食譜 蹄香牛肉卷 滷肉鳳凰茼蒿卷 金針菜銀杏炒南瓜

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食譜 蔣家旻 補血養身 報答 大太監 蹄香牛肉卷 滷肉鳳凰茼蒿卷 金針菜銀杏炒南瓜 


記者:張文蕙 攝影:周旭文
蔣家旻化妝:Ryan Chiu@Beauty Tech
服裝:one after another NICE CLAUP


註冊營養師陳國賓 紫紅菜蔬好選擇































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藝人宋芝齡兩個月前開了一間韓國食店 LingLing House,訪問當天,她在食店坐鎮刨蘿蔔,炮製健康韓式涼拌菜。









煮熟後只加小量鹽及麻油,大豆芽熱量低,含豐富維他命 C,是為健美食品。
熱量: 23kcal
重量: 40g

製法跟泡菜相似,白蘿蔔含豐富維他命 C、鉀質及小量鋅,其纖維亦能幫助消化。
熱量: 17kcal
重量: 67g

韓人將小鯷魚( anchovey)炒香,後以糖、鹽醃製成魚乾,含豐富鈣質,醃製後蛋白質提高,往往被貧窮地區用作肉食替代品,亦可作調味料。
熱量: 49kcal 
重量: 37g

熱量: 12kcal
重量: 22g

熱量: 22kcal
重量: 70g


熱  量: 248kcal
重  量: 704g









熱  量: 489kcal
重  量: 566g


熱  量: 1370kcal
重  量: 912g





熱  量: 447kcal
重  量: 282g

熱  量: 407kcal
重  量: 112g


熱  量: 195kcal
重  量: 230g

熱  量: 253kcal
重  量: 125g


香港韓人料食協會由在港開餐廳及食品店的韓國人組成,旨在推廣韓國飲食文化。網頁提供香港各間韓食店的資料及簡介。網址: http://www.hansik.com.hk

香港中文大學生物科學學院最近設立了「健康飲食資訊網」,提供日常飲食的健康知識及營養資訊,並有免費諮詢平台,由註冊營養師解答疑難。網址: http://healthyeatingsite.org

Gitzel Giuliette Care

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    夏天進行戶外活動時,高溫令血壓驟然 升高,心臟跳得較快,情緒容易高漲。精神科醫生陳仲謀也說:「根據我的臨牀經驗,夏天較易發怒,容忍力較低,所以在公眾地方發生爭執、打架機會會大增;甚 至殺人案件,也較其他季節多。」避免體溫過熱,是保持情緒平穩的最佳方法,陳仲謀醫生建議每當感到憤怒時,盡快用冷水洗臉、喝杯冰飲,或找一個涼快地方坐 一坐。
    「中醫指的心,稱為心神,意指精神及情緒。夏天濕度高,脾胃易受濕邪之困,引致消化功能下降,出 現脘腹脹悶情況,精神及情緒也易不穩。」萬全堂註冊中醫師錢楊佩娟建議,夏天要避免過勞及過於緊張,宜適當地減慢生活及工作節奏;食療方面以清補、健脾為 主,配合穴位按摩,減去脾胃濕邪,精神情緒自然好。

    位於膝關節下方,小腿內側,腓骨頂內側下方的凹陷處。是足太陰脾經的穴位,還是「筋會」,即全身筋的總匯處。 按摩方法:每日按揉此穴位3-5分鐘,能健脾利濕,可保整個夏天脾胃消化功能正常,還能將多餘的「濕」去掉。
    位於兩耳尖往頭頂連線的中點處。 按摩方法:每日用兩手中指疊壓起來按在穴位3-5分鐘,能提升人體陽氣。
    即眉心位。 按摩方法:每日用拇指和食指輕輕揑起眉心之間的皮膚稍向上拉100次,能令腦袋清醒,精神加倍,眼睛也變得明亮。
    位於前臂正中,腕橫紋對上2吋。內關是全身強壯要穴之一,其穴絡屬於厥陰心包經,針對心、胸、胃、神經性疾病。 按摩方法:用左拇指尖按壓右手內關穴上,左手食指壓在前臂背側相對的外關穴上,再用右手按壓左手的穴位,每次按10-15分鐘,每日2-3次,能靜心安神、解鬱、寬胸理氣、調補陰陽氣血等。

