食譜 牛肝菌鮮菇飯

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    Keyword:美容,生活,购物 var autoTags = new AUTOTAGS.createTagger({}); // Create an instance of the AutoTags tagger autoTags.COMPOUND_TAG_SEPARATOR = ‘_’; // var tagSet = autoTags.analyzeText( ‘text to suggest tags for…’, 10 ); // for ( var t in tagSet.tags ) { var tag = tagSet.tags[t]; … tag.getValue(); // The tag itself }aaaa,/script> .photoleft {float: left; padding:2px 0px 8px 10px; margin: 0; font-size:90%; color: #783f04; font-style:italic; width: 450px;}

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準備時間: 1  1/2小時製作費用:$80

食譜 牛肝菌鮮菇飯 (Ricky Cheung)

小弟今次用乾牛肝菌來做意大利人家常的牛肝菌鮮菇飯。做法簡單,只要用雞湯泡浸菇菌後,便可用來煮飯。另一個美味秘訣便是用雙羊米,比用 risotto更快捷方便,話咁快就可以炮製一煲香噴噴的牛肝菌飯!

乾牛肝菌  20克
雞湯  350克
橄欖油  30克
洋葱(切粒)  100克
Portabello鮮菇  150克
雙羊米(洗淨,瀝乾水分)  300克
鹽  6克
百里香( Thyme)  2克
1.將乾牛肝菌放入雞湯內浸 1小時。將浸發好的乾牛肝菌撈起切粒,雞湯留用。
2.鮮菇切角。備用。平底鑊放入橄欖油,燒熱後加入洋葱粒,鮮菇及切粒的乾牛肝菌,用中火炒 2分鐘。
4.待雞湯煮滾加入雙羊米、鹽及百里香,蓋上鑊蓋,收慢火煮 15分鐘即成。






Ricky Cheung
13歲入行, 96年晉升至灣仔萬麗海景酒店 Scala的行政總廚,擅長炮製新派歐陸菜。
現任灣仔歐陸私房菜館 Le Mieux Bistro主理人。


Gitzel Giuliette Care

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    Keyword:美容,生活,购物 var autoTags = new AUTOTAGS.createTagger({}); // Create an instance of the AutoTags tagger autoTags.COMPOUND_TAG_SEPARATOR = ‘_’; // var tagSet = autoTags.analyzeText( ‘text to suggest tags for…’, 10 ); // for ( var t in tagSet.tags ) { var tag = tagSet.tags[t]; … tag.getValue(); // The tag itself }aaaa,/script> .photoleft {float: left; padding:2px 0px 8px 10px; margin: 0; font-size:90%; color: #783f04; font-style:italic; width: 450px;}



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Gitzel Giuliette Care

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 免責聲明. 本網站所載資料只供一般參考之用。我們會竭力提供一個方便、實用而且資料豐富的網站,並確保一般的資料準確無誤。但並不對該等資料的準確性作出任何明示或隱含的保證。

第一代嘉麟樓點心廚 奶黃月餅

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第一代嘉麟樓點心廚 奶黃月餅

已退休的葉潤發師傅近年出山教班,去年謝安琪、 Wyman都跟佢上堂。葉師傅 86年加入上海大酒店集團,為旗下酒店籌備中菜館,九龍酒店環龍閣、半島酒店嘉麟樓、淺水灣起鳳臺,他都有份開荒。「當年老闆的目標是開設『亭臺樓閣』,我負責籌劃點心部,不過打算開在山頂的引鹿亭最終告吹。」當年的新派點心炸奶黃包大受歡迎,將近中秋,酒店高層建議製作月餅,「由炸奶黃包演變成月餅,反覆試十次就成功。」現今全港熱賣的奶黃月餅,誕生過程原來咁順利!「我們做了點心幾十年,基本上都有把握,只是調整一下分量比例就可以啦。」
葉師傅每年略為修改月餅分量,務求不斷改良,去年成立自家品牌「望月」,宣傳不多下也賣過萬盒,今年網上訂單已過三萬盒。餅皮厚薄適中,緊緊包裹着餡料,入口鬆化但不易散。奶黃餡夠香,軟滑無粒又不糊口。如此好吃,竟然不難做,「只要跟足步驟就得,有程序就有層次!餡料的粉類和液體,細心撈勻就不起粒。餅皮搓好雪三十分鐘,牛油冇咁易溶。」師傅三兩下手勢包好一個月餅,竅門呢?「餅皮不能太薄,有點厚度才做到鬆脆效果。包奶黃餡時不要貪方便,用麵粉搓雙手,雖然唔黐手,但會皮餡分離。包餅時用手掌虎口位,順着輕力轉。」吃不完,室溫放三天後要放入雪櫃,最多三星期內,記得用焗爐焗熱吃。「以 160度焗六分鐘,唔好用微波爐,會叮到腍晒,冇咁好食㗎。」自己親手做,新鮮出爐比街買的名牌出品更好吃!

月餅餡( 16個)
砂糖    60克
低筋麵粉  18克
吉士粉   18克
奶粉    18克
椰子粉  少許
煉奶    23克
雞蛋    30克
椰汁    90克
花奶    7克
牛油    45克
鹹蛋黃   4隻

砂糖    67克
牛油    130克
雞蛋    22克
花奶    25克
低筋麵粉  252克
吉士粉   17克
2.滾水落鍋蒸 15至 20分鐘。拿出撈勻,攤凍即成奶黃餡,放入雪櫃雪一晚。
4.奶黃餡從雪櫃取出,再略搓勻,分成 19克一粒。每粒壓平成圓形,包入 1/4隻已蒸熟的鹹蛋黃。
5.月餅皮粉團分成 30克一粒,每粒壓平成圓形,邊稍薄,將餡包入餅皮中。
7.預熱焗爐 250度。先焗 5分鐘,取出掃薄薄一層蛋漿,吹乾約 10分鐘後,再掃一層蛋漿,然後焗 4分鐘,取出掃一層糖漿,最後焗一分鐘。大功告成。






14歲入行,於高陞、武昌等舊式茶樓當點心學徒,肯學肯捱, 20歲便出任酒樓點心大廚。 83年於清水灣鄉村俱樂部當點心總廚,其後受到香港上海大酒店集團賞識,於 86年為集團旗下的九龍酒店、半島酒店、淺水灣酒店籌備中菜館,主理中式點心。因為喜歡往外闖,師傅於 89年前往廣州工作, 91至 96年加入澳門佳景集團,主理回力軒、四五六等。其後退休多年,直至 2011年被邀到中環潮州商會工作。
地址︰長沙灣道 681號貿易廣場地下 3號
電話︰ 2386 7666


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Launch of Despicable Me 2

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    Keyword:美容,生活,购物 var autoTags = new AUTOTAGS.createTagger({}); // Create an instance of the AutoTags tagger autoTags.COMPOUND_TAG_SEPARATOR = ‘_’; // var tagSet = autoTags.analyzeText( ‘text to suggest tags for…’, 10 ); // for ( var t in tagSet.tags ) { var tag = tagSet.tags[t]; … tag.getValue(); // The tag itself }aaaa,/script> .photoleft {float: left; padding:2px 0px 8px 10px; margin: 0; font-size:90%; color: #783f04; font-style:italic; width: 450px;}

To celebrate the up-and-coming Despicable Me 2 film release, baking blog Bakerella.com created these adorable minion cake pops inspired by the film’s fun-loving, yellow, bug-eyed minions.

Made from delicious yellow cake batter, these minion cake pops look identical to the CGI versions from the film. Like any standard cake pop recipe, these minion cake pops start with crumbled cake mixed with frosting. Rather than shaping the crumbled cake into tiny balls, these minion cake pops need to be shaped into small cylinders. After dipping them into yellow-dyed chocolate, decorate with tiny eyes, yellow arms and gray goggles. After these minion cake pops have set, you can stick them onto lollipop sticks and eat away.

Dressed in cute little miniature blue overalls, who could pass up munching on one of these delectable confectionery treats?



Minions! Millions of them! Made with marshmalllows! This treat is so cute, it’s downright despicable.

Despicable Me 2 – opens only in theaters July 3rd. Celebrate with a movie-themed marshmallow treat that is so simple to make, even your little Minions can help! These adorable Despicable Me Minions are made with just a few simple ingredients, and look almost too adorable to eat!

Supplies for making Despicable Me Marshmallow Minions
Here’s what you need. A few basics. Some of which will have to be picked up at a craft or cake store. So, you don’t just get to play with your food, you get to shop, too. Yay, you!

Start by melting the candy melts in a microwave-safe bowl, then dip each stick into the bottom of the melt, push it into the middle of a marshmallow, and allow the candy melt to harden a bit before dipping the entire marshmallow into the candy melt.

Melt candy for dipping marshmallows
Just like this! Press the marshmallow into the candy melt until completely covered. Tap it gently against the edge of the bowl, to get any of the extra candy melt off of the marshmallow.

Once the candy melt has completely dried, open up a batch of specially marked Despicable Me Fruit Roll-Ups, and use a pair of scissors to cut the blue portion of the Fruit Roll-Ups into 1/2″ ribbons. Gently fold the blue ribbon around the bottom half of the marshmallows to make the little Minion overalls. Press it against the marshmallow until it sticks.

Fit the black icing tube with the writing tip. Pipe the icing into the center of each marshmallow, then pipe a small line from the edges of the eyeballs to create goggles.

Allow the icing to harden, then you’re ready to share!

Turn those despicable little Minions into brownie toppers by piping a bit of icing on top of storebought brownie bites, and press the marshmallows right up top.


