  • Add bright lights to the front and rear of your bicycle.
  • Wear retroreflective materials on your ankles, wrists, back and helmet.
  • Only ride in familiar areas with brightly lit streets.
  • Always assume drivers cannot see you.

2. Maintaining your bike
Make sure your bike is adjusted properly

  • Bicycles should be the right size. If necessary, make adjustments to make them fit you.
  • Handlebars should be firmly in place and turn easily. Make sure you can see over them.
  • Tires should be straight, secure and properly inflated.
  • Gears should shift smoothly.
  • Carriers should be added to the back of the bike if you need to transport items. Never try to carry things while riding.

Check your brakes
Always keep your brakes properly adjusted. You should be able to stop quickly. If your bike has hand brakes, apply the rear brakes slightly before the front brake when stopping. When your hand brakes are fully applied, they should not touch the handlebars. Each brake shoe pad should wear evenly and never be separated more than 1/8” from the rim. Ride slowly in wet weather and apply the brakes sooner since it takes more time to stop.
3. Know the Rules of the Road
Stay on the “left” side of the road
Ride on theleft  side of the road in a straight predictable path, single file, in the same direction as vehicles. Never ride against traffic. Young children are not usually able to identify and adjust to many dangerous traffic situations, and therefore, should not be allowed to ride in the street unsupervised. Children who are permitted to ride the street without supervision should have the necessary skills to safely follow the “rules of the road.”
Obey all traffic laws
Because bicycles are considered vehicles, bicyclists must obey the same traffic rules as motorists.

  • Obey stop signs and stop lights.
  • Always be courteous.
  • Signal your moves.
  • Never wear headphones while riding.

Be aware of traffic around you
More than 70 percent of car/bicycle crashes occur at driveways and intersections. Before you enter any street or intersection, check for traffic. Always look left-right-left, and walk your bicycle into the street to begin your ride. If you’re already in the street, always look behind you for a break in traffic, then signal, to alert both cars and pedestrians, before turning either direction.
Stay alert
Watch out for potholes, cracks, expansion joints, railroad tracks, wet leaves, drainage grates or anything that could make you fall. Scan ahead and behind you for a gap in traffic before going around an object. Plan your move, signal your intentions, then make your move. If you’re not certain you can proceed safely, pull off to the right side of the road, and walk your bike around the questionable area. Remember to always cross railroad tracks at a 90 degree angle.

More References

Hong Kong Law and Regulations _ Cycling

The following is a discussion of the ordinances (laws) and regulations of Hong Kong relating to bicycles. Like driving, there are certain fixed penalties including fines and jail time for careless and reckless cycling. Pedestrians generally have more freedom to move about as they are not considered vehicles, and there are apparently no rules or penalties against walking carelessly, though there are cases where such could be considered contributory negligence in the event of a collision.
A bicycle is classified as a vehicle under Hong Kong law and as such you are required to stop when asked by a uniformed police officer or traffic warden, or else face a HK$2000 fine. You must also obey traffic signs and have your HK ID card with you at all times.

Summary of laws and regulations

Various regulations covering cycling and bicycles stipulate that:

  • Cycling is not allowed in road tunnels.
  • You may not ride, carry or push a bicycle in any country park or ‘special area’, except on a designated cycling path with a valid country parks cycling permit, unless you are “ordinarily resident” in that area.
  • Where designated cycle paths are available, you cannot ride on the road alongside.
  • Many bridges have a sign indicating that cycling and pedestrians are prohibited.  The sign has legal force, although there is no general law or regulation about cycling on bridges.
  • Bicycles may not be rented to unaccompanied children (under 11), who also may not control a multi-cycle unless accompanied by an adult. An exception is when rental is made for use only on designated cycle paths.
  • Any child (under 11) must be accompanied by an adult to ride a bicycle on a “road” (道路).
  • A “road” (道路) does not include footpaths, pedestrian walkways, or designated bike paths.
  • Every bike must have a bell, and no other warning system is allowed (such as a horn or perhaps even a loud shout!).
  • When ridden at night (or in poor visibility), a bicycle must be fitted with a white light at front and a red light at the back.
  • A rear-facing reflector is required, apparently at any time. It should be at least 40 mm diameter or equivalent.
  • A brake must be fitted to any bicycle, tricycle, or multicycle wheel larger than 460 mm.
  • Passengers may not be carried, except children under 3 years, in a “properly fitted seat” (Cap 374G Regs 51 and 53)
  • On a bike, you may not transport dangerous goods [Cat. 5] (i.e. flammable substances) other than two 20-litre tins of kerosene.
  • Cycling while under the influence of drugs or alcohol can result in a fine the first time, and up to three months imprisonment for a repeated offence.
  • Electric bicycles and bikes fitted with add-on motors are considered illegal by the Transport Department, based on its interpretation of the law. (See TD Q&A, qu. 13)
  • If your bike has a regenerative braking device, you must have third-party insurance.
  • Cyclists have a duty to stop in case of accidents (if there is any damage, even without any injury)