    ① 新鮮冬瓜保留冬瓜皮、瓜瓤和瓜仁,洗淨切件;白朮、陳皮和豬分別用清水洗淨。
    ② 水滾後,放入所有材料,滾起轉中火繼續煲兩小時,加鹽調味即可。 ####






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    「秋葵在香港不普遍,為何揀它做食材?」名廚Jacky Yu問。
    Jacky和煤氣烹飪中心導師Ben Cheung替我們以秋葵弄了兩道菜,有冷有熱。超市和街市處處見秋葵,記緊別到藥房混吉,笑大人個口!
    西式 胡麻醬秋葵沙律
    材料 ○大牛茄1個 ○秋葵45g ○龍芽沙律菜20g ○胡麻醬2湯匙 ○黑、白芝麻少許



    Ben Cheung .煤氣烹飪中心導師。 .入廚經驗超過20年。 .接受正統西廚訓練,曾任職酒店,精通中、西、意、地中海等菜式。
    泰式 秋葵火鴨紅咖喱
    材料 ○燒鴨半隻(斬件起骨並切成適當大小) ○秋葵10條約80g(切半) ○鮮菠蘿1/4個(去芯並切成適當大小) ○荔枝6-8粒(去核) ○泰國紅咖喱膏120g ○椰汁850ml ○蒜頭40g(拍鬆) ○芫荽頭50g ○乾葱20g(切片) ○檸檬葉8g(用手搓碎 ) ○金不換50g(只取嫩葉) ○雞湯350ml ○香茅40g(只取頭莖並拍鬆) ○魚露25g ○砂糖40g

    做法 ○鍋中倒入椰汁,放入蒜頭、芫荽頭、檸檬葉、香茅,以小火煮至微滾,令椰汁吸收香料的味道,30分鐘後用篩隔起香料,丟掉。 ○鑊中燒熱油約3湯匙,先炒香乾葱,至散發香氣及開始焦黃,再下紅咖喱膏炒香,逐少倒入椰汁,邊倒邊攪拌,下魚露及砂糖調味成紅咖喱汁。 貼士 煮椰汁時一定要用細火,讓椰汁維持在微微滾的狀態,若火太大將椰汁煮滾便會起粒,影響咖喱汁的效果。


    Jacky Yu 本身從事廣告創作,因接觸食物廣告而愛上烹飪,當上私房菜「囍宴」的創作主廚。 ####


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    Gitzel Giuliette Care

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銀耳紅棗湯之夜 嚴浩

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    台灣有一位叫司馬中原的作家,寫過很多以鄉野傳奇為情節的小說,我很愛看,那些匿藏在遙遠的炊煙下的故事,真真假假恍恍惚惚的,把人聽得汗毛都豎起 來,有時候,故事的後面好像還想講出一個說不出的道理。我外母也擅長講這類故事,前兩天,夏至後的一個晚上,她幫我們做了一個銀耳紅棗湯,然後又開講了:

    我 的啟蒙小學校,其實是一間廟子,叫龍洞庵。庵,應該是尼姑住的地方,不知到從甚麼時候,換成了和尚修練的地方了。龍洞庵有兩個和尚,老者叫唐和尚,年輕的 叫任和尚,老和尚不大與人說話,更不與女人說話,倒是任和尚最善交往。廟裏的樑、柱都是馬桑木做成的,那個時候的馬桑樹有現在的黃柏樹大,而現在的馬桑樹 既長不高也長不大,成了低矮的灌木,長不成材了。這個原因,傳說是被神仙下了咒語:「馬桑樹兒長不高,一長長個爬腰腰!」腰都「爬」着長,能高嗎?