  • 12 large marshmallows
  • 2 cups yellow candy melts
  • 3  blue Fruit-Rollups
  • 1 tube Betty Crocker Black Icing, fitted with writers tip
  • 24 small or large candy eyeballs
  • also needed: sucker sticks


  1. 1Melt candy melts in a microwave-safe bowl, according to package directions.
  2. 2Dip one end of the sucker sticks into the candy melt. Press sucker sticks into marshmallows, and allow candy melt to cool.
  3. 3Dip entire marshmallow into the candy melt, until fully coated. Press the bottom of the sucker stick into a piece of styrofoam, allow candy melt to cool completely.
  4. 4Slice fruit rollups into 1/2″ strips. Press strip around the bottom portion of the marshmallow to create blue “overalls” for your minions.
  5. 5Pipe a big, black circle (or two smaller black circles) onto each marshmallow. Press a candy eyeball (or two candy eyeballs) into the icing.
  6. 6Pipe a thin, black line from one side of the eyeball, around the back of the marshmallow, until it touches the other side of the eyeballs to create “goggle” lines.
  7. 7Allow icing to harden completely.

var rec = new TBSPRecipe(); rec.init(‘despicable-me-minions’, ‘1’, ‘tablespoon.com’, ‘large-size’, true, true, 1139);

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Gitzel Giuliette Care

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(function(){ var _w = 72 , _h = 16; var param = { url:location.href, type:’3′, count:’1′, /**是否显示分享数,1显示(可选)*/ appkey:’1070709535′, /**您申请的应用appkey,显示分享来源(可选)*/ title:”, /**分享的文字内容(可选,默认为所在页面的title)*/ pic:”, /**分享图片的路径(可选)*/ ralateUid:’2409344871′, /**关联用户的UID,分享微博会@该用户(可选)*/ language:’zh_tw’, /**设置语言,zh_cn|zh_tw(可选)*/ rnd:new Date().valueOf() } var temp = []; for( var p in param ){ temp.push(p + ‘=’ + encodeURIComponent( param[p] || ” ) ) } document.write(”) })() public String captureScreen() { String path; try { WebDriver augmentedDriver = new Augmenter().augment(driver); File source = ((TakesScreenshot)augmentedDriver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); path = “./target/screenshots/” + source.getName(); FileUtils.copyFile(source, new File(path)); } catch(IOException e) { path = “Failed to capture screenshot: ” + e.getMessage(); } return path; } function run_pinmarklet1() { var e=document.createElement(‘script’); e.setAttribute(‘type’,’text/javascript’); e.setAttribute(‘charset’,’UTF-8′); e.setAttribute(‘src’,’http://assets.pinterest.com/js/pinmarklet.js?r=’+Math.random()*99999999); document.body.appendChild(e); } Follow Me on Pinterest

 免責聲明. 本網站所載資料只供一般參考之用。我們會竭力提供一個方便、實用而且資料豐富的網站,並確保一般的資料準確無誤。但並不對該等資料的準確性作出任何明示或隱含的保證。


    window.onload = function() { document.onselectstart = function() {return false;} // ie document.onmousedown = function() {return false;} // mozilla } var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push([‘_setAccount’, ‘UA-36520651-1’]); _gaq.push([‘_setDomainName’, ‘blogspot.com’]); _gaq.push([‘_setAllowLinker’, true]); _gaq.push([‘_trackPageview’]); (function() { var ga = document.createElement(‘script’); ga.type = ‘text/javascript’; ga.async = true; ga.src = (‘https:’ == document.location.protocol ? ‘https://ssl&#8217; : ‘http://www&#8217;) + ‘.google-analytics.com/ga.js’; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); function pageScroll() { window.scrollBy(0,50); // horizontal and vertical scroll increments scrolldelay = setTimeout(‘pageScroll()’,100); // scrolls every 100 milliseconds } Scroll Page | Stop Scrolling window.onload = function() { var element = document.getElementById(‘content’); element.onselectstart = function () { return false; } // ie element.onmousedown = function () { return false; } // mozilla }/*——-MBT Floating Counters————*/ #floatdiv { position:absolute; width:94px; height:229px; top:0; right:0; z-index:100 } #mbtsidebar { border:1px solid #ddd; padding-left:5px; position:relative; height:220px; width:55px; margin:0 0 0 5px; }

    // JavaScript Document <!– /* Script by: http://www.jtricks.com * Version: 20071017 * Latest version: * http://www.jtricks.com/javascript/navigation/floating.html */ var floatingMenuId = 'floatdiv'; var floatingMenu = { targetX: 0, targetY: 300, hasInner: typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number', hasElement: typeof(document.documentElement) == 'object' && typeof(document.documentElement.clientWidth) == 'number', menu: document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(floatingMenuId) : document.all ? document.all[floatingMenuId] : document.layers[floatingMenuId] }; floatingMenu.move = function () { floatingMenu.menu.style.left = floatingMenu.nextX + 'px'; floatingMenu.menu.style.top = floatingMenu.nextY + 'px'; } floatingMenu.computeShifts = function () { var de = document.documentElement; floatingMenu.shiftX = floatingMenu.hasInner ? pageXOffset : floatingMenu.hasElement ? de.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft; if (floatingMenu.targetX < 0) { floatingMenu.shiftX += floatingMenu.hasElement ? de.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth; } floatingMenu.shiftY = floatingMenu.hasInner ? pageYOffset : floatingMenu.hasElement ? de.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop; if (floatingMenu.targetY window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : de.clientHeight } else { floatingMenu.shiftY += floatingMenu.hasElement ? de.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight; } } } floatingMenu.calculateCornerX = function() { if (floatingMenu.targetX != ‘center’) return floatingMenu.shiftX + floatingMenu.targetX; var width = parseInt(floatingMenu.menu.offsetWidth); var cornerX = floatingMenu.hasElement ? (floatingMenu.hasInner ? pageXOffset : document.documentElement.scrollLeft) + (document.documentElement.clientWidth – width)/2 : document.body.scrollLeft + (document.body.clientWidth – width)/2; return cornerX; }; floatingMenu.calculateCornerY = function() { if (floatingMenu.targetY != ‘center’) return floatingMenu.shiftY + floatingMenu.targetY; var height = parseInt(floatingMenu.menu.offsetHeight); // Handle Opera 8 problems var clientHeight = floatingMenu.hasElement && floatingMenu.hasInner && document.documentElement.clientHeight > window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight var cornerY = floatingMenu.hasElement ? (floatingMenu.hasInner ? pageYOffset : document.documentElement.scrollTop) + (clientHeight – height)/2 : document.body.scrollTop + (document.body.clientHeight – height)/2; return cornerY; }; floatingMenu.doFloat = function() { // Check if reference to menu was lost due // to ajax manipuations if (!floatingMenu.menu) { menu = document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(floatingMenuId) : document.all ? document.all[floatingMenuId] : document.layers[floatingMenuId]; initSecondary(); } var stepX, stepY; floatingMenu.computeShifts(); var cornerX = floatingMenu.calculateCornerX(); var stepX = (cornerX – floatingMenu.nextX) * .07; if (Math.abs(stepX) < .5) { stepX = cornerX – floatingMenu.nextX; } var cornerY = floatingMenu.calculateCornerY(); var stepY = (cornerY – floatingMenu.nextY) * .07; if (Math.abs(stepY) 0 || Math.abs(stepY) > 0) { floatingMenu.nextX += stepX; floatingMenu.nextY += stepY; floatingMenu.move(); } setTimeout(‘floatingMenu.doFloat()’, 20); }; // addEvent designed by Aaron Moore floatingMenu.addEvent = function(element, listener, handler) { if(typeof element[listener] != ‘function’ || typeof element[listener + ‘_num’] == ‘undefined’) { element[listener + ‘_num’] = 0; if (typeof element[listener] == ‘function’) { element[listener + 0] = element[listener]; element[listener + ‘_num’]++; } element[listener] = function(e) { var r = true; e = (e) ? e : window.event; for(var i = element[listener + ‘_num’] -1; i >= 0; i–) { if(element[listener + i](e) == false) r = false; } return r; } } //if handler is not already stored, assign it for(var i = 0; i < element[listener + '_num']; i++) if(element[listener + i] == handler) return; element[listener + element[listener + '_num']] = handler; element[listener + '_num']++; }; floatingMenu.init = function() { floatingMenu.initSecondary(); floatingMenu.doFloat(); }; // Some browsers init scrollbars only after // full document load. floatingMenu.initSecondary = function() { floatingMenu.computeShifts(); floatingMenu.nextX = floatingMenu.calculateCornerX(); floatingMenu.nextY = floatingMenu.calculateCornerY(); floatingMenu.move(); } if (document.layers) floatingMenu.addEvent(window, 'onload', floatingMenu.init); else { floatingMenu.init(); floatingMenu.addEvent(window, 'onload', floatingMenu.initSecondary); } //

–>/*—————————————-* * 参数说明: * obj: 对象, 要进行高亮显示的html标签节点. * hlWords: 字符串, 要进行高亮的关键词词, 使用 竖杠(|)或空格 分隔多个词 . * cssClass: 字符串, 定义关键词突出显示风格的css伪类. * 参考资料: javascript HTML DOM 高亮显示页面特定字词 \*—————————————-*/ function MarkHighLight(obj, hlWords, cssClass) { hlWords = AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords); if (obj == null || hlWords.length == 0) return; if (cssClass == null) cssClass = “highlight”; MarkHighLightCore(obj, hlWords); //————执行高亮标记的核心方法—————————- function MarkHighLightCore(obj, keyWords) { var re = new RegExp(keyWords, “i”); for (var i = 0; i < obj.childNodes.length; i++) { var childObj = obj.childNodes[i]; if (childObj.nodeType == 3) { if (childObj.data.search(re) == -1) continue; var reResult = new RegExp("(" + keyWords + ")", "gi"); var objResult = document.createElement("span"); objResult.innerHTML = childObj.data.replace(reResult, "$1“); if (childObj.data == objResult.childNodes[0].innerHTML) continue; obj.replaceChild(objResult, childObj); } else if (childObj.nodeType == 1) { MarkHighLightCore(childObj, keyWords); } } } //———-分析关键词———————- function AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords) { if (hlWords == null) return “”; hlWords = hlWords.replace(/\s+/g, “|”).replace(/\|+/g, “|”); hlWords = hlWords.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, “”); if (hlWords.length == 0) return “”; var wordsArr = hlWords.split(“|”); if (wordsArr.length > 1) { var resultArr = BubbleSort(wordsArr); var result = “”; for (var i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { result = result + "|" + resultArr[i]; } return result.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, ""); } else { return hlWords; } } //—–利用冒泡排序法把长的关键词放前面—– function BubbleSort(arr) { var temp, exchange; for (var i = 0; i = i; j–) { if ((arr[j + 1].length) > (arr[j]).length) { temp = arr[j + 1]; arr[j + 1] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; exchange = true; } } if (!exchange) break; } return arr; } } //—————-end———————— var divObj = document.getElementById(“content”); MarkHighLight(divObj, ‘文章|关键|功能’);