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    Home Remedies :Pau d’Arco For Treatment of Oral Candidiasis ,Thrush, Yeast Infection , Internal Balance

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    Pau d’ Arco Bark
    Pau d Arco[/caption]

    Learn more about Pau D Arco…

    Pau d’Arco hails from the inner bark of the tall, flowering tree Tabebuia impetiginosa, and is native to the exotic rain forests of South America. Pau d’Arco is known for its holistic goodness and is traditionally used to support the body’s internal balance. (原產於熱帶雨林南美洲,保羅D’阿科提取於高大開花的風鈴木樹皮內層保羅D’阿科以其全面的善良和傳統上用來支撐身體內部的平衡。)***





    The lumber of the Pau D Arco tree is prized for its strength, and is used for building boats, houses, tools and bows used for hunting by some indigenous rainforest peoples.
    It has been used as an herbal medicine dating as far back as the time of the Incas. In the more recent past (during the past 50 years or so) Pau D Arco, and certain isolated phytochemical compounds of the plant (lapachol and beta lapachone, for instance), have been tested extensively in medical and scientific laboratory environments.
    Results of these tests have documented effective anti-cancerous, anti-tumor and anti-leukemic properties. Most importantly for our information on this website, this tea is a potent antifungal, and is used in many parts of the world to treat Candida and other fungal infections.
    Interestingly, the plant in “whole form” (such as the shavings used for making tea) is shown to have a wider range of healing effects and less side effects than the isolated compounds.

    about .com

    Pau d’arco (Tabebuia impetiginosa and Tabebuia avellanedae) is a type of tree native to the rainforests of Central and South America. In herbal medicine, extracts of the bark of the pau d’arco tree have long been used to treat a range of health problems. Now widely available in dietary supplement form, pau d’arco extract is said to offer a number of health benefits. Pau d’arco contains many compounds thought to influence health, including quercetin (a type of antioxidant) and anthraquinones (a substance with laxative effects).

    Benefits of Pau D’Arco

    To date, research on the health effects of pau d’arco is fairly limited. However, there’s some evidence that pau d’arco may offer certain benefits. Here’s a look at several key study findings:

    1) Cancer

    In a report published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, scientists reviewed the available research on pau d’arco and found that the herb may offer anti-cancer benefits. For example, laboratory studies indicate that beta-lapachone (a compound found in pau d’arco) may help induce apoptosis: a type of programmed cell death essential for stopping the proliferation of cancer cells. Until the anti-cancer effects of pau d’arco are explored in larger studies, however, pau d’arco cannot be recommended in treatment or prevention of cancer.

    2) Inflammation

    Pau d’arco may also help fight inflammation, according to a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2008. In tests on mice, the study’s authors determined that pau d’arco may suppress the production of pro-inflammatory substances known as prostaglandins. Although the study’s authors conclude that pau d’arco extract could potentially aid in the treatment of inflammation-related conditions like arthritis and atherosclerosis, it’s important to note that there is currently a lack of clinical trials testing the use of pau d’arco for these conditions.

    3) Fungal Infections

    For a 2001 report published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, researchers analyzed the antifungal activity of 14 types of Paraguayan plants commonly used in traditional medicine. Their findings revealed that — along with Paraguayan starbur, palo blanco, and corrida yerba de guava — pau d’arco had the highest activity against fungi and yeasts.

