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–>/*—————————————-* * 参数说明: * obj: 对象, 要进行高亮显示的html标签节点. * hlWords: 字符串, 要进行高亮的关键词词, 使用 竖杠(|)或空格 分隔多个词 . * cssClass: 字符串, 定义关键词突出显示风格的css伪类. * 参考资料: javascript HTML DOM 高亮显示页面特定字词 \*—————————————-*/ function MarkHighLight(obj, hlWords, cssClass) { hlWords = AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords); if (obj == null || hlWords.length == 0) return; if (cssClass == null) cssClass = “highlight”; MarkHighLightCore(obj, hlWords); //————执行高亮标记的核心方法—————————- function MarkHighLightCore(obj, keyWords) { var re = new RegExp(keyWords, “i”); for (var i = 0; i < obj.childNodes.length; i++) { var childObj = obj.childNodes[i]; if (childObj.nodeType == 3) { if (childObj.data.search(re) == -1) continue; var reResult = new RegExp("(" + keyWords + ")", "gi"); var objResult = document.createElement("span"); objResult.innerHTML = childObj.data.replace(reResult, "$1“); if (childObj.data == objResult.childNodes[0].innerHTML) continue; obj.replaceChild(objResult, childObj); } else if (childObj.nodeType == 1) { MarkHighLightCore(childObj, keyWords); } } } //———-分析关键词———————- function AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords) { if (hlWords == null) return “”; hlWords = hlWords.replace(/\s+/g, “|”).replace(/\|+/g, “|”); hlWords = hlWords.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, “”); if (hlWords.length == 0) return “”; var wordsArr = hlWords.split(“|”); if (wordsArr.length > 1) { var resultArr = BubbleSort(wordsArr); var result = “”; for (var i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { result = result + "|" + resultArr[i]; } return result.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, ""); } else { return hlWords; } } //—–利用冒泡排序法把长的关键词放前面—– function BubbleSort(arr) { var temp, exchange; for (var i = 0; i = i; j–) { if ((arr[j + 1].length) > (arr[j]).length) { temp = arr[j + 1]; arr[j + 1] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; exchange = true; } } if (!exchange) break; } return arr; } } //—————-end———————— var divObj = document.getElementById(“content”); MarkHighLight(divObj, ‘文章|关键|功能’);

Keyword:美容,生活,购物 .photoleft {float: left; padding:2px 0px 8px 10px; margin: 0; font-size:90%; color: #783f04; font-style:italic; width: 450px;}







  調理方法:  1。平時不吃瀉氣的食物,如蘿蔔、山楂,少泡溫泉。  2。平時可以喝些人參茶,或用人參(黃芪也可)燉雞湯、乳鴿湯,還可用黃精(一種中藥)蒸雞吃。  3。去藥店買些中成藥,如“補中益氣丸”、“八珍丸”,價格便宜且安全有效,一般1-3個月就能見效。








  調理方法:  1。有條件的話可以多喝人參蟲草燉老鴨湯,蟲草不必非買高檔野生的,其實人工培植的蟲草在調理陽虛方面功效還是不錯的。  2。平時多吃鱔魚、蝦仁菠菜、當歸羊肉湯。  3。 “右歸丸”、“金匱腎氣丸”都是中成藥,買來服用,事半功倍。 



  調理方法:  1。多吃白木耳、黑木耳、山藥、甲魚。  2。吃枸杞燉蛋,或去菜市場買來較嫩的枸杞藤,切成很碎的末,炒蛋。  3。中成藥選“左歸丸”、“六味地黃丸”、“知柏地黃丸”。 



  調理方法:  1。喝玫瑰花茶、菊花茶、佛手片泡茶,也可以炒佛手吃。  2。丹參具有活血開鬱的功效,可直接去藥房買丹參片吃,或是服用“逍遙丸”、“柴胡舒肝丸”。  



  調理方法:  1。盡量不要吃蔥薑,多喝米仁湯,或加入芡實、白朮、茯苓熬湯喝。  2。中成藥裡有“黃連上清丸”、“知柏地黃丸”可以選用。

 在懷孕前還需要做的準備——  1。從孕前三個月開始測基礎體溫,即在臨睡前將體溫計放在床頭,次日早晨醒來起床前先自測體溫。每天將測得數值記錄在冊,1-2月後將記錄給中醫師看,這樣能讓醫師更清晰地了解你的身體情況,以便更準確地“對症”調理。
  5。打算要寶寶的話,孕前三個月就不能隨便吃藥了,特別要注意遠離X RAY