Keyword:美容,生活,购物 var autoTags = new AUTOTAGS.createTagger({}); // Create an instance of the AutoTags tagger autoTags.COMPOUND_TAG_SEPARATOR = ‘_’; // var tagSet = autoTags.analyzeText( ‘text to suggest tags for…’, 10 ); // for ( var t in tagSet.tags ) { var tag = tagSet.tags[t]; … tag.getValue(); // The tag itself }aaaa,/script> .photoleft {float: left; padding:2px 0px 8px 10px; margin: 0; font-size:90%; color: #783f04; font-style:italic; width: 450px;}

改善胃寒型之妊娠嘔吐。烏梅性平,味酸澀,具止嘔作用,《本草逢原》記載“烏梅酸收,益津開胃,能斂肺潤腸、止嘔斂汗、定喘安蛔,其味酸、入 肝、生津止渴,使肝熱得清,胃氣得降,其嘔自止。”生薑可溫經、止嘔,所含的揮發油具有建胃作用。紅糖可暖胃、補脾、益氣血、溫經。


$(document).ready(function(){ $(‘#myPageFlip’).jPageFlip({ width: “imageWidth”, height: “imageHeight”, // other parameters }); });

var pdfbuttonlabel=”Save page as PDF”

Gitzel Giuliette Care

QR code this page

(function(){ var _w = 72 , _h = 16; var param = { url:location.href, type:’3′, count:’1′, /**是否显示分享数,1显示(可选)*/ appkey:’1070709535′, /**您申请的应用appkey,显示分享来源(可选)*/ title:”, /**分享的文字内容(可选,默认为所在页面的title)*/ pic:”, /**分享图片的路径(可选)*/ ralateUid:’2409344871′, /**关联用户的UID,分享微博会@该用户(可选)*/ language:’zh_tw’, /**设置语言,zh_cn|zh_tw(可选)*/ rnd:new Date().valueOf() } var temp = []; for( var p in param ){ temp.push(p + ‘=’ + encodeURIComponent( param[p] || ” ) ) } document.write(”) })() public String captureScreen() { String path; try { WebDriver augmentedDriver = new Augmenter().augment(driver); File source = ((TakesScreenshot)augmentedDriver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); path = “./target/screenshots/” + source.getName(); FileUtils.copyFile(source, new File(path)); } catch(IOException e) { path = “Failed to capture screenshot: ” + e.getMessage(); } return path; } function run_pinmarklet1() { var e=document.createElement(‘script’); e.setAttribute(‘type’,’text/javascript’); e.setAttribute(‘charset’,’UTF-8′); e.setAttribute(‘src’,’http://assets.pinterest.com/js/pinmarklet.js?r=’+Math.random()*99999999); document.body.appendChild(e); } Follow Me on Pinterest

 免責聲明. 本網站所載資料只供一般參考之用。我們會竭力提供一個方便、實用而且資料豐富的網站,並確保一般的資料準確無誤。但並不對該等資料的準確性作出任何明示或隱含的保證。


    window.onload = function() { document.onselectstart = function() {return false;} // ie document.onmousedown = function() {return false;} // mozilla } var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push([‘_setAccount’, ‘UA-36520651-1’]); _gaq.push([‘_setDomainName’, ‘blogspot.com’]); _gaq.push([‘_setAllowLinker’, true]); _gaq.push([‘_trackPageview’]); (function() { var ga = document.createElement(‘script’); ga.type = ‘text/javascript’; ga.async = true; ga.src = (‘https:’ == document.location.protocol ? ‘https://ssl&#8217; : ‘http://www&#8217;) + ‘.google-analytics.com/ga.js’; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); function pageScroll() { window.scrollBy(0,50); // horizontal and vertical scroll increments scrolldelay = setTimeout(‘pageScroll()’,100); // scrolls every 100 milliseconds } Scroll Page | Stop Scrolling window.onload = function() { var element = document.getElementById(‘content’); element.onselectstart = function () { return false; } // ie element.onmousedown = function () { return false; } // mozilla }/*——-MBT Floating Counters————*/ #floatdiv { position:absolute; width:94px; height:229px; top:0; right:0; z-index:100 } #mbtsidebar { border:1px solid #ddd; padding-left:5px; position:relative; height:220px; width:55px; margin:0 0 0 5px; }

    // JavaScript Document <!– /* Script by: http://www.jtricks.com * Version: 20071017 * Latest version: * http://www.jtricks.com/javascript/navigation/floating.html */ var floatingMenuId = 'floatdiv'; var floatingMenu = { targetX: 0, targetY: 300, hasInner: typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number', hasElement: typeof(document.documentElement) == 'object' && typeof(document.documentElement.clientWidth) == 'number', menu: document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(floatingMenuId) : document.all ? document.all[floatingMenuId] : document.layers[floatingMenuId] }; floatingMenu.move = function () { floatingMenu.menu.style.left = floatingMenu.nextX + 'px'; floatingMenu.menu.style.top = floatingMenu.nextY + 'px'; } floatingMenu.computeShifts = function () { var de = document.documentElement; floatingMenu.shiftX = floatingMenu.hasInner ? pageXOffset : floatingMenu.hasElement ? de.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft; if (floatingMenu.targetX < 0) { floatingMenu.shiftX += floatingMenu.hasElement ? de.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth; } floatingMenu.shiftY = floatingMenu.hasInner ? pageYOffset : floatingMenu.hasElement ? de.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop; if (floatingMenu.targetY window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : de.clientHeight } else { floatingMenu.shiftY += floatingMenu.hasElement ? de.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight; } } } floatingMenu.calculateCornerX = function() { if (floatingMenu.targetX != ‘center’) return floatingMenu.shiftX + floatingMenu.targetX; var width = parseInt(floatingMenu.menu.offsetWidth); var cornerX = floatingMenu.hasElement ? (floatingMenu.hasInner ? pageXOffset : document.documentElement.scrollLeft) + (document.documentElement.clientWidth – width)/2 : document.body.scrollLeft + (document.body.clientWidth – width)/2; return cornerX; }; floatingMenu.calculateCornerY = function() { if (floatingMenu.targetY != ‘center’) return floatingMenu.shiftY + floatingMenu.targetY; var height = parseInt(floatingMenu.menu.offsetHeight); // Handle Opera 8 problems var clientHeight = floatingMenu.hasElement && floatingMenu.hasInner && document.documentElement.clientHeight > window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight var cornerY = floatingMenu.hasElement ? (floatingMenu.hasInner ? pageYOffset : document.documentElement.scrollTop) + (clientHeight – height)/2 : document.body.scrollTop + (document.body.clientHeight – height)/2; return cornerY; }; floatingMenu.doFloat = function() { // Check if reference to menu was lost due // to ajax manipuations if (!floatingMenu.menu) { menu = document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(floatingMenuId) : document.all ? document.all[floatingMenuId] : document.layers[floatingMenuId]; initSecondary(); } var stepX, stepY; floatingMenu.computeShifts(); var cornerX = floatingMenu.calculateCornerX(); var stepX = (cornerX – floatingMenu.nextX) * .07; if (Math.abs(stepX) < .5) { stepX = cornerX – floatingMenu.nextX; } var cornerY = floatingMenu.calculateCornerY(); var stepY = (cornerY – floatingMenu.nextY) * .07; if (Math.abs(stepY) 0 || Math.abs(stepY) > 0) { floatingMenu.nextX += stepX; floatingMenu.nextY += stepY; floatingMenu.move(); } setTimeout(‘floatingMenu.doFloat()’, 20); }; // addEvent designed by Aaron Moore floatingMenu.addEvent = function(element, listener, handler) { if(typeof element[listener] != ‘function’ || typeof element[listener + ‘_num’] == ‘undefined’) { element[listener + ‘_num’] = 0; if (typeof element[listener] == ‘function’) { element[listener + 0] = element[listener]; element[listener + ‘_num’]++; } element[listener] = function(e) { var r = true; e = (e) ? e : window.event; for(var i = element[listener + ‘_num’] -1; i >= 0; i–) { if(element[listener + i](e) == false) r = false; } return r; } } //if handler is not already stored, assign it for(var i = 0; i < element[listener + '_num']; i++) if(element[listener + i] == handler) return; element[listener + element[listener + '_num']] = handler; element[listener + '_num']++; }; floatingMenu.init = function() { floatingMenu.initSecondary(); floatingMenu.doFloat(); }; // Some browsers init scrollbars only after // full document load. floatingMenu.initSecondary = function() { floatingMenu.computeShifts(); floatingMenu.nextX = floatingMenu.calculateCornerX(); floatingMenu.nextY = floatingMenu.calculateCornerY(); floatingMenu.move(); } if (document.layers) floatingMenu.addEvent(window, 'onload', floatingMenu.init); else { floatingMenu.init(); floatingMenu.addEvent(window, 'onload', floatingMenu.initSecondary); } //