    Uses for Pau D’Arco

    Pau d’arco extract is typically touted as a natural remedy for the following health problems:

    In addition, some proponents claim that pau d’arco can prevent and treat certain types of cancer, improve digestive health, boost the immune system, and promote detox.


    Due to a lack of research, little is known about the safety of long-term use of supplements containing pau d’arco. However, there’s some concern that certain compounds found in pau d’arco may have toxic effects when taken at high doses. These compounds include hydroquinone, which may cause liver and kidney damage. In addition, pau d’arco may trigger side effects like dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Since pau d’arco may also cause blood clotting, it should be avoided by people with clotting disorders and/or anyone using blood-thinning medications.

    Where To Find Pau D’Arco

    Widely available for purchase online, dietary supplements containing pau d’arco extract can be found in many natural-foods stores and in stores specializing in dietary supplements.

     Sources Byeon SE, Chung JY, Lee YG, Kim BH, Kim KH, Cho JY. “In vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory effects of taheebo, a water extract from the inner bark of Tabebuia avellanedae.” J Ethnopharmacol. 2008 Sep 2;119(1):145-52. Gómez Castellanos JR, Prieto JM, Heinrich M. “Red Lapacho (Tabebuia impetiginosa)–a global ethnopharmacological commodity?” J Ethnopharmacol. 2009 Jan 12;121(1):1-13. Portillo A, Vila R, Freixa B, Adzet T, Cañigueral S. “Antifungal activity of Paraguayan plants used in traditional medicine.” J Ethnopharmacol. 2001 Jun;76(1):93-8.  

    cited from WEB MD

    Other Names:

    Bignonia heptaphylla, Ébénier de Guyane, Ébène Vert, Handroanthus impetiginosus, Ipe, Ipe Roxo, Ipes, Lapacho, Lapacho Colorado, Lapacho Morado, Lébène, Pink Trumpet Tree, Purple Lapacho, Quebracho, Red Lapacho, Tabebuia avellanedae, Tabebuia heptaphylla, Tabebuia ipe, Tabebuia palmeri, Tabebuia impetiginosa, Taheebo, Taheebo Tea, Tecoma impetiginosa, Tecoma ipe, Thé Taheebo, Trumpet Bush.  

    Pau d’arco is a tree with extremely hard wood. Its name is the Portuguese word for “bow stick,” an appropriate term considering the tree’s use by the native South American Indians for making hunting bows. The bark and wood are used to make medicine. Though possibly unsafe, especially at higher doses, pau d’arco is used to treat a wide range of infections. These include viral respiratory infections such as the common cold, flu, and H1N1 (swine) flu; sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea and syphilis; infections of the prostate and bladder; ringworm and other parasitic infections; yeast infections; and infectious diarrhea. Pau d’arco is also used for cancer. Interest in this use was intensified by extensive research in the 1960s that focused on the possible anti-cancer activity of lapachol, one of the chemicals in pau d’arco. However, research studies were stopped because, at the amounts needed to be effective against cancer, pau d’arco might well be poisonous. Among other things, it can cause severe internal bleeding. Other uses for pau d’arco include diabetes, ulcers, stomach inflammation (gastritis), liver ailments, asthma, bronchitis, joint pain, hernias, boils, and wounds. Because some people see pau d’arco as a “tonic and blood builder,” it is also used to treat anemia. Pau d’arco is applied directly to the skin for Candida yeast infections. Sometimes it’s hard to know what is in pau d’arco products. Teas, labeled as pau d’arco or lapacho, do not always contain pau d’arco (Tabebuia species). In some cases, they contain the related species, Tecoma curialis. Additionally, some product labels state that the product contains the inner bark of pau d’arco, which is thought by some people to be more effective than outer bark, when in fact the product contains outer bark.

    How does it work?

    There isn’t enough information available to know how pau d’arco works.