    龍 洞庵中那些橫着的樑、豎着的柱上面都雕龍畫鳳、刻着古代的神話傳說,顏色漂亮文化厚重。我們教室的下面第二層是二佛殿,再沿階梯往下,第一層是大佛殿,金 碧輝煌很是氣派,菩薩都是慈眉善目,逢趕廟會很是熱鬧。突然,在63年或64年的一個夜晚,我已經縮到被窩裏,聽大人們說要去打「老爺」——打龍洞庵的菩 薩,我記得當時心裏還在想:「是打老爺的手呢?還是腳呢?」那個晚上以後,龍洞庵變成千瘡百孔、滿目瘡痍,從此再也看不到原來金碧輝煌的佛殿和菩薩,聞不 到香紙味、聽不到木魚和敲鐘聲。

    過了幾天我聽見母親悄悄和家人說:打老爺最積極的是「李開用」兩口子,李開用尖嘴 猴臉,一頭的癩禿瘡,誰要是不聽指揮,他就把禿痂腦殼湊別人的嘴上、臉上去蹭那噁心的癩禿痂痂;他老婆是麻子,他們家小孩也是禿子,村民們背地裏都說他們 一家人是一輩禿、輩輩禿。壞事做多了、要遭報應,果然兩年不到,李開用兩口子拌嘴後出手打架,居然拉拉扯扯的到離家百米之外的堰塘上,夫妻雙雙跳下去淹死 了。撇下孤兒和年老的父母,這一家子多造孽。

    癩禿瘡就是癩頭瘡,這個李開用是個鄉村小幹部吧?誰不聽指揮,他就把 頭上的膿瘡瞄準對方的嘴上和臉上去蹭!這樣的人物含義很深,而下場也撲朔迷離,大快人心,典型的鄉野故事。龍洞庵是外母的啟蒙地,後來外母又回去為不識字 的村民上掃盲課。她說:「多少次夢回過龍洞庵,忘不了那裏的人和事,忘不了那金碧輝煌的寶殿,還有那一棵三人也難圍抱住的桂花神樹。」 銀耳紅棗湯吃出味道來了。 這個湯很適合夏天,清熱解暑,老少咸宜。

    白木耳泡水一個下午,剪去硬邊。 紅棗去核泡溫水20分鐘。 放八碗水,與木耳同煮2小時。 最後加冰糖。

    嚴浩 柏林影展、香港電影節、東京國際電影節、台灣金馬獎最佳導演,新作為《浮城》。 近年努力鑽研民間療法,著有《嚴浩特選秘方集》,銷量達十萬本。 ####

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立夏吃雞蛋 嚴浩

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    五月初的時候,我們小花園中的植物瘋長,有一叢紫竹的根不知道甚麼時候在地底下潛行了兩米,繞過了水龍頭,又在一個晚上之間冒出地面,往上抽長了起 碼兩米。原來是立夏了。怪不得立夏的時候要吃筍,原來這時候的筍長得飛快。我老婆在立夏這一天要家人都吃蛋,說是對心臟好,立夏吃蛋還是一個民俗,這一天 的蛋叫囫圇蛋,勉強翻譯,就是「沒頭沒腦的一整個蛋」,很形象很可愛。從前在農村,每逢立夏的中午,家家戶戶就要做好一個沒有裂縫的連殼蛋,套在媽媽編織 的絲網袋裏,孩子們把蛋掛在頸上,伸長了脖子「鬥蛋」。

    「鬥蛋」也有規矩,必須蛋頭鬥蛋頭,蛋尾鬥蛋尾,把一條村 的蛋都打遍了還不裂的,就是大王,如果是用蛋尾鬥贏的,就是小王。我老婆還在紅米中加了糯米,鬆鬆軟軟的,很好吃,本來還要摻豌豆的,不過懶得去買就算 了,這些都是立夏傳統吃的食物。現在回想起來,雖然城市人已經對「立夏」沒有甚麼認識,還是應該不厭其煩地去把應該買的都買齊,煮好以後都放在飯桌上,一 家人高高興興地過一個「立夏節」,等於賺了一個開心快樂。生活就是這樣,你花一點心思,平常的一天就成了一個節,你蒙起腦袋過一天算一天,結果就好像每天 都活在一個無形的蛋殼裏,沒頭沒腦的,就是一個囫圇蛋。