–>/*—————————————-* * 参数说明: * obj: 对象, 要进行高亮显示的html标签节点. * hlWords: 字符串, 要进行高亮的关键词词, 使用 竖杠(|)或空格 分隔多个词 . * cssClass: 字符串, 定义关键词突出显示风格的css伪类. * 参考资料: javascript HTML DOM 高亮显示页面特定字词 \*—————————————-*/ function MarkHighLight(obj, hlWords, cssClass) { hlWords = AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords); if (obj == null || hlWords.length == 0) return; if (cssClass == null) cssClass = “highlight”; MarkHighLightCore(obj, hlWords); //————执行高亮标记的核心方法—————————- function MarkHighLightCore(obj, keyWords) { var re = new RegExp(keyWords, “i”); for (var i = 0; i < obj.childNodes.length; i++) { var childObj = obj.childNodes[i]; if (childObj.nodeType == 3) { if (childObj.data.search(re) == -1) continue; var reResult = new RegExp("(" + keyWords + ")", "gi"); var objResult = document.createElement("span"); objResult.innerHTML = childObj.data.replace(reResult, "$1“); if (childObj.data == objResult.childNodes[0].innerHTML) continue; obj.replaceChild(objResult, childObj); } else if (childObj.nodeType == 1) { MarkHighLightCore(childObj, keyWords); } } } //———-分析关键词———————- function AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords) { if (hlWords == null) return “”; hlWords = hlWords.replace(/\s+/g, “|”).replace(/\|+/g, “|”); hlWords = hlWords.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, “”); if (hlWords.length == 0) return “”; var wordsArr = hlWords.split(“|”); if (wordsArr.length > 1) { var resultArr = BubbleSort(wordsArr); var result = “”; for (var i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { result = result + "|" + resultArr[i]; } return result.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, ""); } else { return hlWords; } } //—–利用冒泡排序法把长的关键词放前面—– function BubbleSort(arr) { var temp, exchange; for (var i = 0; i = i; j–) { if ((arr[j + 1].length) > (arr[j]).length) { temp = arr[j + 1]; arr[j + 1] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; exchange = true; } } if (!exchange) break; } return arr; } } //—————-end———————— var divObj = document.getElementById(“content”); MarkHighLight(divObj, ‘文章|关键|功能’);

Keyword:美容,生活,购物 var autoTags = new AUTOTAGS.createTagger({}); // Create an instance of the AutoTags tagger autoTags.COMPOUND_TAG_SEPARATOR = ‘_’; // var tagSet = autoTags.analyzeText( ‘text to suggest tags for…’, 10 ); // for ( var t in tagSet.tags ) { var tag = tagSet.tags[t]; … tag.getValue(); // The tag itself }aaaa,/script> .photoleft {float: left; padding:2px 0px 8px 10px; margin: 0; font-size:90%; color: #783f04; font-style:italic; width: 450px;}


婦 女 坐 月 期 間 , 身 體 虛 弱 , 致 精 神 不 振 , 心 悸 不 安 , 難 以 安 睡 。 要 調 理 身 體 , 可 用 淮 山 、 杞 子 、 龍 眼 肉 煲 牛 展 湯 作 食 療 , 常 飲 能 補 氣 血 、 養 顏 強 體 , 最 適 合 產 婦 食 用 。

牛 展 ─ 1 2 兩 薑 ── 2 片
杞 子 ─ 1 兩 鹽 ── 1/2 茶 匙( 撥 平 匙 面 )
淮 山 ─ 1 兩
龍 眼 肉 ─ 6 錢
水 ─ 8 碗

1 龍 眼 肉 浸 洗 乾 淨 , 牛 展 洗 淨 切 厚 片 。
2 將 所 有 材 料 洗 淨 後 , 放 入 煲 中 煮 滾 , 改 用 文 火 煲 2 1 / 2 小 時 , 落 鹽 即 成 。

* 龍 眼 肉 又 名 圓 肉 , 有 固 腎 培 元 , 安 神 補 血 功 用 。 龍 眼 核 有 止 血 功 能 。
* 牛 展 有 補 虛 、 補 脾 、 益 氣 強 身 作 用 。

禁 忌
患 傷 風 感 冒 者 不 宜 飲 用 此 湯
$(document).ready(function(){ $(‘#myPageFlip’).jPageFlip({ width: “imageWidth”, height: “imageHeight”, // other parameters }); });

var pdfbuttonlabel=”Save page as PDF”

Gitzel Giuliette Care

QR code this page

(function(){ var _w = 72 , _h = 16; var param = { url:location.href, type:’3′, count:’1′, /**是否显示分享数,1显示(可选)*/ appkey:’1070709535′, /**您申请的应用appkey,显示分享来源(可选)*/ title:”, /**分享的文字内容(可选,默认为所在页面的title)*/ pic:”, /**分享图片的路径(可选)*/ ralateUid:’2409344871′, /**关联用户的UID,分享微博会@该用户(可选)*/ language:’zh_tw’, /**设置语言,zh_cn|zh_tw(可选)*/ rnd:new Date().valueOf() } var temp = []; for( var p in param ){ temp.push(p + ‘=’ + encodeURIComponent( param[p] || ” ) ) } document.write(”) })() public String captureScreen() { String path; try { WebDriver augmentedDriver = new Augmenter().augment(driver); File source = ((TakesScreenshot)augmentedDriver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); path = “./target/screenshots/” + source.getName(); FileUtils.copyFile(source, new File(path)); } catch(IOException e) { path = “Failed to capture screenshot: ” + e.getMessage(); } return path; } function run_pinmarklet1() { var e=document.createElement(‘script’); e.setAttribute(‘type’,’text/javascript’); e.setAttribute(‘charset’,’UTF-8′); e.setAttribute(‘src’,’http://assets.pinterest.com/js/pinmarklet.js?r=’+Math.random()*99999999); document.body.appendChild(e); } Follow Me on Pinterest

 免責聲明. 本網站所載資料只供一般參考之用。我們會竭力提供一個方便、實用而且資料豐富的網站,並確保一般的資料準確無誤。但並不對該等資料的準確性作出任何明示或隱含的保證。


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–>/*—————————————-* * 参数说明: * obj: 对象, 要进行高亮显示的html标签节点. * hlWords: 字符串, 要进行高亮的关键词词, 使用 竖杠(|)或空格 分隔多个词 . * cssClass: 字符串, 定义关键词突出显示风格的css伪类. * 参考资料: javascript HTML DOM 高亮显示页面特定字词 \*—————————————-*/ function MarkHighLight(obj, hlWords, cssClass) { hlWords = AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords); if (obj == null || hlWords.length == 0) return; if (cssClass == null) cssClass = “highlight”; MarkHighLightCore(obj, hlWords); //————执行高亮标记的核心方法—————————- function MarkHighLightCore(obj, keyWords) { var re = new RegExp(keyWords, “i”); for (var i = 0; i < obj.childNodes.length; i++) { var childObj = obj.childNodes[i]; if (childObj.nodeType == 3) { if (childObj.data.search(re) == -1) continue; var reResult = new RegExp("(" + keyWords + ")", "gi"); var objResult = document.createElement("span"); objResult.innerHTML = childObj.data.replace(reResult, "$1“); if (childObj.data == objResult.childNodes[0].innerHTML) continue; obj.replaceChild(objResult, childObj); } else if (childObj.nodeType == 1) { MarkHighLightCore(childObj, keyWords); } } } //———-分析关键词———————- function AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords) { if (hlWords == null) return “”; hlWords = hlWords.replace(/\s+/g, “|”).replace(/\|+/g, “|”); hlWords = hlWords.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, “”); if (hlWords.length == 0) return “”; var wordsArr = hlWords.split(“|”); if (wordsArr.length > 1) { var resultArr = BubbleSort(wordsArr); var result = “”; for (var i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { result = result + "|" + resultArr[i]; } return result.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, ""); } else { return hlWords; } } //—–利用冒泡排序法把长的关键词放前面—– function BubbleSort(arr) { var temp, exchange; for (var i = 0; i = i; j–) { if ((arr[j + 1].length) > (arr[j]).length) { temp = arr[j + 1]; arr[j + 1] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; exchange = true; } } if (!exchange) break; } return arr; } } //—————-end———————— var divObj = document.getElementById(“content”); MarkHighLight(divObj, ‘文章|关键|功能’);

Keyword:美容,生活,购物 var autoTags = new AUTOTAGS.createTagger({}); // Create an instance of the AutoTags tagger autoTags.COMPOUND_TAG_SEPARATOR = ‘_’; // var tagSet = autoTags.analyzeText( ‘text to suggest tags for…’, 10 ); // for ( var t in tagSet.tags ) { var tag = tagSet.tags[t]; … tag.getValue(); // The tag itself }aaaa,/script> .photoleft {float: left; padding:2px 0px 8px 10px; margin: 0; font-size:90%; color: #783f04; font-style:italic; width: 450px;}

當歸是特別有益女性健康的一味補血良藥,不僅可以補血活血、調經止痛,對於眩暈心悸、月經不調、痛經閉經、虛寒腹痛等婦科疾病也有非常好的療效。至於茯 苓,它能夠鎮靜、安神、降低血糖。烏雞長久以來始終被視作婦科聖藥,對於婦女的白帶症、不育症、月經不調、產後虛損都有奇效,而且烏雞不僅藥效突出,肉質 也非常鮮美,是難得的營養又好吃的食材!