    PAU D’ARCO Uses & Effectiveness
    • Yeast infections.
    • Common cold.
    • Flu.
    • Diarrhea.
    • Bladder and prostate infections.
    • Intestinal worms.
    • Cancer.
    • Diabetes.
    • Ulcers.
    • Stomach problems.
    • Liver problems.
    • Asthma.
    • Bronchitis.
    • Arthritis-like pain.
    • Sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis).
    • Boils.
    • Other conditions.
    PAU D’ARCO Side Effects & Safety

    Pau d’arco is POSSIBLY UNSAFE at typical doses. At high doses, it is LIKELY UNSAFE. High doses can cause severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and internal bleeding. Pau d’arco should be used with caution. Talk with your healthcare provider before you decide to take it.

    Special Precautions & Warnings:

    Pregnancy and breast-feeding: During pregnancy, pau d’arco is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in typical amounts, and LIKELY UNSAFE in larger doses. Not enough is known about the safety of applying it to the skin. The best rule is, don’t use it orally or topically if you are pregnant. The safety of using pau d’arco during breast-feeding has not been well studied. But, since it might be unsafe for anyone to use, it makes sense to avoid pau d’arco if you are breast-feeding. Bleeding disorders: Pau d’arco can delay clotting and might interfere with treatment in people with bleeding disorders. Surgery: Pau d’arco might slow blood clotting and could increase the chance of bleeding during and after surgery. Stop using it at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

    PAU D’ARCO Interactions

    Be cautious with this combination

    • Medications that slow blood clotting (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs) interacts with PAU D’ARCO Pau d’arco might slow blood clotting. Taking pau d’arco along with medications that also slow clotting might increase the chances of bruising and bleeding.Some medications that slow blood clotting include aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam, others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others), naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, others), dalteparin (Fragmin), enoxaparin (Lovenox), heparin, warfarin (Coumadin), and others.
    PAU D’ARCO Dosing

    The appropriate dose of pau d’arco depends on several factors such as the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for pau d’arco. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.


    Preparation and Uses of Pau D Arco

    To make an effective Pau D Arco tea, simply prepare a decoction as follows:
    1 quart of pure water
    4 teaspoons Pau D Arco loose dried bark
    Place water and Pau D Arco bark in a pot, bring to a boil, reduce heat slightly and let it simmer at a very gently rolling boil for 20 minutes.
    Drink 1 cup of this tea (hot or cold) anywhere from two to eight times a day. You can also use this decoction, once it has cooled to room temperature, as a topical treatment for fungal skin infections (soak a cloth in the liquid and apply as a compress to the infected areas). You can also use it as a douche or enema solution for the treatment of internal yeast overgrowth.
    Drinking Pau D Arco tea can cause some die-off symptoms due to its anti-fungal nature. Please start with a low dose and increase gradually.

    Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

    Getting rid of a persistent yeast infection can be quite challenging. If you’ve been fighting a losing battle with Candida albicans, you might want to consider trying one or more of these home remedies for yeast infection.

    Tea Tree Oil

    Tea tree oil has many uses for healing, so it’s not surprising to find that it has anti-fungal properties as well. Candida albicans is really a fungus, although most people refer to it as a yeast. Research shows that tea tree oil is quite effective on fungal infections. It works by attacking the cell membrane, which makes it easier for anti-fungal agents to get through the cell membrane and kill the fungus. It’s best not to use tea tree oil full-strength, as it can irritate the skin. Always dilute it with olive oil, or another carrier oil. Use one part tea tree oil to three parts carrier oil. Like most essential oils, tea tree oil seems to work better when it’s used in lower concentrations. And of course, tea tree oil is for external use only. Don’t take it internally.


    Myrrh has been used for centuries by cultures across the world to treat thrush, candida, and other yeast infections. Now research is backing up myrrh’s reputation as an anti-fungal. It seems to work by stimulating the immune system to fight off candida overgrowth, along with other disease-causing organisms, including E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. A persistent diaper rash is often caused by a yeast infection. Myrrh can be quite effective against this type of infection. Use a calendula ointment along with myrrh to sooth the irritation and inflammation.