    立夏還有好玩的,在我們江浙一帶,午飯後,還有秤人的習 俗,這一天,大木秤放在曬場上,秤鈎上掛着一條麻繩,麻繩綁了一把櫈子,大家輪流坐到櫈子上面秤,司秤人一面打秤花,一面講着吉利話。秤老人要說「秤花八 十七,活到九十一」。秤小孩則說「秤花一打二十三,小官人長大會出山,七品縣官勿犯難,三公九卿也好攀」,就是說,長大以後,做個七品縣官是小菜一碟,做 三公九卿也不出奇。秤姑娘說「一百零五斤,員外人家找上門,勿肯勿肯偏勿肯,狀元公子有緣分」。員外就是有錢佬的意思,一百零五斤的小姐姑娘一定是身材苗 條、S型的吧,但即便有錢佬找上門,也寧可不嫁,要嫁給狀元公子讀書人! 從前的立夏秤人還有一個原因,那時候沒有甚麼機會量體重,一年秤一次體重,就在立夏這一天。我們小時候家裏也沒有秤,只有去看醫生的時候才有機會量體重, 要到了唸中學的時候,市面才有家用的體重磅。

    類似這樣的民俗,香港還剩下一個活化石,就是灣仔天橋下面的打小人,直到今天,去打小人的客人還是絡繹不絕,如果在打小人旁邊架起一把大木秤就更好玩了! 香港的糖水店還能吃到傳統的桑寄生雞蛋茶,這東西補肝腎、強筋骨、除風濕、益血、安胎、除腳氣、治胎漏血崩、產後乳汁不下。還可以降壓、利尿、抗腫瘤、鎮靜、抗心律失常。

    材料:桑寄生15克(中藥店有售)、雞蛋2個、紅糖適量。 製法:洗淨後,一起下砂鍋,加入清水兩碗半,大火煮滾,轉中火至蛋熟,大概需要4 分鐘,取出蛋,放置冷水中大約五秒鐘,去殼再下鍋裏,前後共煮25分鐘,下紅糖調味。可以隨意加入紅棗。

    嚴浩 柏林影展、香港電影節、東京國際電影節、台灣金馬獎最佳導演,新作為《浮城》。 近年努力鑽研民間療法,著有《嚴浩特選秘方集》,銷量達十萬本。 ####

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別開生面瓤藕片 唯靈

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蓮藕入饌除了煲豬踭肉、牛白腩、炆鴨、炒藕片、煎藕餅之外,順德人更有「魚青瓤藕片」別樹一幟清鮮可喜。 一條藕有三截,頭度細長稱為「藕筒」,二三度肥壯叫「藕瓜」,前者爽脆後者較硬。 八十年代出版的《順德菜精選》有載:


1. 把臘腸、冬菇均切幼粒,加入魚青膠拌勻。
2. 將藕洗淨去節,刨去薄皮,橫切成約1.3厘米厚的圓形件,用沸水加鹽滾過,撈起,用潔淨布吸乾水分,孔內壁塗上薄乾生粉,把魚青膠釀入藕孔內,抹平,再用蛋清掃滑,放在塗了油的碟上,入籠猛火蒸熟,取出去水。
 3. 燒鑊下油,放下薑葱米,注入上湯,酹下麻油,濺酒,調味,撒上胡椒粉,用濕生粉勾稀薄芡,加包尾油和勻,淋上藕面,放上芫荽葉設色。


藕片除了用生料之外,更可以用煲過豬踭湯或炆過牛白腩的熟藕片來瓤魚青膠,口感鬆酥,更適合老人家口味。 臘腸過造之時可以火腿茸代替甚至免掉亦無不可。
洋名William。香港著名食家、酒評家,縱橫本地食壇數十載,對傳統菜式所知甚詳。 近作有《唯靈食趣》、《食德是福》。 ####







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「紅狗豆漿」的故事 紅棗枸杞豆漿 嚴浩

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「紅狗豆漿」,其實應該是「紅枸豆漿」,紅棗枸杞豆漿的意思。這是我外母教的,她在我家做這個「紅枸豆漿」的時候,講了一個有關她的二舅爺的故事, 二舅爺住在四川的一個大山裏,會巫術,如果你在做豆漿的時候得罪了他,他一念咒,「紅枸豆漿」就成了「紅狗豆漿」:一鍋豆渣湯。念咒,當地叫「枷」。下面 是外母講的真實的經歷:

「二舅爺是我生母的親二舅,母親常說,『拉住舅舅的手、聞到母親的香』。小時候,大人要我 叫他二爺,二爺高個子,高鼻樑,臉部輪廓分明,當時,家裏除我外公是教書先生外,就二爺是個有文化的人了。二爺的文化愛用於歪門邪道,不知道他搞的啥邪門 咒語,村子的人說他會『枷』,烹調時被『枷』了,推磨的推不出漿粉,把磨齒給冷住,米飯饅頭蒸不熟,做豆腐、涼粉、豆漿””他用法術會給整成一鍋湯。」 磨齒給冷住,就是兩片磨上下黏住推不動了。外母說,其實是水加的不夠,但是村裏的人都習慣了說是二爺在搗鬼。連二爺的媽都害怕二爺搗鬼,每逢做饅頭包子、 做好吃的東西,都要在灶門上、在蒸籠上用菜刀來回劃叉,口裏還要念念有詞,這時候,如果二爺真的下過「枷」,「枷」被人解了,他自己當場肚子會疼。但是外 母說,她小時候見過煮不熟飯的廚子急得團團轉,倒沒有看見過二爺喊肚子疼,可見二爺的法術厲害。

我在廚房裏聽得津津有味,外母說的經歷,是《哈利波特》的真人版。 外母繼續說:「二爺很疼愛我,我也愛他。二爺享年剛過花甲,我的印象他已是又老又瘦。二爺嚥氣前,我為他理髮整容,二爺死了,我父親為他淨身穿衣,他一身乾淨整齊的長衫,面容安詳地上路。」 我眼中出現了電影《禮儀師》的場面,在我們生活的城市中,這種親人之間的情都被淡化了。 「二爺走後再沒人懂『枷』了,再沒聽說過蒸不熟饅頭包子、煮不熟飯、磨不出豆漿、做不出豆腐的事情。很多事情後來的人都不會知道了。從我們那個年代過來的人,很多往事也忘記了,但我會記住二爺的。」 外母說,農村還有人會『枷』,她姪女的父親就會,只要有人到她們的魚塘偷魚,他父親只要在塘邊轉一圈,保證魚兒不上鈎,讓小偷空着笆籬回家。 外母說完現代版的《哈利波特》,「紅枸豆漿」已經做好了,真好吃,絕對不是「紅狗豆漿」。

黃豆一把,大約50克,紅棗、枸杞大約各20克。 1. 把黃豆泡在清水中一個晚上。 2. 將泡好的黃豆加入適量清水,用攪拌機攪拌,黃豆打磨得愈細滑愈好。 3. 將豆漿從攪拌機中倒出,用紗布袋過濾。 4. 把枸杞和去核的紅棗放進濾渣後的豆漿中,中火煮滾後,用小火慢慢煲十五分鐘。

如果不過濾豆漿,連渣一起熬煮、飲用,豆漿的營養會更豐富。 「紅枸豆漿」喝了幾天以後,臉色紅紅潤潤的。
柏林影展、香港電影節、東京國際電影節、台灣金馬獎最佳導演,新作為《浮城》。 近年努力鑽研民間療法,著有《嚴浩特選秘方集》,銷量達十萬本。 ####

Gitzel Giuliette Care

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Modern Civilization, Modern People, and Modern Diseases

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Modern science strongly influences people. Today, people enjoy modern civilization while suffering from new diseases. The basis of modern science is direct observation. Founded on tangible objects that we can see, modern science applies qualitative and quantitative methods of examination.

As advanced as we are today, if we calmly look at the history of human civilization, objectively analyze archaeological discoveries, and carefully reconsider the unknown phenomena, we will conclude that the present-day scientific research is only one of many possible paths of exploration.

It is a fallacy to believe that ours is the only human civilization that ever existed. Many discoveries have demonstrated that other prehistoric civilizations existed. To more thoroughly explore and understand our surroundings and the universe in which we live, we must acknowledge that other scientific methods exist, probably completely different from our own.

If we stubbornly reject other possible methods, we are allowing our emotions to restrict us rather than having a truly scientific mindset. If we break through our postnatally acquired notions, concepts, and conditioning, we will surely find a more evolved science.