原料:烏雞1只 藥材:茯苓、當歸 
$(document).ready(function(){ $(‘#myPageFlip’).jPageFlip({ width: “imageWidth”, height: “imageHeight”, // other parameters }); });

var pdfbuttonlabel=”Save page as PDF”

Gitzel Giuliette Care

(function(){ var _w = 72 , _h = 16; var param = { url:location.href, type:’3′, count:’1′, /**是否显示分享数,1显示(可选)*/ appkey:’1070709535′, /**您申请的应用appkey,显示分享来源(可选)*/ title:”, /**分享的文字内容(可选,默认为所在页面的title)*/ pic:”, /**分享图片的路径(可选)*/ ralateUid:’2409344871′, /**关联用户的UID,分享微博会@该用户(可选)*/ language:’zh_tw’, /**设置语言,zh_cn|zh_tw(可选)*/ rnd:new Date().valueOf() } var temp = []; for( var p in param ){ temp.push(p + ‘=’ + encodeURIComponent( param[p] || ” ) ) } document.write(”) })() public String captureScreen() { String path; try { WebDriver augmentedDriver = new Augmenter().augment(driver); File source = ((TakesScreenshot)augmentedDriver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); path = “./target/screenshots/” + source.getName(); FileUtils.copyFile(source, new File(path)); } catch(IOException e) { path = “Failed to capture screenshot: ” + e.getMessage(); } return path; } function run_pinmarklet1() { var e=document.createElement(‘script’); e.setAttribute(‘type’,’text/javascript’); e.setAttribute(‘charset’,’UTF-8′); e.setAttribute(‘src’,’http://assets.pinterest.com/js/pinmarklet.js?r=’+Math.random()*99999999); document.body.appendChild(e); } Follow Me on Pinterest

味濃醉意 米蛋糕/ 意大利肉腸慕絲醬 / Drunk Pasta / 巴馬臣芝士菠菜卷

    window.onload = function() { document.onselectstart = function() {return false;} // ie document.onmousedown = function() {return false;} // mozilla } var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push([‘_setAccount’, ‘UA-36520651-1’]); _gaq.push([‘_setDomainName’, ‘blogspot.com’]); _gaq.push([‘_setAllowLinker’, true]); _gaq.push([‘_trackPageview’]); (function() { var ga = document.createElement(‘script’); ga.type = ‘text/javascript’; ga.async = true; ga.src = (‘https:’ == document.location.protocol ? ‘https://ssl&#8217; : ‘http://www&#8217;) + ‘.google-analytics.com/ga.js’; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); function pageScroll() { window.scrollBy(0,50); // horizontal and vertical scroll increments scrolldelay = setTimeout(‘pageScroll()’,100); // scrolls every 100 milliseconds } Scroll Page | Stop Scrolling window.onload = function() { var element = document.getElementById(‘content’); element.onselectstart = function () { return false; } // ie element.onmousedown = function () { return false; } // mozilla }/*——-MBT Floating Counters————*/ #floatdiv { position:absolute; width:94px; height:229px; top:0; right:0; z-index:100 } #mbtsidebar { border:1px solid #ddd; padding-left:5px; position:relative; height:220px; width:55px; margin:0 0 0 5px; }

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–>/*—————————————-* * 参数说明: * obj: 对象, 要进行高亮显示的html标签节点. * hlWords: 字符串, 要进行高亮的关键词词, 使用 竖杠(|)或空格 分隔多个词 . * cssClass: 字符串, 定义关键词突出显示风格的css伪类. * 参考资料: javascript HTML DOM 高亮显示页面特定字词 \*—————————————-*/ function MarkHighLight(obj, hlWords, cssClass) { hlWords = AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords); if (obj == null || hlWords.length == 0) return; if (cssClass == null) cssClass = “highlight”; MarkHighLightCore(obj, hlWords); //————执行高亮标记的核心方法—————————- function MarkHighLightCore(obj, keyWords) { var re = new RegExp(keyWords, “i”); for (var i = 0; i < obj.childNodes.length; i++) { var childObj = obj.childNodes[i]; if (childObj.nodeType == 3) { if (childObj.data.search(re) == -1) continue; var reResult = new RegExp("(" + keyWords + ")", "gi"); var objResult = document.createElement("span"); objResult.innerHTML = childObj.data.replace(reResult, "$1“); if (childObj.data == objResult.childNodes[0].innerHTML) continue; obj.replaceChild(objResult, childObj); } else if (childObj.nodeType == 1) { MarkHighLightCore(childObj, keyWords); } } } //———-分析关键词———————- function AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords) { if (hlWords == null) return “”; hlWords = hlWords.replace(/\s+/g, “|”).replace(/\|+/g, “|”); hlWords = hlWords.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, “”); if (hlWords.length == 0) return “”; var wordsArr = hlWords.split(“|”); if (wordsArr.length > 1) { var resultArr = BubbleSort(wordsArr); var result = “”; for (var i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { result = result + "|" + resultArr[i]; } return result.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, ""); } else { return hlWords; } } //—–利用冒泡排序法把长的关键词放前面—– function BubbleSort(arr) { var temp, exchange; for (var i = 0; i = i; j–) { if ((arr[j + 1].length) > (arr[j]).length) { temp = arr[j + 1]; arr[j + 1] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; exchange = true; } } if (!exchange) break; } return arr; } } //—————-end———————— var divObj = document.getElementById(“content”); MarkHighLight(divObj, ‘文章|关键|功能’);

Keyword:美容,生活,购物 var autoTags = new AUTOTAGS.createTagger({}); // Create an instance of the AutoTags tagger autoTags.COMPOUND_TAG_SEPARATOR = ‘_’; // var tagSet = autoTags.analyzeText( ‘text to suggest tags for…’, 10 ); // for ( var t in tagSet.tags ) { var tag = tagSet.tags[t]; … tag.getValue(); // The tag itself }aaaa,/script> .photoleft {float: left; padding:2px 0px 8px 10px; margin: 0; font-size:90%; color: #783f04; font-style:italic; width: 450px;}

$(document).ready(function(){ $(‘#myPageFlip’).jPageFlip({ width: “imageWidth”, height: “imageHeight”, // other parameters }); }); 市面上有不少意大利餐廳,間間都說自己正宗,但為了遷就香港人的口味,其實難免要把原本的味道調整,這樣就打了折扣,不再百分百正宗了。不如跟正宗意大利人學番一招半式,自家製可能還更忠於原著呢!

今次為我們示範的Lorenzo Tedeschi,來自意大利的Emilia Romagna,那是意大利北部地區,鄰近盛產Parma Ham(巴馬火腿)的Parma。這個地區一直被視為意大利北部美食的集中地,風乾火腿Prosciutto、芝士Parmigiano Reggiano(即我們熟悉的巴馬臣芝士)及各式各樣的意大利鮮製麵條,都可以在此找到。當中意大利菜必備的巴馬臣芝士更是Emilia Romagna的獨有出品呢!
自羅馬人於公元前187年築好125米長的羅馬大道Via Emilia之後,來到Emilia Romagna的商旅和遊客也越來越多。而當時的貴族對飲食都非常講究,更愛以十道佳餚配上美酒款待客人,以滿足口腹。
這個地區的傳統菜式味道較濃,富有特色,好像米蛋糕和Drunk Pasta在香港都非常少見,難有機會吃到。今次Lorenzo教大家做他家鄉的家庭食譜,由食材到做法,都夠晒地道,大家不妨試做一下。

(Torta di Riso)


時間:1小時50分鐘  難度:★★ 份量:4人



(Mortadella Mousse)


時間:10分鐘  難度:★ 份量:2人

意式肉腸300克、巴馬臣芝士/忌廉各1湯匙、Ricotta Cheese100克

1.將意式肉腸切粒,加入巴馬臣芝士和Ricotta Cheese,拌勻。

Drunk Pasta
(Penne all’Ubriaca)

這個Drunk Pasta是Lorenzo的傳家食譜,小時候常常吃到外婆為他做Drunk Pasta。看似用了很多的紅酒來煮,但紅酒經過烹煮後,酒精揮發掉,餘下的是葡萄香,不怕醉。

時間:1小時45分鐘 難度:★★ 份量:2人





(Cannelloni Spinaci/Parmigiano Reggiano)


時間:2小時30分鐘  難度:★★★★ 份量:2人









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Gitzel Giuliette Care

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Processed Foods: 50 homemade snacks to Help You Cut Out

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–>/*—————————————-* * 参数说明: * obj: 对象, 要进行高亮显示的html标签节点. * hlWords: 字符串, 要进行高亮的关键词词, 使用 竖杠(|)或空格 分隔多个词 . * cssClass: 字符串, 定义关键词突出显示风格的css伪类. * 参考资料: javascript HTML DOM 高亮显示页面特定字词 \*—————————————-*/ function MarkHighLight(obj, hlWords, cssClass) { hlWords = AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords); if (obj == null || hlWords.length == 0) return; if (cssClass == null) cssClass = “highlight”; MarkHighLightCore(obj, hlWords); //————执行高亮标记的核心方法—————————- function MarkHighLightCore(obj, keyWords) { var re = new RegExp(keyWords, “i”); for (var i = 0; i < obj.childNodes.length; i++) { var childObj = obj.childNodes[i]; if (childObj.nodeType == 3) { if (childObj.data.search(re) == -1) continue; var reResult = new RegExp("(" + keyWords + ")", "gi"); var objResult = document.createElement("span"); objResult.innerHTML = childObj.data.replace(reResult, "$1“); if (childObj.data == objResult.childNodes[0].innerHTML) continue; obj.replaceChild(objResult, childObj); } else if (childObj.nodeType == 1) { MarkHighLightCore(childObj, keyWords); } } } //———-分析关键词———————- function AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords) { if (hlWords == null) return “”; hlWords = hlWords.replace(/\s+/g, “|”).replace(/\|+/g, “|”); hlWords = hlWords.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, “”); if (hlWords.length == 0) return “”; var wordsArr = hlWords.split(“|”); if (wordsArr.length > 1) { var resultArr = BubbleSort(wordsArr); var result = “”; for (var i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { result = result + "|" + resultArr[i]; } return result.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, ""); } else { return hlWords; } } //—–利用冒泡排序法把长的关键词放前面—– function BubbleSort(arr) { var temp, exchange; for (var i = 0; i = i; j–) { if ((arr[j + 1].length) > (arr[j]).length) { temp = arr[j + 1]; arr[j + 1] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; exchange = true; } } if (!exchange) break; } return arr; } } //—————-end———————— var divObj = document.getElementById(“content”); MarkHighLight(divObj, ‘文章|关键|功能’);

Keyword:美容,生活,购物 .photoleft {float: left; padding:2px 0px 8px 10px; margin: 0; font-size:90%; color: #783f04; font-style:italic; width: 450px;}

If you’re anything like us, you’ve got a lot on your plate. Keeping up your energy all day long by snacking on nutritious food options is the key to fitting it all in. Unfortunately, the most easily accessible snacks are not always the healthiest. Packages of processed chips, crackers, and fruit snacks lurk behind. Thankfully, there are other options. We’ve got 50 Snack Options to Help You Cut Out Processed Foods that are packed with refined sugar and sodium.