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Gitzel Giuliette Care

(function(){ var _w = 72 , _h = 16; var param = { url:location.href, type:’3′, count:’1′, /**是否显示分享数,1显示(可选)*/ appkey:’1070709535′, /**您申请的应用appkey,显示分享来源(可选)*/ title:”, /**分享的文字内容(可选,默认为所在页面的title)*/ pic:”, /**分享图片的路径(可选)*/ ralateUid:’2409344871′, /**关联用户的UID,分享微博会@该用户(可选)*/ language:’zh_tw’, /**设置语言,zh_cn|zh_tw(可选)*/ rnd:new Date().valueOf() } var temp = []; for( var p in param ){ temp.push(p + ‘=’ + encodeURIComponent( param[p] || ” ) ) } document.write(”) })() function run_pinmarklet1() { var e=document.createElement(‘script’); e.setAttribute(‘type’,’text/javascript’); e.setAttribute(‘charset’,’UTF-8′); e.setAttribute(‘src’,’http://assets.pinterest.com/js/pinmarklet.js?r=’+Math.random()*99999999); document.body.appendChild(e); } Follow Me on Pinterest


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–>/*—————————————-* * 参数说明: * obj: 对象, 要进行高亮显示的html标签节点. * hlWords: 字符串, 要进行高亮的关键词词, 使用 竖杠(|)或空格 分隔多个词 . * cssClass: 字符串, 定义关键词突出显示风格的css伪类. * 参考资料: javascript HTML DOM 高亮显示页面特定字词 \*—————————————-*/ function MarkHighLight(obj, hlWords, cssClass) { hlWords = AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords); if (obj == null || hlWords.length == 0) return; if (cssClass == null) cssClass = “highlight”; MarkHighLightCore(obj, hlWords); //————执行高亮标记的核心方法—————————- function MarkHighLightCore(obj, keyWords) { var re = new RegExp(keyWords, “i”); for (var i = 0; i < obj.childNodes.length; i++) { var childObj = obj.childNodes[i]; if (childObj.nodeType == 3) { if (childObj.data.search(re) == -1) continue; var reResult = new RegExp("(" + keyWords + ")", "gi"); var objResult = document.createElement("span"); objResult.innerHTML = childObj.data.replace(reResult, "$1“); if (childObj.data == objResult.childNodes[0].innerHTML) continue; obj.replaceChild(objResult, childObj); } else if (childObj.nodeType == 1) { MarkHighLightCore(childObj, keyWords); } } } //———-分析关键词———————- function AnalyzeHighLightWords(hlWords) { if (hlWords == null) return “”; hlWords = hlWords.replace(/\s+/g, “|”).replace(/\|+/g, “|”); hlWords = hlWords.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, “”); if (hlWords.length == 0) return “”; var wordsArr = hlWords.split(“|”); if (wordsArr.length > 1) { var resultArr = BubbleSort(wordsArr); var result = “”; for (var i = 0; i < resultArr.length; i++) { result = result + "|" + resultArr[i]; } return result.replace(/(^\|*)|(\|*$)/g, ""); } else { return hlWords; } } //—–利用冒泡排序法把长的关键词放前面—– function BubbleSort(arr) { var temp, exchange; for (var i = 0; i = i; j–) { if ((arr[j + 1].length) > (arr[j]).length) { temp = arr[j + 1]; arr[j + 1] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; exchange = true; } } if (!exchange) break; } return arr; } } //—————-end———————— var divObj = document.getElementById(“content”); MarkHighLight(divObj, ‘文章|关键|功能’);

Keyword:美容,生活,购物 .photoleft {float: left; padding:2px 0px 8px 10px; margin: 0; font-size:90%; color: #783f04; font-style:italic; width: 450px;}

















就女性而言,不孕症常見的排卵不順、卵巢功能欠佳、內分泌失調、下視丘或腦下垂體功能性的問題等,甚至西醫找不出原因時,都是中醫治療的範圍;就男性來 看,精子方面的問題,如精蟲數目不多、品質不好、活動力差等;另外有關陽痿、早洩、遺精、虛弱體質等,在中醫都有不錯的療效。