Modern science furthers the destruction and pollution of our living environment and helps poison our bodies. In return, it gives people short-term pleasure. The inventions of modern science teach people to struggle for material goods, which they pursue for indulging themselves.

Some people say that our lives are so much better than those of ancient people. It seems that we cannot fathom that people were happy in ancient times.

Actually, ancient people were happy. Ancient people were attuned to nature—the green mountains, the blue water, flying birds, and white clouds. They were carefree. They experienced a kind of liberation, existing in a realm in which one is attuned with heaven’s plan.

That was real happiness—deep, continuous, peaceful, and comfortable. Such happiness solidly nurtures one’s heart and body.

But modern people struggle painfully, stay busy, and never enjoy the happiness of reaching the other side of the mountain. Many modern people have lost human virtue, including prudence, diligence, tolerance, peacefulness, and courtesy.

The five flavors must be balanced; one cannot get attached to any single one.

In modern civilization, human beings have been weighed down with increasing numbers of modern diseases. How do we approach this issue? Only by letting go of attachments to modern science and modern civilization will we be able to understand and solve the problem.

Imbalances in Yin and Yang

Ancient Chinese culture believed that the interaction between yin and yang created the universe and all matter.

The movement of the universe, including all matter, follows the rule of mutual-generation and the balance of yin and yang. The human body is a small universe. While it has its own pattern of movement, it is also related to the entire universe.

The ancients had many sayings that were meant to instruct people about the relationship between fostering life and the changes of the seasons. Here are a few of the sayings:

• Man follows heaven and earth and harmonizes with the sun and moon.
• Follow nature, prevent evil qi from entering from the outside, nurture yang in the spring and summer, and nurture yin in the autumn and winter.
• It harms the liver if one opposes the qi of spring, harms the heart if one opposes the qi of summer, harms the lungs if one opposes the qi of autumn, and harms the kidney if one opposes the qi of winter.

Life must be orderly and in harmony with the changes of yin and yang every single moment.
The ancients also said that a person who gathers the qi of yang should spend his time outdoors during the day. As the sun rises in the morning, qi appears. Qi is at its height at noon and fades out in the afternoon.

The qi gate is closed after dark, so one should not be active and disturb the tendons and bones after sunset. If one reverses this time schedule, one’s body will suffer.

It is clear that if one’s activities are against the laws of the seasons and the yin and yang of the day, the human body will be in turmoil. The result is an imbalance of qi and blood and may result in illness. Aren’t today’s nightlife and other pleasures all out of harmony with the changes of yin and yang in the universe?

The ancients said that most illnesses are caused by being alert in the early morning, drowsy during the day, stimulated in the late afternoon, and active at night.

This means that one’s symptoms have a certain relationship with the changes of yin and yang. Many people have experienced this, which is also confirmed by modern medicine .
The ancients knew the Dao, followed yin and yang, and abided by metaphysical rules. They were restrained in their eating habits, awoke and slept regularly, and never strained themselves in their work. They lived their lives to the predestined time, frequently living more than 100 years.

Many of today’s people are different. They drink alcohol and indulge themselves in abnormal activities. When they are drunk, they exhaust their vital energy.

People do not know how to preserve their vital energy and do not organize their time sufficiently to conserve energy. Many people only care about indulging in pleasure. They have ups and downs, and their behavior is erratic. This is why many people begin to weaken in their 50s.

Ancient people believed that the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth compose all matter in the universe, including that of the physical body.

Ancient people believed that the five flavors must be balanced, and one cannot get attached to any single one. The five grains provide the main nutrients. The five fruits provide assistance. The five types of livestock provide benefits. The five vegetables provide supplements.

This means that the body needs to be fed a balance of nutrients, and one should not favor one particular food.

If any of the five flavors are not balanced, it will cause a certain ailment. If one eats too much salty food, the pulse will be blocked, and one’s complexion will change.

If one eats too much bitter food, the skin will be withered, and the hair will fall out. If one eats too much spicy food, the tendons will protrude and the hands will atrophy.

If one eats too much sour food, the muscles will waste away, and the lips will become pale. If one eats too much sweet food, the bones will ache, and hair will fall out.