1. Apple Slices

2. Carrots with Avocado Dip


  • 1 can green peas
  • 1 avocado, seeded and peeled
  • I clove of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice or the juice from 1 lime 
  • Kosher or Sea Salt and pepper to taste
  • Hot sauce to taste

Place all the ingredients into a food processor and mix to the consistency you prefer.
Be sure to check out this yummy dip recipe for Skinny Salsa. 
 Skinny Salsa DIP

  • 2 Chicken breasts filets, skinless
  • 1 tablespoon olive or canola oil
  • 1 (12 ounce) Jar of Salsa, no sugar added
  • 1 cup non-fat shredded cheese (almost any cheese will work) 

Cut the chicken into small pieces. Add oil to a medium skillet and saute over medium heat until done. Add salsa and simmer 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat, add cheese and stir until melted.

Do you love dips but not the calories & fat from chips and tostados? If so, you’ve got to check out this cool idea for making bell pepper scoops.
Bell Pepper Scoops

In order to turn these bell peppers into ” Scoop” chips.  Try to cut them up in order to make each piece as ” scoopy” as possible.  Some will be ” Scoopier” then others.

When I ate this for dinner.  I was surprised on how fast these peppers filled me up.  These peppers are crunchy and crisp.  The scoops fit a nice amount of dip.  This is also a nice light snack or dinner for a hot summer evening.  Also, I think that Bell Pepper Scoop Chips work well with Mexican themed dips.

 Pea and avocado Hummus


* 1 can of mushy green peas

* 1 avocado

* I clove of garlic

* 1 tablespoon of lime juice. or the juice from 1 lime 

* salt and pepper 

* hot sauce to taste.  


Place all the ingredients into a food processor and mix to the consistency you prefer!

3. Sliced Veggies with Zucchini Hummus

  • 2 medium zucchini, peeled and chopped
  • ½ cup tahini
  • ⅓ cup lemon juice
  • ⅓ cup olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1½ teaspoons cumin
  • Salt & pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in the base of a food processor, and process until smooth. Serve with crisp raw veggies, such as carrots, celery sticks, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, or cucumber slices, for dipping.

4. A Medium Banana

Bananas are sweet in flavor, nutritious and a healthy alternative to high-calorie junk food. Whether you’re making a delicious smoothie, or adding flavor to cereal, the banana is an important super-food that provides a number of wonderful health benefits.


  • Whole-Grain Banana Blueberry Pancakes
  • Slow Cooker Bananas Foster
  • Chocolate Banana Bread
  • Clean Eating Banana Apple Bread
  • Blueberry Banana Smoothie
  • Strawberry Banana Smoothie
  • Mango-Banana Cream Smoothie
  • Pomegranate Banana Ginger Blast
  • Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie
  • Blueberry Banana Smoothie


1.  They’re Low in Calories
Are you trying to reduce your daily calorie consumption? Eat a banana instead of a bag of chips. One extra small banana contains only 72 calories, and a large banana holds about 120 calories, according to OfficialHealth.org. Bananas also contain very little saturated fat, and no cholesterol, unlike junk foods. Not only are bananas low in calories, but they’re also very filling. Bananas tend to make you feel full longer, which reduces cravings throughout the day and helps with weight loss.
2.  They Offer a Energy Boost
Bananas are an excellent source of natural energy, providing two times the amount of carbohydrates as an apple. The carbohydrates in bananas provide endurance and a quick boost in energy. For that reason, eating bananas before a workout is an awesome energy booster. Eating only two bananas produces enough energy to last an entire ninety minute workout. If you’re feeling sluggish in the afternoon, try snacking on a banana!
3.  Bananas Reduce Depression
The banana isn’t a magical cure for depression, but nutrients found in the fruit can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Bananas contain the amino acid tryptophan, which helps produce serotonin, an important brain chemical that regulates mood and emotion. Eating more bananas can raise serotonin levels in the brain and lessen depressed feelings. In fact, studies have shown that eating only one banana can elevate a depressed mood.
4.  They Lower Blood Pressure
Bananas are loaded with potassium, a chemical that regulates sodium in the body and lowers blood pressure. Studies have shown that consumption of one to two bananas per day can lower blood pressure by as much as three points. Reducing your blood pressure by three points is enough to eliminate the chances of stroke. If you have high blood pressure, eat more bananas. In addition to lowering blood pressure, bananas also help prevent clogged arteries and heart problems. For those who wish to quit smoking, the potassium in bananas is also believed to help lower nicotine levels in the body.
5.  Bananas Offer Fiber
Bananas aren’t considered a high-fiber fruit, but they do provide a healthy 5 g of fiber per serving. Fiber is important because it helps lower cholesterol and sustain healthy blood sugar levels. If you’re a woman, you need at least 30 g of fiber per day to stay healthy. You can get a healthy dose of daily fiber and nutrients simply by eating more bananas in combination with high-fiber foods like oatmeal and strawberries. The fiber in a banana is also beneficial for those suffering from diarrhea because fiber helps solidify stool and improve digestion.

5. Dried Fruit Chips, no sugar added

6. A Hard-Boiled Egg

7. String Cheese and Grapes

8. Fruit with Skinny Nutella

Yields: 15 | Serving size: 1 tablespoon | Calories: 57 | Previous Points: 1 Points Plus: 2 | Total Fat: 5 g | Saturated Fats: 2 g | Trans Fats: 0 g | Cholesterol: 0 mg |Sodium: 21 mg | Carbohydrates: 4 g | Dietary fiber: 1 g | Sugars: 3 g | Protein: 1 g
  • 1 cup hazelnuts, skinned
  • 3/4 cup chocolate chips (Try for gluten and dairy free  and for no added refined sugar ..grain sweetened)
  • 3/4 cup lite coconut milk, canned (almond or regular milk will work)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons mild honey
  • Pinch of Kosher or sea salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Evenly spread hazelnuts on a cookie sheet and roast approximately 15 minutes. Remove and allow to cool at room temperature. Remove skins by placing hazelnuts in a kitchen towel and rubbing until the skins fall off.

In a medium saucepan, add chocolate chips, milk, honey and salt, turn to low heat and heat until chips are completely melted. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly while preparing hazelnuts.

Add hazelnuts to a food processor and pulse until a butter like consistency…about 5 minutes. The nuts will have a slightly grainy consistency and that’s okay, a little is fine. Add chocolate mixture to food processor and pulse until well combined with hazelnut butter.

Add nutella to a glass container, allow to cool completely, cover and refrigerate. Nutella will thicken after being refrigerated. This recipe makes approximately one pint.

NOTE: The fats in this recipe are healthy fats which come from the hazelnuts and coconut milk…both are superfoods that are packed with health benefits.
Homemade Nutella makes wonderful gifts for the holidays. Add Nutella to 1/2 pint sized canning jars, tie a bow around the lid and you’ve got your gifts!

9. Air-Popped Corn

10. Rolled Turkey Breast

11. Pineapple Spears

12. Skinny Berry Parfait

Servings: 4 | Calories: 139 | Previous Points: 2 | Points Plus: 3 | Total Fat: 1 gm | Saturated Fats: 0 gm | Trans Fats: 0 gm | Cholesterol: 2 mg | Sodium: 32 mg | Carbohydrates: 26 gm | Dietary fiber: 5 gm | Sugars: 17 gm | Protein: 8 gm
  • 1 cup old-fashioned oats
  • 1/2 cup almonds with skins, sliced
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons unrefined coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup fresh raspberries
  • 1/2 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1/2 cup fresh blackberries
  • 2 cups raspberry yogurt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a medium bowl, combine oats, almonds and cinnamon. Stir in melted coconut oil to combine with other ingredients. Line a cookie sheet with parchment, spread oats evenly and bake approximately 20 minutes or until golden. Stir after 10 minutes. Allow to cool completely.

You’ll like have leftover granola. This granola is a wonderful snack or topping. Try adding rasins or other dried fruit without added sweeteners.
Alternate yogurt, granola and berries in 4 parfait glasses.
Choose other berries if you prefer.

13. Sliced Bell Pepper with Skinny Ranch Dip

Yields: 12 servings | Serving Size: 2 tablespoons | Calories: 30 | Total Fat: 1 g | Saturated Fat: 1 g | Trans Fat: 0 g | Previous Points: 1 | Points Plus: 3 | Cholesterol: 4 | Carbohydrates: 1 g | Sodium:16 mg | Dietary Fiber: 0 g | Sugars: g 1 | Protein: 3 g |
  • 1 cup Greek Yogurt, plain, fat-free
  • 1/2 cup reduced fat sour cream, optional Greek Yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon Ranch Seasoning

Combine ingredients in a medium bowl, store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Allow dip to set overnight in the refrigerator before serving,

14. A Fresh Fruit Popsicle

1. Ginger and Juice Pops-

2 cups lemon juice
1 cup apple juice
1/4 cup fresh lime juice (about 3 limes)
4 tbs grated ginger
2 tbs honey
1 lime, thinly sliced
1/2 lemon, thinly sliced
To Prepare:
Simmer juices, ginger and honey in a small saucepan for 10 minutes, then let cool. Add citrus slices and juice mixture to mold and add sticks. Freeze 6 hours.