至少調理3至6個月 懷孕急不得



不孕與心理、工作、環境及家庭環境有關,例如性生活不協調、生活壓力大有關,最好能適度運動,來促進循環,改善體質,同時也要放鬆心情,減低壓力,以樂觀 的態度來面對不孕所帶來的困擾。不孕症的治療,耗時費力,需要有時間、有信心、有耐心、有計劃地與醫生配合治療,如此才能提高受孕的機率。
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Gitzel Giuliette Care

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生產前後不要吃, 影響凝血的中藥與保健食品

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    媽咪生產過後的頭幾天,體內會製造一些有如月經的分泌物,到底是什麼呢?裡面參雜著血塊是正常現象嗎?這樣的情況又會持續多久? 不同生產方式都會有這種分泌物嗎?本文請到三位專家來為您解說產後惡露的階段性變化、哪些為異常情況,以及提供您正確的避孕觀念和不同避孕方式。






    許 多婆婆媽媽喜歡用十三味安胎飲(又叫保產無憂散、保胎催生藥方、保產十三太保方)給剛懷孕的女兒、媳婦安胎。這個方劑名稱取得很好,讓大家感覺它具有安 胎、保胎的功效,好像吃了之後就很安心。其實從它的組成來看,具有調理氣血作用,比較適合胎兒月份較大、有阻礙氣血流通時使用,並不適合長期服用。


    ◎十三味安胎飲組成:當歸、川芎、白芍、黃耆、菟絲子、厚朴、 艾葉、川貝母、羌活、荊芥、枳殼、生薑、甘草。

    一些保健食品經過濃縮萃取後生理作用加強,也可能會影響凝血反應,例如魚油深受孕媽咪歡迎,因為它含豐富Omega-3多元不飽和脂肪酸EPA及DHA, 是腦神經發育的重要營養成分,但是過量攝取其中的EPA反而會抑制血小板凝集反應,增加產後出血的危險,對於生產前後女性及血小板功能不佳的人都不建議食 用。


    另 外也不要忽視食品中添加了中藥活血成分的藥膳或藥酒,例如當歸生薑羊肉湯、薑母鴨、羊肉爐、燒酒雞、中將湯、十全大補湯、土龍藥酒、養命酒等,這些常用來 進補或調理體質的藥膳食品除了可能添加酒精,或多或少也可能含有當歸、川芎、紅花、薑等成分,產前吃太多,容易發生出血的副作用,千萬要小心!還要特別提 醒孕期有痔瘡的準媽咪,不要諱疾忌醫或羞於啟齒而自行到藥局購買潤腸丸、當歸龍薈丸等成藥服用,因為當歸具有潤腸作用,常被添加在這些治療痔瘡的中成藥 中,若久服可能發生抗凝血反應而不自知。

    所以上 述的中藥材或是保健食品,少量短暫攝取是安全的,就像偶爾吃碗當歸鴨麵線、炒菜中加上少許大蒜或生薑佐味,因為劑量少,不至於有抗凝血反應。比較擔心的是 孕婦本身凝血功能不佳或正在服用阿斯匹靈甚至抗凝血劑,在不知情的狀況下不當且過量食用同樣具有抗凝血作用的中草藥或保健食品,這些藥物發生交互作用、加 成作用,而增加懷孕或生產過程出血的危險性。



    中醫的真正精神在辨證審因論治,也就是根據望、聞、問、切四診所得到的資料,去推 理患者的病因病機及歸納證型,了解孕婦的體質及身心狀況,才能下正確診斷及開立適切的治療處方。健康是身體維持在一種動態平衡的狀態,中藥的服用必須隨著 體內的變化有所加減,不能光靠單一種處方或單一味藥吃到底。

    懷孕生子對女性來說是一項重大挑戰,所謂「生得過,麻油香;生不過,四塊 板」,經歷生產宛如歷劫重生,不管是自然產還是剖腹產,整個過程都是耗血汗、耗元氣的過程,好好調理、進補得當是相當重要的。但請記得「醫食同源」,許多 平常以為多多益善的藥膳或保健食品,並非適合所有人,切勿盲目食用,還是多請教醫師為上。