Nowadays, people emphasize a balanced diet, but the food they take in is already imbalanced. For example, ancient people talked about the five grains: wheat, broomcorn, millet, rice, and beans. How many people today can find all five of these grains? Actually, the five flavors mentioned by ancient people were a basic concept for ancient nutritional science. Its concepts are much broader than those of today’s nutritional science.

Modern nutritional science understands that there are more than 20 nutritional elements, many vitamins, trace elements, protein, calcium, phosphate, and so on. Actually, the composition of lives in the universe is very complicated and is not as simple as what is known by modern science.

Modern nutritional science refers to unidentified nutritional elements as unknown factors. There are many unknown nutritional factors. It is believed that a number of physical symptoms are caused by an imbalanced diet. Simply supplementing with certain nutrients, such as calcium, zinc, or the like, cannot cure them.

Ancient people believed that the human body constitutes a universe. From the macroscopic perspective, we can understand and deal with the human body based on yin, yang, and the five elements.
We can explain the physical phenomena of our body based on the movements of qi, blood, and energy channels, as well as the interaction between the five elements and the balance of yin and yang.

Ancient Chinese medical treatments did not target surface phenomena, but rather the mechanisms at a deeper level of the human body. This is truly scientific.

Modern medical science knows that the human body is a very complicated system, but it only studies the surface and the associated phenomena. Its understanding of the human body is discrete and superficial. Its treatments are also very direct and shallow.

Because it targets the surface, the effects are seen on the surface and easily accepted by people. But it cannot cure the root causes of illnesses.

In modern society, everything focuses on productivity and efficiency. In agriculture, there are many new hybrid crops and livestock. These usually have a short life cycle and grow very fast. Both crops and livestock are mass-produced.

Based on traditional views, crops and livestock grown in such a way surely did not absorb enough essence of heaven and earth. If you analyze their protein and energy levels, you might find they are not low. But they all have imbalanced “five flavors.” When people eat such foods, they will be unbalanced in “five flavors.”

 People often say that free-range chicken is tasty and rich in nutrition. Industrially produced crops or livestock are all distorted.

Based on the principle of “mutual generation and mutual inhibition,” with accelerated growth, other properties, such as nutrition, must decline. Thus the nutritional level and overall quality of such food can never match that of naturally produced food. As the cycle of mass production continues, the differences will become even greater.

Similarly, cultured ginseng can never be compared to natural ginseng. If people continue to eat artificially engineered foods, what will be the consequences?

From the beginning of the industrial revolution, human beings have accelerated the destruction of the environment. Since drilling for and utilizing petroleum, humanity set about destroying and polluting the environment in earnest.

In the past, people stored things in vats, wooden containers, and willow and bamboo baskets. Vats are made from heating molded clay and do not pollute the environment. Wood, willow, and bamboo do not pollute the environment either since they grow naturally and will return to the earth when they are no longer needed.

But today, plastic products are very popular. Plastic boxes, bags, and wraps are chemical products and do not disintegrate easily. The residues of waste oil from machines, petroleum products, and detergents pollute the natural environment because they do not naturally disintegrate. These chemical products seriously pollute the water, earth, and air.

Animals and plants ingest pollutants. Additionally, man cuts down trees and damages plants, seriously hurting the environment. Consequently, countless animal and plant species are vanishing rapidly from the earth. The speed is quite amazing.

Those large animals and humans that are able to adapt to the polluted environment are unable to perceive the changes in themselves. But the poisons ingested into their bodies can be debilitating.

Some of these changes have been observed through scientific tests, but most of them cannot be found with today’s scientific tools. People are unable to comprehend the devastating effect of foreign chemicals in their bodies and how they will affect their bodies.

However, we can be certain that daily use of chemicals that we believe to be beneficial will have a harmful effect on the environment and the human body in the long run. We just cannot recognize all the harmful effects at this time.

Medicine: 30 Percent Poison

There is a Chinese saying that medicine is 30 percent poison. It is obvious that certain chemical combinations in medicines are known to medical science to have a negative long-term effect on the body.

Humans also eat food, meat, and eggs that contain large quantities of residue from fertilizers, farm chemicals, and hormones. Aren’t they harmful to the body?