2. Strawberry Pops-
3 cups hulled and halved strawberries
3/4 cup strawberry puree
3/4 cup pineapple juice
3 tbs honey
1 ripe banana
To Prepare:
Simmer berries and juices in a medium saucepan for 5 minutes. Let cool. Transfer mixture to a blender; add banana; blend until smooth. Fill molds and add sticks. Freeze 6 hours.

3. Banana, Coconut & Yogurt Pops-

1 very ripe banana
1/3 cup lite coconut milk
1 6-8 oz container of low-fat yogurt
To Prepare:
Simmer coconut milk and yogurt in a medium saucepan for 5 minutes. Let cool. Transfer mixture to a blender; add banana; blend until smooth. Fill molds and add sticks. Freeze 6 hours.

4. Berrylicious Antioxidant Pops-
1 1/2 cups fresh blackberries
1 1/2 cups fresh blueberries
1 cup low-fat yogurt
2 tbs honey
2 tbs fresh lemon juice
To Prepare:
Blend 3/4 cup blackberries and 3/4 cup blueberries with yogurt, honey and lemon juice in a blender until smooth. Pour into molds and add sticks. Freeze 6 hours.

5. Creamy Cocoa Fudgesicles 
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1/2 cup lite coconut milk
2 small, very-ripe bananas
scant 1/16 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
honey to taste
¼ cup peanut or nut butter (optional)
To Prepare:
Combine all ingredients into blender. Simmer over low heat for up to 5 minutes. Pour into molds and add sticks. Freeze 6 hours.

To remove pops from trays, or molds easily, run popsicle mold under room-temperature water for about 10-15 seconds and then twist gently.

15. Celery with Skinny Peanut Butter

  • 3 cups shelled RAW peanuts (I buy mine at my local market in a large bag)
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt

Pre-heat the oven to 350F degrees.
Spread the peanuts on a baking sheet and roast for about 20 minutes, stirring half way through to make sure they do not BURN (don’t worry I’ve burnt them many times also). Once the nuts are done roasting, let them cool for about 10 minutes. You can then easily slip off the skins, but I find that they do not really make a difference in taste or texture, so you can leave them on.
Next, add the peanuts to a food processor or a high speed blender with a plunger attachment. Sprinkle in the salt and process for about 5-10 minutes, scraping the sides as necessary. You can tell when the peanuts have turned to butter, they will release their oil and become really smooth and creamy. If you are using a high speed blender, use the frozen dessert setting while pushing the peanuts down into the blades with the plunger, this only took about 1 minute for mine to finish. Once your nut butter is done, keep it in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Enjoy!

16. A Handful of Almonds

17. Sweet Potato Hummus with Whole Wheat Crackers

 Sweet Potato Hummus

  • 1 cup sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 1 can garbanzo beans (19oz), rinsed and drained
  • 2 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • ¼ cup Tahini (sesame paste)
  • 5 garlic cloves, roasted or raw
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp salt
  • water

Steam or slow cook the sweet potatoes until soft.
Transfer cooked sweet potatoes to a food processor. Add garbanzo beans, lemon juice, Tahini, garlic (I used roasted), olive oil, cumin, salt and about 2 tbsp of water to start with.
Pulse the mixture until smooth, scraping down the sides of bowl and adding water to thin mixture if it seems too thick.
Adjust seasoning and serve with a drizzle of olive oil and don’t forget to sprinkle some paprika. Sweet Potato Hummus makes a perfect dip or spread. 

18. Garden Salad

19. A Handful of Pumpkin Seeds

20. A Cup of Sliced Berries

21. Steamed Edemame with Sea Salt

22. Sweet and Spicy Pecans

Minimum Slow Cooker Size: 2 quarts
Yields: 8 | Servings Serving Size: 1/4 Cup | Calories: 218 | Previous Points: 5 | Points Plus: 6 | Total Fat: 20 gm | Saturated Fats: 2 gm | Trans Fats: 0 gm | Cholesterol: 0 mg | Sodium: 5 mg | Total Carbohydrates: 12 gm | Dietary Fiber: 3 gm | Sugars: 9 gm | Protein: 3 gm


  • 1 pound raw pecan halves
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper


Combine the above ingredients in the slow cooker. Stir pecans to coat with honey and spices.
Cover and cook on high for 15 minutes.
Turn on low, stir occasionally and cook for approximately for 1 hour.
Transfer nuts to a baking sheet and cool completely.
Store in an airtight container.

23. A Cup of Cottage Cheese

24. Steel-Cut Oatmeal

25. Peanut Butter Yogurt Dip with Fresh Fruit

 Peanut Butter-Yogurt Dip

Serving size: 2 tablespoons | Calories: 40 | Previous Points: 1 | Points Plus: 1 | Total Fat: 3 gm | Saturated Fats: 1 gm | Trans Fats: 0 gm | Cholesterol: 0 mg | Sodium: 6 mg | Carbohydrates: 2 gm | Dietary fiber: 0 gm | Sugars: 1 gm | Protein: 2 gm


  • ½ cup Greek yogurt, fat free, plain
  • ¼ cup natural peanut butter, crunchy recommended


Combine all the ingredients in a small bowl, refrigerate until ready to eat.
Serve with your favorite fruit or veggie…my favorite is organic apple wedges.

26. A Clementine (Cutie) Orange

27. Cinnamon Honey Nuts

28. Banana Blueberry Bars

29. Peanut Butter Honey Oat Bars

30. Sliced Red Pepper with Hummus

31. Homemade Trail Mix

32. Sweet Potato Fries

33. Quinoa

34. Granola

Yields: 32 | Serving Size: 1/4 cup | Calories: 204 | Total Fat: 9 g | Saturated Fat: 4 g | Trans Fat: 0 g | Previous Points: 4 | Points Plus: 6 | Cholesterol: 0 | Carbohydrates: 29 g | Sodium: 3 mg | Dietary Fiber: 4 g | Sugars: 9 g | Protein: 5 g |


  • 4 cups old fashioned oats, (gluten-free oats are optional)
  • 1 cup sliced almonds with skins
  • 3/4 cup shredded unsweetened coconut flakes
  • Kosher or sea salt to taste
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup (unrefined) coconut oil or canola oil
  • 1/2 cup mild honey 
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup raisins, dried bing cherries, dried cranberries or other favorite dried fruit (no sugar added), or, combine dried fruits


Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl. Warm oil, honey and water in a saucepan over low heat until combine. Add vanilla to oil & honey mixture, pour over dry ingredients and toss to coat oats. Spread evenly over a non-stick cookie sheet or a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Stir every 10 minutes. Bake until golden, approximately 40 minutes.

The amount of time to cook granola will depend on the size of the cookie sheet. A large cookie sheet is recommended.

Transfer cookie sheet to a cooling rack and allow to cool completely. Stir in raisins or other dried fruit. Store in an in an airtight container for one week or the freezer for up to three months

35. Mung Bean and Kale Soup


  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/4 onions, chopped
  • 3 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 1 cup mung beans
  • 7 cups of water
  • 2 cups kale, chopped
  • 1 tsp ground turmeric 薑黃
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tbsp coriander, toasted and grind
  • salt and pepper


In a large pot, heat the olive oil and add the onions. Cook for 3 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for another minute. Add the mung beans, spices, salt and pepper, stir well to combine. Add water, cover and cook until the beans are tender, approximately 35 to 40 minutes. Check the beans after 20 minutes to make sure they have enough water. When the beans are ready, taste and adjust salt and liquid if needed. Add the kale and cook for 5 minutes more. Serve with bread.


Kale 中文名稱:羽衣甘藍、無頭甘藍、海甘藍、葉牡丹
Kale or borecole is a vegetable with green or purple leaves, in which the central leaves do not form a head. It is considered to be closer to wild cabbage than most domesticated forms. Wikipedia
Nutrition Facts

Amount Per 100 grams
Calories 49
% Daily Value*
Total fat 0.9 g 1%
Saturated fat 0.1 g 0%
Polyunsaturated fat 0.3 g
Monounsaturated fat 0.1 g
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Sodium 38 mg 1%
Potassium 491 mg 14%
Total Carbohydrate 9 g 3%
Protein 4.3 g 8%
Vitamin A 199% Vitamin C 200%
Calcium 15% Iron 8%
Vitamin B-6 15% Vitamin B-12 0%
Magnesium 11%
*Per cent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
Sources include: USDA



Turmeric is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. It is native to tropical South Asia and needs temperatures between 20°C and 30°C and a considerable amount of annual rainfall to thrive. Wikipedia
Nutrition Facts

Amount Per 100 grams
Calories 354
% Daily Value*
Total fat 10 g 15%
Saturated fat 3.1 g 15%
Polyunsaturated fat 2.2 g
Monounsaturated fat 1.7 g
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Sodium 38 mg 1%
Potassium 2,525 mg 72%
Total Carbohydrate 65 g 21%
Dietary fiber 21 g 84%
Sugar 3.2 g
Protein 8 g 16%
Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 43%
Calcium 18% Iron 230%
Vitamin B-6 90% Vitamin B-12 0%
Magnesium 48%
*Per cent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
Sources include: USDA

36. Marinated Mushrooms

37. Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Serving Size: 1/2 of the entire recipe | Calories: 122 | Previous Points: 2 | Points Plus: 3 | Total Fat: 1 gm | Saturated Fats: 0 gm | Trans Fats: 0 gm | Cholesterol: 24 mg | Sodium: 28 mg | Carbohydrates: 27 gm | Dietary fiber: 3 gm | Sugars: 15 gm | Protein: 3 gm


  • 1 large frozen banana (slice into 1″ pieces before freezing)
  • 6 large frozen strawberries (unsweetened)
  • 1/2″ slice fresh ginger root (optional)
  • 1 cup skim milk (almond or milk alternative**)
  • ½ cup Greek Yogurt, plain fat free
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (optional)
  • 1/2 cup pure pomegranate juice ( with no added sugar or apple juice)
  • Add ice for a thicker smoothie


Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy…just like a milkshake. Add a straw and enjoy!
Tip: If you are out of pomegranate juice substitute 1/2 cup chilled green tea (home brewed is best with no added sweeteners and a lot less expensive than buying).