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    中藥化痰 痰可以分成多種,並以不同中藥化解:

    寒痰: 痰色白清稀,多因感受寒邪,患者常感形寒肢冷。
    食療: 牛蒡杏仁湯
    用料: 桔梗二錢、杏仁二錢、蘇子二錢、前胡二錢、蜜棗三枚、牛蒡一斤。
    做法: 牛蒡洗淨切片,連同各材料文火煲三小時。

    熱痰: 痰色黃稠,咳嗽氣喘,煩熱胸痛,口乾咽燥,大便燥結。
    食療: 海蛤殼瘦肉湯
    用料: 魚腥草二錢,浙貝母二錢,生薏仁五錢,桑白皮二錢,南北杏各二錢,海蛤殼五錢,瘦肉四両。
    做法: 海蛤殼打碎,連同各材料文火煲三小時。

    燥痰: 痰膠如黏狀難吐,口鼻咽喉乾癢。
    食療: 北沙參麥冬蓮藕湯
    用料: 北沙參二錢、玉竹二錢、百合三錢、麥冬三錢、杏仁三錢、蜜棗三枚、蓮藕一斤。
    做法: 蓮藕洗淨切片,連同各材料文火煲三小時。

    濕痰: 痰色白質稀,多吐涎沫,胸悶,肢體困重,不思飲食。
    食療: 陳皮冬瓜湯
    用料: 陳皮二錢、枇杷葉二錢、杏仁二錢、山藥三錢、制半夏一錢、冬瓜一斤。
    做法: 冬瓜切片,連同各材料文火煲三小時。

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    根據世界衞生組織一項資料研究顯示,香港人經常感到手麻腳痹,尤其在冬季嚴寒時候及初春濕雨時段,手痹情況會特別顯著。其實手痹或風濕關節炎,一般 患者多因運動時扭傷或拉傷肌肉,而造成肌肉或筋腱發炎;又因長時期未能徹底根治,當出現一些誘發因素,如感受到外邪(風寒濕熱)、精神緊張、肌肉過勞、錯 誤的坐立姿勢或動作等,都易激發舊患,而出現麻痹疼痛的感覺。







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    Gitzel Giuliette Care

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Modern Civilization, Modern People, and Modern Diseases

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Modern science strongly influences people. Today, people enjoy modern civilization while suffering from new diseases. The basis of modern science is direct observation. Founded on tangible objects that we can see, modern science applies qualitative and quantitative methods of examination.

As advanced as we are today, if we calmly look at the history of human civilization, objectively analyze archaeological discoveries, and carefully reconsider the unknown phenomena, we will conclude that the present-day scientific research is only one of many possible paths of exploration.

It is a fallacy to believe that ours is the only human civilization that ever existed. Many discoveries have demonstrated that other prehistoric civilizations existed. To more thoroughly explore and understand our surroundings and the universe in which we live, we must acknowledge that other scientific methods exist, probably completely different from our own.

If we stubbornly reject other possible methods, we are allowing our emotions to restrict us rather than having a truly scientific mindset. If we break through our postnatally acquired notions, concepts, and conditioning, we will surely find a more evolved science.

Modern science furthers the destruction and pollution of our living environment and helps poison our bodies. In return, it gives people short-term pleasure. The inventions of modern science teach people to struggle for material goods, which they pursue for indulging themselves.

Some people say that our lives are so much better than those of ancient people. It seems that we cannot fathom that people were happy in ancient times.

Actually, ancient people were happy. Ancient people were attuned to nature—the green mountains, the blue water, flying birds, and white clouds. They were carefree. They experienced a kind of liberation, existing in a realm in which one is attuned with heaven’s plan.

That was real happiness—deep, continuous, peaceful, and comfortable. Such happiness solidly nurtures one’s heart and body.

But modern people struggle painfully, stay busy, and never enjoy the happiness of reaching the other side of the mountain. Many modern people have lost human virtue, including prudence, diligence, tolerance, peacefulness, and courtesy.

The five flavors must be balanced; one cannot get attached to any single one.

In modern civilization, human beings have been weighed down with increasing numbers of modern diseases. How do we approach this issue? Only by letting go of attachments to modern science and modern civilization will we be able to understand and solve the problem.