 It is very difficult for nature to accept, break down, and absorb artificially produced products. These things start to pile up in nature and continuously harm not only the human body, but also everything in the environment.

Many illnesses have been found to be the result of such pollution. For example, several decades ago, a strange disease was discovered in Japan. Finally, the source of the disease was found to be fish from a polluted river.

In ancient medicine, this kind of situation is classified as a poisonous invasion.

Gitzel Giuliette Care

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四豆飲與感冒 嚴浩

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我小時候容易得感冒,每次都發高燒,高燒的時候昏昏迷迷,覺得彷彿陷在了一團滾燙的軟泥上,這團泥還會上下的拋動,就這樣斷斷續續的拋幾天,從最後 的一團燙軟泥中醒來以後,人就突然精神了。有一次從這樣的一團燙軟泥中醒來,看見自己睡在一個高低床的下床, 透過蚊帳能看見暗黃的燈光,我哥哥坐在燈光下背着我做功課,我母親疲乏地坐在床邊,不知道已經坐了多久,看見我醒過來,她有些擔心,又有些欣慰,還記得當 時我對她說:我覺得好像在個浪上,拋上又拋下。她點點頭,我醒過來了,這就好了。

感冒發燒原來是好的,發燒可以提 升免疫系統的效能,大量服用退燒藥反而會降低免疫力,使病毒更不易被殺死。90%以上的發燒是病毒感染,只有很少是細菌感染、或其他疾病引起的發燒。病毒 感染發燒大部分在3-5天內自然退燒。病毒沒有特效藥,大部分也沒有抗病毒藥物,等身體產生抗體之後自然會退燒。 孩子出牙不會引起發燒。發燒也絕對不會燒壞腦,這是對發燒的一個很大的理解誤區。只有約4%的孩子在發燒時會有抽筋的現象,那是因為個人的體質,不是每一 個人必然的。即使孩子抽筋,只要抽搐時間在數分鐘內,也不會造成腦部傷害。發燒會燒壞腦袋,是因為腦炎、痲疹,是因為腦炎才壞了腦袋,不是因為發燒。一個 肺炎的孩子發燒再怎麼高,也不會壞了腦袋;反之,一個腦炎的孩子不用發燒太高,腦袋也有危險。去找引起發燒的原因才是重點,退燒絕對不是必要的選項。

春 天最易得感冒,有頭暈、眼睛怕光、脹痛的症狀,懶懶的,然後會發燒,甚至抽筋。春天感冒,第一要點:切忌用散風藥、與清熱藥。我在專欄中介紹過醫聖彭子益 開的四豆飲,以下再寫一次: 黃豆20粒,黑豆、綠豆、白飯豆各15粒煎服(白飯豆,大大的很白,也叫白芸豆)。 多放水,煮到稀爛,取濃湯溫服。隨煎隨服,不可放涼或隔夜。這個劑量是給小孩吃的。尿量多、出汗的兒童,不用加白飯豆。這個四豆湯還專門治猩紅熱。得了猩 紅熱,孩子會嗜睡、不想吃東西、咳嗽、打噴嚏、目紅含淚、睜不開眼、想吐、咽喉痛、拉肚子、小便多。醫聖彭子益說:「猩紅熱用四豆飲,自病初起以至復原, 皆用此方,有百益而無一害」。

如小便短少,是因為脾濕。四豆飲除去黑豆、綠豆、白飯豆,單用黃豆六十粒,加淮山二錢。 如仍小便短少,是不只脾濕,且兼腎虛,除去黑豆、綠豆、白飯豆之後,用黃豆六十粒,加淮山二錢,巴戟天五分,以溫補腎氣。 因過量使用消炎藥物和抗生素,導致出現低燒,昏迷不醒,小便短少,吐瀉、四肢冷,在四豆飲中,加入巴戟天2克。只要小便數量增多,就是好轉的迹象。 大人在這個分量上加倍。

嚴浩 柏林影展、香港電影節、東京國際電影節、台灣金馬獎最佳導演,新作為《浮城》。 近年努力鑽研民間療法,著有《嚴浩特選秘方集》,銷量達十萬本。 ####

Gitzel Giuliette Care