    Other Helpful Herbs

    Garlic not only stimulates the immune system, but it’s a well-known anti-fungal as well. You can eat it raw, but it can upset the stomach, so many people prefer to take it as a tablet. Look for coated tablets. By the time the coating dissolves, the garlic tablet is deep inside your intestine, which is where candida grows best. Berberine also stimulates the immune system. It’s found in goldenseal, barberry, and oregon grape root. Goldenseal has been overharvested and is becoming endangered, so barberry and oregon grape root are good substitutes. Avoid using these herbs if you are pregnant. Astragalus and pau d’arco also stimulate the immune system. You can take astragalus as capsules, and use pau d’arco in a tea.

    Should You Be On A Candida Diet?

    Some people with serious health problems from candida need to go on a candida diet. This involves removing all sugar, fruits, cheeses, breads, alcoholic beverages, mushrooms, and even vinegar, from the diet. Living on such a strict diet can be very difficult. Most of us can find relief by cutting out as much sugar as possible, since yeast grows on sugar. Eat lots of fresh veggies, along with small amounts of low-sugar fruits like strawberries, cherries, and papayas. Fish, chicken, and beef are good sources of protein, along with beans,lentils, and nuts. Corn, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, oats, and spelt are excellent choices for grains. Avoid wheat and rye. Try adding more cinnamon to your diet, as it’s a natural blood sugar regulator. A yeast infection can be difficult to get rid of. The key to success with any treatment is to be persistent with it. Be patient and don’t give up too soon, and you can control your candida infection.

     References: Anti-fungal Herbs And Essential Oils Conquering Candidiasis Naturally

    Thrush, Babies, and Breastfeeding

    What causes thrush? Candida albicans, which is a yeast that lives in our digestive tracts, is the culprit. Normally it’s usually kept under control by beneficial bacteria, including Lactobacillus acidophilus. However, there are certain conditions that can upset the balance between the yeast and the bacteria. Pregnancy is one of them. When a woman is pregnant, her hormone levels are different, which can lead to candidiasis. A woman who develops gestational diabetes is more prone to a yeast infection because of the excess sugar in her urine. It’s common for a woman who has had a cesarean section to develop candidiasis. This is because of the antibiotic treatment she received after surgery to prevent infection. Unfortunately, antibiotics wipe out all bacteria, both good and bad. This can allow Candida albicans to grow out of control, resulting in a yeast infection. A baby can pick up a yeast infection when he or she passes through the birth canal if mom has vaginal candidiasis. Your baby can get oral thrush by nursing, especially if your nipples are raw and cracked. If only the mom is treated, she can be reinfected when she breastfeeds her baby.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Thrush?

    If your baby suddenly becomes fussy while nursing and pulls off the breast, you should suspect oral thrush. You may see white patches or spots in your baby’s mouth, and you may notice what appears to be a white film on the tongue. Your baby may also have a diaper rash with a shiny appearance and raised patchy areas. Both these symptoms are characteristic of a diaper rash caused by Candida albicans. Mom’s nipples may burn or feel itchy. Some women have shooting pains in the breasts after nursing. A woman may also have symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection, too.

    How Is Thrush Treated?

    There are several different treatments for thrush, depending on how much pain mom and baby are having and which parts of the body are involved. Since the infection can be passed back and forth, both of them need to be treated, even if only one has any symptoms. A topical antifungal cream may be used on both mom’s nipples and the baby’s bottom, while also giving the baby an oral antifungal medication. Both mom and baby should be treated right after nursing, since this is when the infection is transferred. Since it only takes three hours for yeast to reproduce, using the medication regularly is important. Natural treatments include applying Calendula tincture to the nipples to relieve pain and irriation. Try rinsing your nipples with a solution of one tablespoon of vinegar to one cup of boiled water after each feeding. Echinacea or pau d’arco capsules can be taken orally to boost your immune system. Gentian violet is an old remedy recommended for thrush and yeast infections of the breast. An easy way to treat both mom and baby is to dip a swab into the gentian violet and let the baby suck on it for a few seconds. This should coat the inside of the baby’s mouth. If it doesn’t, paint the inside of the baby’s mouth with the swab. Put the baby to your breast, and your yeast infection will be treated too. Mom should avoid sugary foods, wheat, and cheese. Eat yogurt with live cultures, and add garlic to your food. Taking vitamin supplements, including vitamin C, zinc, and B-complex, may help too. References: The Sore Truth