Imbalances in Yin and Yang

Ancient Chinese culture believed that the interaction between yin and yang created the universe and all matter.

The movement of the universe, including all matter, follows the rule of mutual-generation and the balance of yin and yang. The human body is a small universe. While it has its own pattern of movement, it is also related to the entire universe.

The ancients had many sayings that were meant to instruct people about the relationship between fostering life and the changes of the seasons. Here are a few of the sayings:

• Man follows heaven and earth and harmonizes with the sun and moon.
• Follow nature, prevent evil qi from entering from the outside, nurture yang in the spring and summer, and nurture yin in the autumn and winter.
• It harms the liver if one opposes the qi of spring, harms the heart if one opposes the qi of summer, harms the lungs if one opposes the qi of autumn, and harms the kidney if one opposes the qi of winter.

Life must be orderly and in harmony with the changes of yin and yang every single moment.
The ancients also said that a person who gathers the qi of yang should spend his time outdoors during the day. As the sun rises in the morning, qi appears. Qi is at its height at noon and fades out in the afternoon.

The qi gate is closed after dark, so one should not be active and disturb the tendons and bones after sunset. If one reverses this time schedule, one’s body will suffer.

It is clear that if one’s activities are against the laws of the seasons and the yin and yang of the day, the human body will be in turmoil. The result is an imbalance of qi and blood and may result in illness. Aren’t today’s nightlife and other pleasures all out of harmony with the changes of yin and yang in the universe?

The ancients said that most illnesses are caused by being alert in the early morning, drowsy during the day, stimulated in the late afternoon, and active at night.

This means that one’s symptoms have a certain relationship with the changes of yin and yang. Many people have experienced this, which is also confirmed by modern medicine .
The ancients knew the Dao, followed yin and yang, and abided by metaphysical rules. They were restrained in their eating habits, awoke and slept regularly, and never strained themselves in their work. They lived their lives to the predestined time, frequently living more than 100 years.

Many of today’s people are different. They drink alcohol and indulge themselves in abnormal activities. When they are drunk, they exhaust their vital energy.

People do not know how to preserve their vital energy and do not organize their time sufficiently to conserve energy. Many people only care about indulging in pleasure. They have ups and downs, and their behavior is erratic. This is why many people begin to weaken in their 50s.

Ancient people believed that the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth compose all matter in the universe, including that of the physical body.

Ancient people believed that the five flavors must be balanced, and one cannot get attached to any single one. The five grains provide the main nutrients. The five fruits provide assistance. The five types of livestock provide benefits. The five vegetables provide supplements.

This means that the body needs to be fed a balance of nutrients, and one should not favor one particular food.

If any of the five flavors are not balanced, it will cause a certain ailment. If one eats too much salty food, the pulse will be blocked, and one’s complexion will change.

If one eats too much bitter food, the skin will be withered, and the hair will fall out. If one eats too much spicy food, the tendons will protrude and the hands will atrophy.

If one eats too much sour food, the muscles will waste away, and the lips will become pale. If one eats too much sweet food, the bones will ache, and hair will fall out.

Nowadays, people emphasize a balanced diet, but the food they take in is already imbalanced. For example, ancient people talked about the five grains: wheat, broomcorn, millet, rice, and beans. How many people today can find all five of these grains? Actually, the five flavors mentioned by ancient people were a basic concept for ancient nutritional science. Its concepts are much broader than those of today’s nutritional science.

Modern nutritional science understands that there are more than 20 nutritional elements, many vitamins, trace elements, protein, calcium, phosphate, and so on. Actually, the composition of lives in the universe is very complicated and is not as simple as what is known by modern science.

Modern nutritional science refers to unidentified nutritional elements as unknown factors. There are many unknown nutritional factors. It is believed that a number of physical symptoms are caused by an imbalanced diet. Simply supplementing with certain nutrients, such as calcium, zinc, or the like, cannot cure them.

Ancient people believed that the human body constitutes a universe. From the macroscopic perspective, we can understand and deal with the human body based on yin, yang, and the five elements.
We can explain the physical phenomena of our body based on the movements of qi, blood, and energy channels, as well as the interaction between the five elements and the balance of yin and yang.