38. Southwestern Kale Chips

39. Baked Onion Rings

Yields: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1/4 of recipe | Calories: 111 | Total Fat: 1 g | Saturated Fat: 0 g | Trans Fat: 0 g | Previous Points: 2 | Points Plus: 3 | Cholesterol: 3 | Carbohydrates: 15 g | Sodium: 139 mg | Dietary Fiber: 2 g | Sugars: 5 g | Protein: 11 g |


  • 1 large sweet or red onion, thinly sliced into rings
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat Pankoor whole grain bread crumbs
  • 1/2 cup flour, optional gluten free flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking power
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • Kosher or sea salt to taste
  • 1 egg white
  • 3/4 cup low-fat milk or low-fat buttermilk


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
In a medium mixing, combine panko or whole wheat bread crumbs, flour, salt, pepper and baking powder. Separate the onion slices into individual rings and add to the flour mixture, gently toss and make sure all the rings are coated. Remove onions and place on a place.

Whisk together milk and egg white, add to the leftover flour mixture and stir to combine. Dip onion rings into batter, allow excess to drip off and place on a non-stick cookie sheet. Lightly spray or drizzle extra-virgin olive oil on the onion rings. Flip onion rings after 10 minutes. Continue baking until golden and crispy, 10 to 15 additional minutes.

Note: If using this recipe for Green Bean Casserole, reduce cooking time by 5 minutes as the onion rings will continue to brown while on top of the casserole.

40. Curry Yogurt Dip Greek Style with Whole Wheat Crackers

Yield: 1 serving | Serving Size: 1/2 cup | Calories: 88 | Previous Points: 2 | Points Plus: 2 | Total Fat: 0g | Saturated Fat: 0g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 0mg | Sodium: 36mg | Carbohydrates: 11g | Dietary Fiber: 0g | Sugars: 9g | Protein: 11g


  • 1/2 cup plain, nonfat Greek-style yogurt
  • 1/4 teaspoon curry powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • Salt to taste


Blend everything together using a whisk, and serve with whole-grain crackers or vegetables.

41. Belly Pepper Candy

42. Chunked Watermelon

43. Sweet Potato Crunchies

44. Raw Broccoli with Ranch Dip

45. Quinoa Protein Bars

46. Romaine Lettuce Wraps

47. A Small Box of Raisins

48. Sliced Tomato and Feta

49. Greek Yogurt with Blueberries

50. Superfoods Smoothie

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光波爐 Quesadillas 墨西哥起司夾餅

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–>/*—————————————-* * 参数说明: * obj: 对象, 要进行高亮显示的html标签节点. * hlWords: 字符串, 要进行高亮的关键词词, 使用 竖杠(|)或空格 分隔多个词 . * cssClass: 字符串, 定义关键词突出显示风格的css伪类. * 参考资料: javascript HTML DOM 高亮显示页面特定字词 \*—————————————-*/ function MarkHighLight(obj, hlWords, cssClass) { hlWords = AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords); if (obj == null || hlWords.length == 0) return; if (cssClass == null) cssClass = “highlight”; MarkHighLightCore(obj, hlWords); //————执行高亮标记的核心方法—————————- function MarkHighLightCore(obj, keyWords) { var re = new RegExp(keyWords, “i”); for (var i = 0; i < obj.childNodes.length; i++) { var childObj = obj.childNodes[i]; if (childObj.nodeType == 3) { if (childObj.data.search(re) == -1) continue; var reResult = new RegExp("(" + keyWords + ")", "gi"); var objResult = document.createElement("span"); objResult.innerHTML = childObj.data.replace(reResult, "$1“); if (childObj.data == objResult.childNodes[0].innerHTML) continue; obj.replaceChild(objResult, childObj); } else if (childObj.nodeType == 1) { MarkHighLightCore(childObj, keyWords); } } } //———-分析关键词———————- function AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords) { if (hlWords == null) return “”; hlWords = hlWords.replace(/\s+/g, “|”).replace(/\|+/g, “|”); hlWords = hlWords.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, “”); if (hlWords.length == 0) return “”; var wordsArr = hlWords.split(“|”); if (wordsArr.length > 1) { var resultArr = BubbleSort(wordsArr); var result = “”; for (var i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { result = result + "|" + resultArr[i]; } return result.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, ""); } else { return hlWords; } } //—–利用冒泡排序法把长的关键词放前面—– function BubbleSort(arr) { var temp, exchange; for (var i = 0; i = i; j–) { if ((arr[j + 1].length) > (arr[j]).length) { temp = arr[j + 1]; arr[j + 1] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; exchange = true; } } if (!exchange) break; } return arr; } } //—————-end———————— var divObj = document.getElementById(“content”); MarkHighLight(divObj, ‘文章|关键|功能’);

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Punjabi quesadillas


  • Difficulty › Easy
  • Prep time › 5 mins
  • Cook time › ½ hr
  • Serves › 3 quesadillas


  • 2 tbsp grapeseed oil, plus more for brushing
  • 15g chopped ginger
  • 10g chopped garlic
  • 1 red onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp garam masala
  • 1 tsp Spanish paprika
  • 1 tbsp coriander seeds, crushed with hand
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
  • 30g tomato puree
  • 2 chicken breasts, boneless and skinless, cut into 2cm pieces
  • 120g natural yoghurt
  • 6 whole grain tortillas
  • 65g grated mozzarella


How to make Punjabi quesadillas
1) Place the oil in a large frying pan over a medium-high heat and add the ginger, garlic and onion. Saute until soft and golden, about 3 minutes. Add the spices and toast for 30 seconds, then turn down the heat and add the tomato puree, stirring well to incorporate it.

2) Add the chicken pieces, stir well to coat and cook for about 5 to 6 minutes, until the chicken is almost cooked through. Add the yoghurt and continue to cook until the chicken is done, about 3 to 4 minutes.
3) Preheat the oven to 200C/Gas 6. Place a tortilla on a baking sheet and brush it with oil. Flip it over and place oil side down onto the baking sheet and then sprinkle with a bit of mozzarella. Add 1/3 of the filling and spread it over the cheese, then sprinkle a bit more of the cheese over the top. Cover with another tortilla and brush the top with more oil. Repeat with the remaining tortillas until 3 quesadillas are assembled – you may need multiple baking sheets.
4) Bake in the preheated oven for about 3 to 5 minutes, until the cheese is melted and the tortilla is slightly golden. Cut into wedges and serve.

 Other Quesadillas

These are savoury filled tortillas -I make them up like a giant sandwich and then cut it into wedges before serving. Feel free to fill yours with any savoury ingredients you like. This recipe is for a basic cheese, tomato, onion and chilli quesadilla.


2 tortillas
1 onion, sliced
1-2 tomatoes sliced
? Chilli, finely sliced (dependant on your taste)
30g mature cheddar, grated

Seasoning to taste

  1. Place one floured tortilla on your greased baking tray.
  2. Sprinkle with your chosen fillings. Season to taste.
  3. Place the remaining tortilla on the top and press down firmly.
  4. Place on the high rack. Set the temperature to 210C and cook for 5-8 minutes until the tortilla is golden and the filling starts to melt.
  5. Cut into wedges and serve with salsa and guacamole dips.

  Tortillas, 做墨西哥捲餅可以用硬皮和軟的, 小鹿今天做的是用軟皮
下次想拿這個皮來煎蛋餅看看..應該也會蠻好吃的 ^.^

Salsa 是一種墨西哥醬

作法 ~
將煎熟的雞丁趁熱與玉米粒,切丁紅洋葱和蕃茄, 及青葱全部加一起

這種捲餅好像有它專門的烤具, 但小鹿想說用煎的也可造成餅皮稍脆cheese融化的效果
(用三明治機或烤箱也可以 … )
把整個餅對折 (不能把餅煎到過酥,否則在打折時餅很容易破掉. )
就可以沾sour cream吃囉..但小鹿沒買sour cream
直接吃掉也狠ok ^.^

1.  墨西哥捲餅4(torillas)
2.  大雞腿2隻去骨
3.  醃料:墨西哥香料粉(mex-tex2大匙、李林醬1大匙(Worcestershire辣醬油,喜歡辣的可以自行增量)、酒2小匙、蜂蜜2小匙、鹽與胡椒少許
4.  芝司樂起司6
5.  莫扎瑞拉起司絲(Mozzarella cheese)適量
6.  小顆洋蔥一顆切圈狀
7.  小顆番茄一顆切片狀
8.  配菜:小黃瓜、番茄、墨西哥辣味鳳梨或酪梨醬(配菜可隨自己喜好選擇)
1.  將雞腿去骨後與醃料一起醃漬至少半天,接著將醃好的雞腿肉入鍋煎至兩面金黃,起鍋後切片備用。
2.  鍋底抹上一層薄薄的奶油,鍋熱後將一片墨西哥餅放入鍋中,鋪上三片起司,接著放入切片的雞肉、洋蔥圈、蕃茄片,再灑上莫扎瑞拉起司,最後鋪上另一片墨西哥餅。
3.  將餅煎至兩面金黃後即可起鍋切片,配上小黃瓜、蕃茄跟墨西哥辣味鳳梨即完成。

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