    Cited from Darlene Norris

    How to Treat Oral Candidiasis Using Home Remedies

    Also known as thrush or yeast, oral candidiasis is a fungal infection that irritates mucous membranes of the mouth. Like a vaginal yeast infection, oral candidiasis is causes by Candida albicans, an organism that under the right conditions lives in the body without causing upset. If the body’s natural flora are out of balance due to use of antibiotics, steroids or oral contraceptives, a diet that is high in sugar or diabetes, a yeast infection may develop. Lack of sleep, illness and stress can also put the body at risk, since they all weaken immunity. Candidiasis causes inflamed oral tissue, a white coating to form on the mouth and tongue, a sore throat and difficulty swallowing. An oral infection can spread from the mouth to the digestive tract, resulting in a fungal infection can spread from the mouth to the digestive tract, resulting in a fungal infection of the bowel. Seek medical advice for chronic infections, as they are harder to treat if they reach the ears, intestine or esophagus. Meanwhile a good diet, natural medicine and vitamins help to prevent and treat oral candidiasis.

    Home Remedies For Treatment of Oral Candidiasis

    Clove, lavender, myrrh and tea tree all help in treating oral candidiasis. These medicinal plants have strong disinfectant properties and contain volatile oils that are quite effective in treating fungal infections because they support the body’s natural resistance and accelerate the healing process. Tea tree oil is a strong antifungal agent that has both immune stimulating and wound healing effects. Add three drops of tea tree oil to one cup of boiled water. Use the solution to dab the affected parts of your mouth several times a day.

    Yogurt With Live Cultures and Mouth Rinses

    If the fungus spreads to the bowels, it may compete with the natural flora of the intestines, which are important for proper digestion. To support beneficial intestinal bacteria, take acidophilus supplements and eat yogurt that’s low in sugar and contain live lactobacillus and acidophilus cultures. Pau d’arco’s high tannin content and antimicrobial and immune stimulating compounds make it an effective mouth rinse. Add one teaspoon of the tincture to one cup of warm water, and rinse the mouth with it. To make an antifungal spice blend, mix equal amounts of crushed cumin or caraway seeds with ground cloves, which are all noted to have antifungal properties. Bring two cups of water to a boil. Pour the hot water over two teaspoons of the spice blend. Let the infusion steep for five to seven minutes. Rinse your mouth with several teaspoons of the mixture at least three times a day until symptoms abate. Remember to practice good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth after meals. The antifungal mouthwashes can supplement these preventative measures. During a bout of thrush, keep your toothbrush in disinfectant mouthwash and change it regularly since the fungi can survive in the damp bristles. Stay healthy with plenty of exercise, enough rest and a well balanced diet. Avoid eating sugar, which feeds fungal strains and promotes yeast infections. Source: Martin, Jeanne Marie, Rona, Zoltan P.,Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook: Everything You Need to Know About Prevention, Treatment & Diet. Three Rivers Press; 2000

     cited Yolanda Triana


    Cited below Teresa Knudsen
    People on a diet can have trouble losing weight. One option is no yeast and sugar, but add pau d’arco. It may help other ills: headache, depression, autism,and cancer.

    The no yeast-no sugar diet addresses the build-up of yeast in the human body. The build-up is considered to be at the root of many ailments, including headache, depression, autism, and diseases such as cancer. Adding processed sugar to the body helps the yeast grow. Thus, to rid the body of yeast, the dieter avoids products with processed sugar and yeast.

    Pau d’Arco

    The inner bark of the taheebo tree is found in the Amazon rain forest. A tea or tincture can help remove yeast.


    With general guidelines of 8 glasses of water a day, water helps with detoxing.

    Examples of food to avoid

    • Anything with sugar or sugar-substitute and/or yeast.
    • Fried foods
    • Meat with hormones, antibiotics, and other additives
    • Processed meats, such as bologna, sausage, hot dogs
    • All forms of bread that have yeast and sugar as ingredients.
    • Pasta, crackers, cookies, candy, ice cream, etc.