Ancient Chinese medical treatments did not target surface phenomena, but rather the mechanisms at a deeper level of the human body. This is truly scientific.

Modern medical science knows that the human body is a very complicated system, but it only studies the surface and the associated phenomena. Its understanding of the human body is discrete and superficial. Its treatments are also very direct and shallow.

Because it targets the surface, the effects are seen on the surface and easily accepted by people. But it cannot cure the root causes of illnesses.

In modern society, everything focuses on productivity and efficiency. In agriculture, there are many new hybrid crops and livestock. These usually have a short life cycle and grow very fast. Both crops and livestock are mass-produced.

Based on traditional views, crops and livestock grown in such a way surely did not absorb enough essence of heaven and earth. If you analyze their protein and energy levels, you might find they are not low. But they all have imbalanced “five flavors.” When people eat such foods, they will be unbalanced in “five flavors.”

 People often say that free-range chicken is tasty and rich in nutrition. Industrially produced crops or livestock are all distorted.

Based on the principle of “mutual generation and mutual inhibition,” with accelerated growth, other properties, such as nutrition, must decline. Thus the nutritional level and overall quality of such food can never match that of naturally produced food. As the cycle of mass production continues, the differences will become even greater.

Similarly, cultured ginseng can never be compared to natural ginseng. If people continue to eat artificially engineered foods, what will be the consequences?

From the beginning of the industrial revolution, human beings have accelerated the destruction of the environment. Since drilling for and utilizing petroleum, humanity set about destroying and polluting the environment in earnest.

In the past, people stored things in vats, wooden containers, and willow and bamboo baskets. Vats are made from heating molded clay and do not pollute the environment. Wood, willow, and bamboo do not pollute the environment either since they grow naturally and will return to the earth when they are no longer needed.

But today, plastic products are very popular. Plastic boxes, bags, and wraps are chemical products and do not disintegrate easily. The residues of waste oil from machines, petroleum products, and detergents pollute the natural environment because they do not naturally disintegrate. These chemical products seriously pollute the water, earth, and air.

Animals and plants ingest pollutants. Additionally, man cuts down trees and damages plants, seriously hurting the environment. Consequently, countless animal and plant species are vanishing rapidly from the earth. The speed is quite amazing.

Those large animals and humans that are able to adapt to the polluted environment are unable to perceive the changes in themselves. But the poisons ingested into their bodies can be debilitating.

Some of these changes have been observed through scientific tests, but most of them cannot be found with today’s scientific tools. People are unable to comprehend the devastating effect of foreign chemicals in their bodies and how they will affect their bodies.

However, we can be certain that daily use of chemicals that we believe to be beneficial will have a harmful effect on the environment and the human body in the long run. We just cannot recognize all the harmful effects at this time.

Medicine: 30 Percent Poison

There is a Chinese saying that medicine is 30 percent poison. It is obvious that certain chemical combinations in medicines are known to medical science to have a negative long-term effect on the body.

Humans also eat food, meat, and eggs that contain large quantities of residue from fertilizers, farm chemicals, and hormones. Aren’t they harmful to the body?

 It is very difficult for nature to accept, break down, and absorb artificially produced products. These things start to pile up in nature and continuously harm not only the human body, but also everything in the environment.

Many illnesses have been found to be the result of such pollution. For example, several decades ago, a strange disease was discovered in Japan. Finally, the source of the disease was found to be fish from a polluted river.

In ancient medicine, this kind of situation is classified as a poisonous invasion.

Gitzel Giuliette Care

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產後為何要調理?為何要坐月子?中醫對產後病的理論基礎是因在孕期時聚血養胎,全身相 對氣血不足,又加上產時用力耗氣傷血,如果產程延長,加之分娩時的出血,造成氣血虧損;全身會發生生理性改變,百脈空虛,淤血易停滯胞宮,造成一個多虛多 瘀的生理狀態,所以需一段時間坐月子以調理體質。




一般建議於產後第2~3天開始服用,通常服用5~7帖即可;有些產婦將此藥方當成必備補品長期服用反而造成惡露不斷,甚至大出血。其實生化湯破瘀血、生新 血為活血破血藥,活血破血藥不宜使用過長,一般使用不超過7天。因長期大量使用活血破血藥會影響血小板凝集。若遇到不正常出血、傷口感染、腹痛、腹瀉、發 燒等情況也應避免服用生化湯。

此期三餐均衡攝取,食物以清淡為主,產後7天內傷口未癒合,禁麻油或酒料理的食物,可搭配香菇雞湯、鮮魚湯、玉米排骨湯、豬肝湯、海鮮粥等,蛋白質高的食 物。喝完生化湯之後,才是開始吃麻油雞的時機,因為這時子宮內膜已經重建,而傷口也大多癒合完全,麻油與酒才可以開始使用。





若調理得宜,可恢復五臟六腑的正常運作,幫助卵巢功能恢復及骨盆腔復原;強化骨盆肌肉群,避免骨盆子宮及陰道壁下垂鬆弛;補肝腎、強筋骨,避免日後腰痠背 痛。藥膳調理有八珍排骨湯、麻油炒紅蟳等。產後膳食以吃得下、睡得著、二便正常為原則,若有口乾舌燥、身熱多汗、煩燥難眠、便秘、痔瘡、傷口疼痛等現象, 表示吃太補上火了,需請教中醫師調整補品的進食。


每一位正在坐月子的新手媽媽們,一定要把握好這一特殊時期的保健新觀念,配合中醫藥膳養生,調理體質的觀念,趁機調理體質改善過敏性鼻炎,氣喘等症狀。並 預防日後腰痠背痛,骨質疏鬆及退化性關節炎等疾病的發生,使月子期間可以達到最佳休養調整,把握脫胎換骨的良機,享受一段愉快、安全、健康的月子生活。




【Point 1】忌酸性食物及調味品,生冷及寒涼食物,忌燒、烤、炸、辣、刺激性、口味重、不易消化的食物。

【Point 2】少鹽,少用精緻糖,食物以清淡為主。食物一定要煮熟,要溫熱食用。

【Point 3】傷口若有紅腫疼痛時,禁吃麻油、酒煮食物、蝦、蟳。

【Point 4】均衡攝取6大類食物:




穴道名稱  穴位資訊  按摩方法
中極 【身體部位】:腹部穴道。


三陰交 【身體部位】:足部穴道。



Gitzel Giuliette Care

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母乳的好處人人皆知,各醫院正強力推行母嬰親善政策,讓媽媽盡早與寶寶親密接觸。現代 婦女為了要給孩子最好的,即使工作繁忙也仍然很願意哺餵母乳。根據衛生署國民健康局的調查發現,目前國內婦女在生產後,約有八成多的產婦哺餵母乳,但新手 媽媽們最擔心的不是身材變形,而是「缺乏奶水」和「擔心寶寶吃不飽」這兩大問題。


在生產後1周內,乳汁量應會慢慢增加到每天約550ml;2~3周後,每天的乳汁量可達800ml,甚至達到1,500~2,000ml的高峰。若是產後 乳汁分泌量少甚至全無,有奶水不足的情況;或是母乳寶寶在產後1周內體重下降超過原本體重的5~7%,中醫稱為「缺乳」。


中醫學對於缺乳的病因病機有分虛實兩方面的機理,血少氣虛,提出虛當補之,盛當疏之的治法。清朝《傅青主女科》在治法和方藥上有新的認識,其理論提出以補 為通、舒肝通乳的方藥,至今仍被中醫運用在臨床上。由於乳房屬胃經、乳頭屬肝經,乳汁是氣血所化生,來源於脾胃,而乳汁的分泌是否能順利暢通,又依賴於肝 氣的疏泄與調達。所以只有脾胃強壯、氣血充足,肝氣條達,乳汁才能正常分泌。因此氣血化源的不足是導致缺乳的虛証,肝氣鬱結、乳汁運行受阻是導致缺乳的實 証。








4.王不留行:有治血通經、下乳消癰、利 尿通淋之效,被譽為婦科通乳良藥。《本草綱目》載:王不留行能走血分,乃陽明沖任之藥,俗有「王不留行,婦人服了乳長流」的諺語,是民間常用的通乳要藥之 一。產後乳汁不通,氣血虧虛、乳汁稀少者,則配黃耆、當歸。王不留行對乳汁不暢引起的乳腺炎,也有很好的治療效果。