    Examples of liquids to avoid:

    • Anything with sugar or sugar-substitute and/or yeast.
    • Sodas, pop, sugared fruit juices.
    • Black Tea
    • Coffee
    • Beer
    • Wine
    • Spirits: At first, some practitioners allow moderate consumption of certain spirits, including rum, vodka, bourbon. Eventually, all spirits are avoided.

    What Can People Eat?

    • Meat: without hormones or other additives.
    • Beef
    • Chicken, eggs
    • Pork
    • Seafood
    • Fresh vegetables
    • Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, pecans
    • Brown rice
    • Potatoes and yams


    Fresh fruit is avoided for the first week or so, as the sugar can keep the yeast alive. However, benefits of fresh fruit, especially raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries, return these fruits to the diet within a week or two. Avoid grapes and bruised fruit.

    Dairy Products

    These include milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, hard cheeses, and ice cream. Soy milk can replace regular milk, but soy is not advised for children.

    What about Junk Food?

    Some “junk” food can be eaten in moderation, including plain popcorn and plain potato chips

    Yeast Die-Off Symptoms

    Many people report a week or two of unpleasant symptoms when the yeast begins to die and exit the body. Linda Arndt notes in her article “Yeast Infection Humans Candida”, “Detox symptoms can be gas, bloating, nausea, itchy skin, sweats, any flu like symptoms, if you feel these, one or any, it will give you an indication of how much toxins in your body that needed to be cleansed. ”

    Peppermint Tea and Chamomile Teas Help with Yeast Die-Off Symptoms

    People report some immediate relief by drinking water and/or brewing peppermint or chamomile tea. These teas can help digestion and provide headache relief.

    What about Cheating on this diet?

    Almost everyone will cheat on a diet. On the no-yeast, no-sugar diet, dieters report immediately feeling the negative results of cheating. There are reports of upset stomachs or an overall feeling “bad.” These effects can be modified by avoiding the yeast and sugar, and by drinking peppermint or chamomile tea, or using natural analgesics.

    Specific Ailments for the No Yeast-No Sugar diet

    There are claims that the no-yeast, no-sugar diet can benefit people with candida yeast infections, or children with autism or help with a variety of physical and mental ills. Reports include feeling better, and lessening depression. There are claims for help with cancer and other diseases.

    Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and Autism

    A diet similar to the no-yeast, no-sugar diet is the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. There are reports that children with autism can respond to a diet which avoids yeast, sugar, and some dairy products.  


    When you purchase Pau D Arco, make sure you trust the seller’s knowledge of this plant and its origin of sale. There are many species of the Pau D Arco tree, some with less healthful benefits than the truly medicinal variety of tree (Tabebuia impetiginosa, synonym = Tabgebuia avellanedae). In fact, there are over ten different species of Pau D Arco currently being logged in the South American lumber industry.
    The Pau D Arco products sold in the US as medicinal herbal teas are sometimes no more than the bark shavings of these many varieties of logged trees, occasionally even mixed with mahogany bark, which has a similar color and aroma to the bark of the Pau D Arco tree.
    Be sure the label says ”Tabebuia avellanedae”or “Tabebuia impetiginosa”, and/or once again – don’t buy it unless you trust the source.

    相關中藥材 所謂赤芍,是一種中藥名,它能夠行瘀、止痛、消腫。它是毛茛科芍藥屬植物赤芍或傳赤芍的干燥的根。與芍藥是同屬植物。下面我們來看看赤芍的介紹。 一、赤芍的介紹 赤芍的原植物是赤芍或川赤芍等植物,在春、秋兩季採挖後出去根莖及泥沙,曬乾而得的藥材。原植物是多年生草本,根肥大,呈紡錘形或圓柱形,黑褐色。莖直立且在上部有分枝;葉互生,莖下部葉為二回三出複葉,上部為三出複葉,小葉卵圓形或橢圓形或披針形;花兩性,有苞片、萼片。 中藥成品赤芍乾燥根呈圓柱形,兩端粗細近於相等,稍彎曲,表面暗褐色或暗棕色,粗糙,有橫向凸起的皮孔及根痕,,質硬而脆,易折斷,斷面平整粉白色或黃白色。氣微香,味微苦澀。藥材以跟條粗長,外皮易脫落,皺紋粗而深,斷面白色,粉性大者為佳。 二、赤芍的主要成分 赤芍作為一味中藥,其主要成分包括芍藥甙、芍藥內酯甙、氧化芍藥甙、苯甲酰芍藥甙、芍藥吉酮、芍藥新甙、胡蘿蔔甙,此外,還含有赤芍精即d-兒茶精以及沒食子鞣質、苯甲酸等。研究還發現,赤芍還含有脂肪油、樹脂、糖、澱粉、粘液質和蛋白質等。 三、赤芍的種類 赤芍的原植物來源於幾種芍藥科的植物,它們分別是:1、芍藥;2、川赤芍;3、草芍藥;4、毛葉草芍藥;5、美麗芍藥;7、窄葉芍藥;8、塊根芍藥。 根據炮製方法的不同,赤芍可以有以下幾種類型: 1、赤芍:為類圓形薄片或斜片,表麵粉白色或粉紅色,中心有放射狀紋理,皮部窄,有的有裂隙,味苦,性微寒,具有清熱涼血、散瘀止痛的功能。 2.炒赤芍:顏色加深,偶有焦斑,炒後藥性偏於緩和,活血止痛而不傷中,可用於瘀滯疼痛。 3.酒赤芍:微黃色,略有酒氣。以活血散瘀力勝,清熱涼血作用較弱。多用於閉經或痛經,跌打損傷。

    Check with Health Care Professionals First

    As always, check with health care professionals regarding diets. References“Talk About Curing Autism.”Arndt, Linda. “Yeast Infection Humans Candida.”“Kids and SCD.”Parzale, Ernestina. The Backyard Herbalist. “No Yeast Bread Recipe.”Pau d’Arco Benefits and Cautions Explained Before You Buy.” “What is the Candida Diet and How Can It Help Me?”


    The Yeast overgrowth

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    Nursery Closet

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    Nursery Closet – Originally this closet only had one rack across the top and we installed a pretty simple closet system that I got and added some cute bins. And since I washed everything in this closet with Dreft, I can frequently be found sitting in front of it, just a huffin’ in that sweet baby smell. Suppose there are worse things to huff than baby clothes…
    Organized Baby Closet
    Ok, ok… sure you could just peek in the bins to see what they’re packing, but to make life easier, and ensure Jer knows where everything is, I added a few labels.
    Organized Nursery
    Again, not yet “baby tested, mama approved”, but I think these clothing size organizers are going to be super helpful, especially since whoever determines the size of baby clothes these days is definitely huffing something a little stronger than Dreft. I’ve got a few newborn onesies that I guarantee Dylan’s head won’t fit through. And… que the “that baby is not gonna be wearing newborn clothes” comments that I keep getting. Yes, I’m huge. We know this.
    Also, since I’ve become the dooms day prepper of burp clothes, I thought these guys should have their own little labeled home as well. No clue why I feel the need to hoard these, but I do.
    Organized Nursery
    Organized Nursery
    Aside from a super organized closet, I also thought it would be helpful to have organized “stations”. For the changing area in Dylan’s room, I made the top drawer of his dresser the diaper station and used some nifty drawer organizers from Wal-Mart to sort all of his baby butt and grooming stuff.
    Diaper Storage
    And so we’re not constantly running up the stairs like crazy people, with poop and pee on us (although I might pay to see Jer like this once), I also decided to setup a changing station downstairs. Since we bought the one pack-n-play that doesn’t come with a built in storage system (DOH!), we got this diaper attachment from Amazon that clips right to the side.
    Pack-n-Play Diaper Storage
    I actually think this one might be more useful than the built-ins, because we can actually see when supplies is low and it has several compartments for his stuff that Bo can’t jump up and steal.
    Diaper Depot
    Finally and probably the most difficult to make room for, was a kitchen cabinet for Dylan’s bottles & bottle cleaning kit, eating utensils and eventually food. Although we’re going into this thing with our breastfeeding flag flying, we’ve been given several tins and bottles of formula, so they got their own bin too.
    Bottle Storage
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