在哺乳時期,飲食方面則以容易消化且富維他命、礦物質的食物為主,並注意蛋白質的補充,盡量採用有機的蔬果、五穀。坐月子時不吃所謂涼性蔬果,如:白菜、 白蘿蔔、西瓜等;多食用熱性食物,如:桂圓、酒釀,蔬菜類如大頭菜、山藥、地瓜葉、紅菜、紫蘇、玉米、甘藍菜、蓮藕等。另外,芝麻、核桃、杏仁、腰果、葡 萄乾等堅果類也很好。烹調時則可多用薑、茴香(fennel)或肉桂(cinnamon)等。


提醒媽媽在產後1小時內就要開始哺乳,可增加哺乳的成功率。因為嬰兒吸吮乳汁會使乳腺管排空,進一步作用 於下視丘及腦下垂體,刺激血清泌乳素(Prolactin)分泌,進而增加乳汁分泌,也有助於子宮的收縮,能減少產後出血與抑制排卵,延遲月經來潮,降低 未來罹患乳腺癌和卵巢癌的機率。

餵奶或擠奶的時間必須注意頻率,標準是每2~3小時一次,不然至少白天也要每4小時一次、晚上每6小時一次,才能保持乳腺的暢通。若乳脹出現硬塊,應勤於 熱敷乳房及在局部揉壓按摩,否則乳房容易紅腫疼痛,並伴隨發燒、畏寒、疲倦等乳腺炎的症狀。如需中藥配合調理體質及促進乳汁分泌,還是應找中醫師診斷,對 症下藥、不致影響嬰兒,又可達到促進乳汁分泌的效果。

Gitzel Giuliette Care

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川貝湯再跟進 嚴浩

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This is a floating javascript menu.

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川貝湯再跟進 嚴浩

二妹:「紅蓮的驗血報告多久驗一次呢?我覺得數據很奇怪,初時由第一次 74大幅減至第二次的18,是否吃藥再加上吃川貝的結果?而第三次由8升至21是否有減藥呢?」
紅蓮:「說來話長,其實我第一次去看醫生,是頸部有一腫塊,圓圓的,軟軟的,做B超時,問我有沒有心跳,手震發抖……又說我眼有一點凸,但我只是覺得心有時好像好緊張,原來是我心跳(快到120/分鐘),沒有手震,但腳腫,要查會不會有甲亢。到B超報告出來,結論是結節性甲狀腺腫 並囊性變或有出血可能,有3厘米大,醫生主張手術切除,但要先查有沒有甲亢,有就不能做。於是第一次驗血是在11年11月,結果是超高,馬上吃藥,到1月 再驗,結果已正常。 27號做細針吸取活檢,從結節處抽出7.5毫升液體,腫塊細了很多。2月又驗,但低過標準,要減藥(可能藥太猛)。……」


紅蓮:「……3月繼續吃藥,開始飲川貝湯,結果正常,就是這樣了。可能和那個腫塊有關。祝健康!」 二妹再為另一位讀者分享經驗,這位讀者服用川貝湯後一個星期沒有見到效果,二妹說:「小敏,川貝湯是天然的食療方法,每個人的反應也不同,以我的經驗,連 續飲一個月左右便見效果,然後要連續飲三個月才穩定,之後才減次數。你飲了才一星期而已,是否太心急呢? 至於川貝的價錢,數年前我買時只是60元一両,人民幣貴了加上通貨膨脹,所有東西也貴了不少。如果是我,我會問長輩選擇多間信譽比較好的格價,再狠下心以 斤來購買川貝,每天提醒自己川貝很貴的,一定要記住飲。煲時川貝只會變軟,不會煲爛的,咬下仍有質感,只要湯變成白色便可,雖然我未試過用燉盅,但相信效 果是一樣的。川貝湯是有功效的,值得一試,加油!有問題或有成效記得告訴我!」 生病也為二妹帶來了新的經驗。二妹:「我越來越相信緣份,生病本是不幸的,但因此而拉近了人與人的關係,真是十分感恩。」 二妹說到很對,人的命運,即使是陌生人,也是連在一起的,只是平時沒有注意而已,在電影《浮城》中,我也分享了這個感覺。

Gitzel Giuliette Care